Redesigning the star power circuits of hundreds of contract-type buildings with the microscopic ideas of [forgers] is a big project.

Although [Forger] and [Architect] have some similarities, Ikuno still has to learn from scratch in some aspects.

This means that he has to join the [Obscure Library] again to brush the night cultivation.

Fortunately, with the foundation of [Architect] in his body, when Ikuno learned [Forger's] knowledge of "Star Power Building", he did not feel the difficulty of the initial study.

In addition to the overlapping "knowledge" of the two extraordinary professions, Ikuno also dabbled a little about [forger] material selection, melting, forging, quenching, condensation, and so on.

He never forgot his vision of the spectacle [The Great Wall].

If you really want to build the [Great Wall], it will not be easy for all the people who recognize Huaxia to forge a [city brick] by themselves.

Not to mention that the cultivation talent of the local lords is not as high as that of Blue Star, and the star power is also extremely thin, the inheritance of [forgers] as a niche profession, it is impossible for all the lords to learn it.

You have to find a unique casting method to achieve Ukuno's purpose!

Yuye collected a lot of information from the Dawning System, but he was never able to find a large number of smelting methods from the Terrans that ordinary Terrans could use.

This is not searched with his own permissions, but with Guy's dawn level!

Speaking of which, Guy's original Dawn permission was lv.83, and after passing through the "Super Shengde" incident, his permission has jumped to lv90.

This is only the beginning, if Guy makes the upgrade plan of the core buildings of "Super Shengde", Guy's authority will still have a chance to rise.

But even the permissions of LV.90 could not find the relevant knowledge, and Ikuno did not hold out any hope.

Maybe there is such a method, but when Ikuno's own dawn permission reaches lv.90 or above, then I don't know the Year of the Monkey.

As for using the teacher's account in the future....

Then it would have to be better than whether Guy had a longer lifespan or whether Ikuno gave him elevated privileges.

Ikuno didn't hold out much hope for this.

But in the realm of heavy mountains and rivers, he instead discovered a forging method that was more in line with Yuye's expectations from a branch race of the undead race called [Heart Fire Forgers]-

Heart Forging Method!

This is a unique skill of the clan, and all the artifacts they forge are forged by the "Heart Fire".

Although "Heart Fire" has "fire" in its name, it is a solid spiritual power, and any ordinary person has spiritual power, but the difference in strength is only weak.

According to the description in the data, the "object" tempered by the heart forging method, the star power circuit engraved on it, is all made by the heart, which is very magical.

This way of using energy is very similar to the ability of the demon race. Therefore, there are also many people who suspect that [Heart Fire Forger] was a branch of a high demon before it was transformed into an undead, but this conjecture has never been confirmed.

For this unique ability, Yuye is very hot, and this is also the most suitable forging method for building [Great Wall City Bricks] that he can find at present.

[The Great Wall] is originally the spiritual core of China, forging city bricks with heart fire, then the nature of building this civilization wonder also contains the beautiful vision of every Chinese people.

However, after all, the heart forging method is the exclusive ability of [Heart Fire Forging Soul Maker], and although the Terrans can't learn it, they can be transformed and borrowed.

So the question is, where to get some [Heart Fire Forgers] to transform it?

During the time that Ikuno was studying, Guy had good news, and the S-rank talent promotion scroll that he had promised Uno had finally arrived.

As a teacher, what he promised his students was finally completed.

The translation is: the cowhide that was blown back then has finally paid off.

Ikuno took the scroll, and without much hesitation, he gave his first day [Architectural Mutation] a promotion.

A dazzling white light flashed, A class talent [architectural abnormality].

[Building Mutation(S)]: This talent can randomly transform buildings into new functions, and the higher the building, the lower the probability of success. The power of the Tier 1 building transformation is 100%.

(New: This talent mutation has a very low and very low chance of mutating into an extraordinary building with any of the three powers of

[Mysterious], [Miracle], and [Fantasy]) (New: Extraordinary buildings with [Mysterious], [Miracle], and [Fantasy] powers will only be used once, and will be destroyed after using it once)

Uno was slightly puzzled when he saw this brand new [Building Mutation] that had risen to the S rank.

He originally thought that after this talent was upgraded, he would increase the probability of high-quality buildings, or make his transformation in Tier 2 buildings have a 100% success rate.

But he never imagined that it would be such a way to change.

Look at the description of this talent.

Once his own mutation was up to the sky, he could only transform into "legendary" quality buildings, but now he has three options with extremely low probability, but more bullish walls -

[mysterious], [miracle], [fantasy].

When Ikuno showed this talent to Guy, he was still immersed in the talent promotion, and he did not notice a trace of doubt that suddenly flashed on his teacher's face.

"Teacher, [Mystery] is probably something similar I saw from that 'hysterical alchemist's rhapsody notes'?"

"And what is this [miracle], [fantasy] power?"

Ikuno frowned and pondered.

After hesitating repeatedly, Guy spoke gently: "I don't know what kind of power [fantasy] is, I have never heard of it for a thousand years before, let alone seen it.

"But I did hear something about [miracles] from my teacher Cole."

"I know you've always had a desire to create wonders and make [the Great Wall] in your hometown a real spectacle."

"I didn't tell you before, I didn't want to undermine the confidence you created. The construction of spectacle is actually not as easy as you think. "

Spectacle is [miracle] solidified in extraordinary architecture."

"And [miracles] are forces that can reverse everything, transcend everything, and turn the impossible into possible."

"It is briefly brilliant like fireworks, fleeting, and the world only knows its existence, but it is almost impossible to see it."

"An ordinary person who possesses it may also exert more powerful and incredible powers than the transcendent."

"Two strangers who cross countless barriers in the boundless plane and come together to become lovers to death, then love is a miracle."

"In countless barren planes, suddenly there is an inconspicuous small plane, and with the germination of seeds, then the birth of life is also a miracle."

"At the moment of crisis and despair, if someone fights rape with weakness, is not afraid of sacrifice, and finally wins the battle, then it is also a miracle to win the strong with weakness."

"It is the ultimate weapon for mortals to kill God."

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