Since discovering the trail of the Eagle Banshee, No. 4 has not even had time to activate the [Ancestral Altar], so she waits for the arrival of No. 10.

A few hours later, a group of men rushed through the snowstorm towards this side, led by (10).

The two met once during tactical discussions.

At that time, there was a feeling of "the fellow sees the fellow villager, and the eyes are full of tears".

(10) is the Doghead Lord, which is also a large clan among the Orcs.

It can become a great race, not because of its strong strength, but because the fox people, dog-headed people and rat people have always been known as the three most shrewd races among orcs.

Among them, the shrewdness of the dog-headed man is reflected in his business.

If the vast majority of orcs are either straightforward by nature, tyrannical by nature, or lazy in eating, they all belong to the category of not good at business anyway. The most familiar example is Kuta, a boar man from the [Tianquan plane], who is now poor enough to start selling territorial slaves.

Then the dog-headed people are an outlier among the orcs.

Not only can they keep their business in order, but they can also take it to foreign races, are the most important economic pillar of the orcs, and often represent diplomats on important occasions on behalf of the orcs.

It can be said that the shy boy (3) is the gold lord of this side of the human camp and can afford to play the heroic summoning. Then the (10) dog-headed man is undoubtedly the super thigh in the enemy, and you can know that its strength will not be weak just by looking at the huge materials brought by this team.

Well, economic power is also strength.

Of course, No. 4 welcomed No. 10, and almost didn't say the words "Tens of thousands of years ago, the two families were one family".

His eyes involuntarily fell on the staggering amount of supplies that (10) had brought with him.

The two people talked about the bits and pieces of the three days of arrival, and they were very touched, and after they angrily scolded (2) and (7) together, the two people suddenly felt a little sympathetic to each other, and there was a feeling of seeing each other late.

Talking about the encounter in these three days, the strategy chosen by (10) is roughly the same as that of No. 4, that is, to collect the beast resources on the grassland, and then find treasure chests to open buildings, otherwise they have no chance of winning without extraordinary troops.

(10) In the [Resource Chest] opened by No. 10, there are many good things, the number of extraordinary buildings is large, and the quality is also good, he even opened a "mysterious" quality buff-type building [Boiling Blood Horn], which can make all beasts with the effect of [madness], and can increase the combat effectiveness of all orc classes in a short time, the only price is to lose reason for a moment, and the loss of reason is completely inseparable from friend and enemy.

But No. 10 does not have the most conventional buildings of the orc general type, such as [Ancestor Altar], [Blood Battle Flag], etc., which are also the best to use, belonging to the extraordinary buildings that every orc lord must bring.

These two architectural statuses are even more important to the Orcs than the [Crystal Cave] to the Terrans.

No. 4 has only ordinary buildings, and No. 10 has opened high-quality buildings. The two immediately combined, merged their territories into one, advanced and retreated together, and made up for each other's territorial shortcomings.

Nowadays, for an extraordinary territory. Extraordinary architecture is undoubtedly the most cost-effective and valuable thing.

Opening chests may not be able to get the extraordinary buildings you want. Ikuno also opened the [Mint] of the Tier 1 thief, and this extraordinary building was of no use at all in this battle.

Therefore, the strong union of the two territories, although it is a helpless move, is already the best choice for (4) and (10) at the moment.

Suddenly, the strength of the orcs in this 5v5 game increased by a small amount.

After the two merged their territories, the territory of (4) finally barely reached about half of its strength before it was banned.

This time, there was no obstacle, and (4) could finally stand by the [Ancestor Altar] with peace of mind and start to inspire again.

The ancient beast language of the werewolf race reverberated beside the [Ancestor Altar], and the pale singing and simple rhythm seemed to correspond to some unknown code, slowly opening a dusty and unreal door.

With the illusory gate opening a small opening, a thick qi machine descended directly on the altar made of huge stones.

Almost in the next second, the rows of steppe wolves directly exploded and died without making any sound, and the splashed blood floated in mid-air and did not fall for a long time, as if frozen in place by some unknown force.

In this first round, hundreds of steppe wolves died, and the remaining steppe wolves shivered on the ground in fear, and even the smell of urine came.

(4) No. coldly watched this scene, these wolves could not even pass the [Ancestor Altar] level, then they could only die, and they were of no use except wasting food.

