Ikuno encountered technical difficulties.

For three days, there was no progress, and this was the first time he had encountered such a situation since he stepped into the field of [architects].

In the past three days, in order to solve this technical problem, Ikuno even achieved the strange achievement of [First All-night Study in Another World].

In the "9 Core of Chaoshengde" building, Ikuno has completed six kinds of [Fairy Birthstone], [Nature Signal Tower], [Spirit Seed Seeder], [Crystal Cave], [Light Fungus Blanket], and [Tree Worm Nest] as of three days ago, of which [Crystal Cave] was not created by Ikuno, but because of its powerful functions, it was also incorporated into his own genre.

This kind of thing is not uncommon in the major genres, and it may not be possible that one day [Lingzhen Cultivation Room] will be brought into the genre construction.

In the blueprint, the last three remaining cores are [Hard Carapace], [Tree Man Totem], and [Spring Rhythm].

Among them, the best of the three is [Tree Man Totem], because the extraordinary building itself is one of the core buildings of the "Tree Man De" genre, which is regarded as an old extraordinary building.

With the finished product placed here, there is no need for Yuno to design it, the most he has to do is to change and replace several star circuits of [Tree Man Totem] to make it more suitable for the "Chao Sheng De" genre.

This is not a difficult task for Yuno, who has already created more than one extraordinary building.

Ukuno took out the [Shuren De School Badge], one of the rewards he won first in the last challenge list, and used it to exchange it for knowledge about the production of [Shuren De] in the Shuren De School.

Since this time, Guy has also often found time to make up for Ikuno and consolidate the foundation, which makes Ikuno's progress rapidly, plus he himself has experienced the natural star power of druids with [extraordinary resonance], and the whole process of learning to make is very smooth.

In less than half a day, Ikuno successfully learned and transformed the [Tree Man Totem].

This made Guy call Yuye a peerless genius that few people could see in the Xin Esari School of Architecture!

The difficulty of an architect apprentice learning a new Tier 1 building is a little more difficult than that of a Mage Apprentice mastering a Tier 1 technique.

Of course, this kind of learning does not refer to the forced instillation of knowledge like skill scrolls, but to fully understand the star power circuit of each unit and be able to construct rune groups as desired.

Similar to Ukino's previous [Language] skill scroll, the finished spell rune is directly imprinted in Ikuno's mind, and when it needs to be used, the rune of the finished product is stimulated from memory, thus releasing the skill.

This is forcible mastery.

Yuno didn't know why these runes could achieve the effect of learning language, and if he wanted to understand, he had to learn the knowledge of another niche profession [Yan Lingji], and then use [Extraordinary Resonance] to sense the star power system of this profession.

Mastering skills and understanding skills are completely different things.

Therefore, don't look at it as just a small Tier 1 spell, it is not easy for a spell apprentice to completely master the star power circuit.

In addition to the circuit, [the architect] also involves more aspects, such as building materials analysis, mental combing and so on.

But that's it, it only took me half a day to master the production of [Tree Man Totem], which is really a bit shocking.

Thinking of the two talents of [architectural abnormality] and [architectural empowerment] awakened by Yuno, Guy couldn't help but wonder, is there really a person born for the extraordinary profession of [architect] in this world?

After Ikuno made the [Tree Man Totem], he did not stop to rest, but immediately turned to attack the [Hard Carapace], a protective extraordinary building.

This building, like [Light Fungus Blanket] and [Tree Worm Nest], was born out of the Zerg and belongs to a kind of biological extraordinary architecture.

The raw material for the construction of this extraordinary building comes from the insect beetle of the [Natural Star Worm], which is not highly protected but has extremely strong natural star power, which can be used as a casting medium for casting natural spells.

The [Hard Carapace] has two architectural functions -

Building Function (1) [Nature Guardian]: Select a friendly extraordinary building and generate a [Nature Shield], which can accumulate 5,000 damage spell damage. The shield is protected from damage until the shield is broken.

