[Miracle], the ultimate weapon for mortals to kill gods.

Ikuno listened to his mentor say this, he didn't expect that the question he had been wondering about would get the answer in such a simple way.

As long as they possess [miracles], mortals can hunt gods.

But miracles are very short-lived, and it is precisely in order to retain this brief moment that there is a "wonder", freezing the "miracle" and waiting for the moment when it is truly released.

It is not surprising that Guy Elvis can know this, he once prepared to build a spectacle with his teacher Cole, although this event ended in failure, but this experience is obviously a major turning point in Guy's life, and he has been exposed to a lot of secret information.

Although Ikuno does not know why this construction of the wonder failed, he will not continue to explore this secret.

But think about it, since you want to create a spectacle, then the indispensable main material of the spectacle "miracle power" must have, otherwise take the head to create a spectacle? That's when Guy knew about it.

If it weren't for Yuye's talent for upgrading the relevant content this time, sooner or later he would have known the power of [Miracle], otherwise according to the secrecy matter, it would be absolutely impossible for Guy to reveal the secret of this level to a mere existence of only the second order.

In fact, the word "miracle" is not the first time Ikuno has heard it.

When Wang Zhaojun saw the birth of [Tower of Fire Thieves], he once let out a sigh - "This is the power of miracles, it turns out to be you..." (see 0130

) Ikuno thought at the time that this was a casual exclamation after she saw [Chaos Tinder Angela].

Now that I think about it, I find a different kind of deep meaning.

In the setting of the king, one of the key points of the struggle between the various forces is the miracle and the root.

And the power of miracles not only casts [Great Wall], [East Wind Altar], [Tower of Sun] and other wonders, but also gives great power to different people, and they are called - [Heroes]!

So, [the hero] himself is the one who creates the "miracle"!

In the Haidu chapter, twenty-two Alcana families murder the gods and steal their powers, at the cost that the members of these families are all cursed and forced to suffer some terrible pollution in the years to come.

Compare the story with the boundless plane.

God – capable of creating curses, pollution.

Miracles – capable of shaping spectacle.

Man - able to kill the gods by the power of the miracle of stealing.

This backstory coincides with many things in the boundless plane, so that Ikuno can no longer ignore its existence.

But in some places, there are obvious differences between the two, such as when the [miracle] of the boundless plane is not "frozen" in the spectacle, the survival time is short, while the miracle in the story can be preserved for a long time, and even be fought for, stolen, and passed on by the family's bloodline like an item.

For example, the function and utility of miracles are also different in description.

So can you find the truth about some things in the boundless plane from these stories?

Although there is no clear evidence, Ikuno thinks that it should be possible, and after diving into it, maybe he can get answers to something.

Only at this moment did Yuye deeply understand the various relationships in this world.

It is by no means like the high-level martial world that Ikuno imagined, relying on high personalities to crush everything, it will have [mysterious] to invalidate all rules, and reduce transcendent beings of any rank to the highest level of mysteries; There will also be [miracles], the ultimate weapon that even the gods kill, but this weapon may also be born in the body of any ordinary living being, then....

As one of the three great forces [fantasy], what kind of ability does it have?

Ikuno naturally thought of the various NPCs conjured up by his talent [Architectural Mutation], all of which were important characters in the game he played in the Blue Star era, and when [Architectural Mutation] was upgraded to S rank, this talent could probably conjure a one-time building with three abilities: [Mysterious], [Miracle], and [Fantasy].

That proves that the talent itself carries a part of these three powers, so [Architectural Mutation] can summon NPCs when A and so on, which may be some kind of manifestation of the [fantasy] power in this talent.

Some overlap between the story of the king and the boundless plane comes to mind.

Perhaps it is precisely because of these similarities that the laws of matter of Blue Star are intertwined with the extraordinary laws of the boundless plane, resulting in peculiar products such as NPCs.

Just as Yuye was waiting for Yuye to continue to ponder, Guy suddenly interjected, "Today, in addition to bringing me the S-rank Talent Advancement Scroll, that friend of mine also brought me news.

Yu Ye was stunned, and did not react for a while: "What news?" "

Thanks to your opinion letter on reforming the ladder, now whether it is the [Battle Lord's Section] or the [Leader's Block], the [Void Realm Battle] is extremely hot, and the more matches, the more insights you get, and many people have improved a lot."

"And because the S1 season is the initial season, I want to get off to a good start, so I decided to give rewards to those players who are finally listed at the end of the season!"

"Among them, you want two copies of [SS Tier Talent Advancement Scroll]! One for the [Lords] section and one for the [Lords] section.

"That's one of the top three rewards!" Very precious!

As for how to get the rewards, Guy explained in detail: "The top three are actually a total of three rewards, and everyone can choose the same and choose according to the ranking, that is, if you want to get [SS Tier Talent Upgrade Scroll] 100%, it is best to get the first place, so that you have a 100% probability of getting it." Otherwise, if you are preempted by others, you will have no place to cry! "

[SS Tier Talent Advancement Scroll] The entire Human Alliance is productive!"

"The future S2 and S3 seasons will be regular seasons, so there will be no such rewards! Don't miss the chance!

Yuye's heart was immediately moved, his eyes were instantly red, and his whole body began to exude an inexplicable murderous aura, like a bullfighter who was always ready to duel with people.

"Don't think about the one in the battle rank, you on the lord's side can work hard, it's best to create a self-built genre and hang them." Guy said with relief.

[Architect] Players are niche professions, and it makes sense to create their own genre to play games, right?

It's all about using your own talents and skills!

Yuye shook his head, his eyes flashed, and replied in a tough tone: "There are still two months until the end of the season, that's enough!"

"Who said I'm only going to take one scroll?" Children only make choices, I want both! "

Mentor, have you forgotten the combat skill [Building Armament] I created?"

"[Architect] is a combat profession!"

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