When the [Hard Carapace] building is not destroyed, even if the shield is breached, new shields will continue to be spawned in the future. (The time consumed to generate a new shield is extended with the increase in the number of breaks

) Building function (2) [Bug fix]: When the [Natural Shield] is damaged by an attack, but it has not been completely damaged, the shield can absorb life material to repair the shield again, and the repair speed is related to the speed of life material extraction.

If these two architectural functions are placed in other druid genres, they are actually just like that, and they are not very supermodels.

5,000 armor points is equivalent to adding 5,000 health points to an extraordinary building.

However, this shield is only protected from spell damage, and if the enemy chooses to attack at close range, the protected extraordinary building will still be damaged.

And 5,000 points seems to be a lot, and there is no such high damage in Tier 1 spells, it seems to be difficult to break.

But...... Won't the enemy put a few more?

The architectural function (2) is like decoration for other genres.

But [hard carapace] placed in the "super-virtuous" system, the situation is very different.

The first is the linkage effect between the building and the [Light Bacteria Blanket], and the extraordinary building placed on the [Light Bacteria Blanket], once it is put on the [Natural Shield], is equivalent to installing a charging treasure that is constantly charging.

When the enemy cripples the armor, the [Light Bacteria Blanket] is instantly filled unreasonably.

The horror of 5,000 armor was revealed at this time, and it couldn't be defeated with the damage of Tier 1 spells! Even if a dozen Tier 1 high-damage spells are placed together, it is really difficult to bulldoze it.

Because the uneven landing point of the spell, the inconsistent trigger time of the spell, and the conflicting attributes of the spell can cause the shield to stubbornly stand on the field, and then fill it back in the next second.

And even if the shield is broken?

Fooling the enemy with a large wave of skills is not a loss, and as long as the [Hard Carapace] is still there, then the new [Nature Shield] will soon spawn another one.

As for the melee breakthrough ....

The various Iron Tree Seedlings and other Tree People soldiers transformed in [Tree Man Totem] are the best guards, and if you want to break through the extraordinary buildings located in the rear and carry out melee attacks, you must first open a gap in these tree people around the entire territory.

And the defensive power of tree people virtue is ranked in the top few in all human genres!

Of course, there is another way to break the [Nature Shield], that is, first solve the extraordinary structure of [Hard Carapace] that produces the effect, and the [Nature Shield] will completely disappear.

Well, that's a good idea.

So do you want to guess why this extraordinary structure is called [hard carapace], and not some [natural amulet] or something?

Because the [Natural Star Worm], born from the [Tree Worm Nest], can constantly fill the appearance of the [Hard Carapace] every moment!

They themselves are the raw materials for this building!

The [Hard Carapace] itself is a kind of biological building, and the natural breath in the carapace left by the death of a large number of [Natural Star Worms] is used as a casting medium, releasing the [Nature Shield], while the remaining carapace gradually hardens to protect the fragile casting core inside!

And the [Natural Shield] produced by the [Hard Carapace], in the design blueprint of Yuno, the best choice is for [Tree Worm Nest], the fastest extraordinary building.

So here's the problem.

Is the enemy going to solve [Hard Carapace] first? Or do you have to solve the [dendrotic nest] that is surrounded by [nature shields] first?

From the moment [Hard Carapace] was born, all aspects of Chao Sheng De were basically perfected, even without the extraordinary building of [Spring Rhythm], Chao Sheng De seemed to have the power of a battle.

But Ikuno is the most important thing about this "super Shengde" only buff-type building, which is also the last piece of the puzzle.

Just because, the rules that take effect are to find the common ground of spiritual plants, tree people, and insects - reproduction as the core and blessed!

One building gains three different races at the same time, even the knowledgeable Guy has never heard of it before, which completely breaks the inherent thinking of the Human Alliance about developing one race in one territory.

In the past, architects only needed to [screen] the star force circuit of [race], and they could accurately bless extraordinary buildings on every individual who was [screened].

However, [Spring Rhythm] is to select three extraordinary races at the same time, which has to be said to be an extremely difficult challenge.

What makes Yuno feel the most headache is that his production this time has no way to learn from the "Tree Man Virtue" genre like he did before making [Tree Man Totem], nor can he draw nutrients from Zerg knowledge like he made [Hard Carapace], [Tree Worm Nest], and [Light Mushroom Blanket] like before.

This is a body of water that no one has yet explored, and everything needs to be explored by himself to form a new body of knowledge under the name "Yuno".

This is a hurdle that must be crossed in the creation of the law, and it is why it will trigger the focus of high-ranking existence investment.

"Still can't work?"

Guy looked at Ikuno who came out of the [Lord's Cabin] decadently, this was his first appearance in three days.

At this time, Yuye had a panda eye and a bird's nest head, and his eyes completely lost their highlights, as if his whole life had lost its color.

The results are already all written on the face.

This is a clue!

Guy Elvis couldn't help but laugh secretly, thinking that he had also encountered difficulties in creating the key building [Ghost Spell] [Ghost Spell Blending Instrument] in the creation of [Ghost Spell] back then.

How to make the imp and the curse perfectly combine to create a new imp with cursed power - [Spell Ghost].

After three months of studying the imp genealogy, Guy successfully solved this puzzle and completely completed the puzzle of [Ghost Spell].

But then a whole new question lay in front of Guy.


is, although [Ghost Spell Art] has been born in the true sense, [Ghost Spell Blending Instrument] is an extraordinary building of "legendary" quality.

And this is definitely not a building that ordinary warlock transcendent can afford, and it is difficult to achieve large-scale mass production.

In other words, [Ghost Spell] will become a toy for rich people like [Heroic Summoning], and it will not be grounded.

In order to bring the [Ghost Spell Blender] down to a lower grade and create an "affordable version" of the building, Guy spent fifty years improving!

This shows how long it takes for a genre to mature.

During this period of hardship, how could Yuno think so easily!

Guy scanned a circle of transcendent territories that were already very different, and it was really hard to imagine that this was the scale of the territory that had been created in just 3 days.

From this, he perceived the horror of "supernatural virtue".

At the outermost periphery of the territory, the two-meter-tall iron tree seedlings closed their eyes and were sleeping huffingly, the bronzed bark sword was difficult to hurt, and the distance between the seedlings between each iron tree was not far away, like a dragon-like developed root system exposed on the surface, closely connected, making it difficult for the enemy to cross the thunder pond.

Next to them is a "self-replicating" [Spirit Plant Seeder], which is the fourth [Spirit Plant Seeder] currently "self-replicating" to plant [Iron Tree Seedlings], and the first three are planted with [Sunflower], [Pea Shooter], and [Cold Ice Shooter].

At this moment, it was carrying an "iron tree seedling" that had just been summoned from the [Tree Man Totem], and carefully planted it into the earthen pit that had been dug long ago.

Bury seeds, water, fill pits, release [activate]....

After the whole process was completed, a goblin with copper skin and green seedlings on its head gently shook its transparent wings, and a little dust fell from the goblin spell it cast.

The [Iron Tree Seedlings] that had just been planted immediately yawned in comfort, and one after another the roots of the ground surged and rushed out of the ground and connected with the tree people on the side.

Outside the gate of the territory in the distance, one [natural star worm] methodically used its body to wrap the beasts like a ball, and then packed them all and sent them back to the territory.

Except for the beasts that were too fierce and easy to cause casualties, Ikuno ordered that the [Natural Star Worms] were all devoured, and the rest were sent back to the territory in this wrapped ball-like "express" method.

Once in the territory, these [Nature Star Worms] were disassembled again into one by one and continued to the next transport mission.

As for the beasts inside, they all had an expression of "don't dare to move, don't dare to move at all", obediently and cutely like domestic animals.

The lords each selected some that looked docile and could be domesticated, and the rest were completely divided up as meat for more than 2,000 people in the territory in the past few days.

Just three days.

The three extraordinary classes of goblins, tree people, and insects are all complete.

Tree man defense, bug attack, goblin buff, trinity.

If it weren't for the limited output of [Crystal Cave], which could not meet the operation of more extraordinary buildings, Yuye's extraordinary territory still doesn't know what it will be into!

This is "Chaoshengde"!

A brand new genre in Guy's eyes, even if there is a lack of a core building, the strength can hit the top fifteen of the ladder!

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