The blood essence reserve in [Berserk Blood Battle Flag] is very small, but the consumption when it is turned on is very large, and (4) simply does not have so many opportunities to give every wild wolf that cannot be transformed to improve its bloodline and carry out adaptive transformation of troops.

Then you can only send these low-blooded wild wolves to die.

After they die, the burst blood will be refined and poured into the bodies of wild wolves that hope to become werewolves, making up for the defects in their bloodlines and tribes.

This is just the last bit of their contribution to their territory.

The splashed blood that was originally frozen in mid-air suddenly trembled slightly, colliding with each other to attract, and black impurities were continuously filtered out in the fierce collision, and not long after, the blood of a steppe wolf's whole body was finally left with only a bright red blood bead.

Like a blood diamond, it is exquisite.

This blood bead fell directly into the body of many wild wolves who urinated next to him, causing its whole body to shake violently, emitting a terrifying wail, and the sound of fried bean-like bones bursting one after another, and at the same time, the wild wolf that was originally on all fours suddenly had thick and strong roots.

Although this process lasted only a few tens of seconds, it seemed unusually long for wild wolves.

In a few moments, this rebirth, which can be called a punishment, is completely over.

The steppe wolf-turned-werewolf slowly straightened his legs, straightened his back, and tried to make a voice through his throat that had degenerated his horizontal bones.

Similar scenes appeared one after another on the [Ancestral Altar], and one by one werewolves slowly stood up from the corpses of the ground, and thanks to the gifts of their kindred, they successfully became members of the werewolf race.

This batch of steppe wolves reborn a total of 72 fellow werewolves.

(4) but frowned, this conversion rate is really a little low, you must know that this batch has pressed five or six hundred wolves!

But he didn't say anything more, but immediately carried out the next process for the remaining steppe wolves who did not regenerate orcs and did not die.

[Berserk Blood Battle Flag]'s class adaptability!

This time, the result was completely beyond the imagination of (10).

In addition to the birth of a large number of mounted wolves suitable for riding, 2 of the remaining steppe wolves directly turned into giant wolves that were two stories tall.

The giant wolf is a kind of giant beast.

The origin of the race name with the word "giant" has always been not small.

Dragon, the representative of the peak of individual strength in the boundless plane.

Giants, legends have it to be the bloodline of the descendants of the ancient race Titans.

And the giant beast is a race that is not inferior to the first two.

Their size alone is comparable to some extraordinary buildings, they don't even need to use skills, and they can easily overwhelm some unsolid extraordinary buildings with physical impact alone, causing great damage to the enemy's extraordinary territory.

(4) was not idle, and quickly commanded people to slaughter several cattle and sheep, and put a large amount of blood food in front of the giant wolf.

This kind of giant wolf that evolved by relying on bloodline enhancement was the weakest when it was first born, and most of the life potential was used to fill the skeleton and expand the body, if you do not make up for the blood food at this time and raise the body well, it is easy to die.

(4) There are several such giant wolves in No. 4's own territory, and it is relatively experienced to domesticate them.

The number of ordinary beasts that can be transformed into giant wolves is really very small, and (4) did not expect that this batch of troops could burst out two at once!

It is a pity that his extraordinary territory was blocked, and many things were directly thrown at the birth point by No. 4, after all, as a nomadic territory, he could not bring so many things at all, he could only bring material reserves and implement the tactical strategy that had been set up a long time ago.

If he can leave this [Void Realm Battle] alive, these troops will naturally be teleported back, and if he dies here, then don't think about it at all.

Now, this terrifying extraordinary class has once again been born in his territory, how can he not be excited?

Until this moment, No. (4) finally had a little confidence to fight the enemy.

Especially No. 7, he dared to set the rules and show that there was a means to create extraordinary buildings, and during the tactical discussion, all teammates unanimously decided that No. (7) was a focus of the game in this game.

If you can, it's best to take him down as soon as possible!

But now (4) can do it without panic, and the giant beast is his hole card!

(10) The dog-headed man gave him a blank look, isn't it a giant beast? Is it necessary to be so excited?

Before the territory was banned, his territory had a bunch of these things, and they were of different races.

Uh, now the words....

Since he adopted the strategy of abandoning his territory and turning to nomadism with only a lot of resources, this kind of forbidden thing is naturally not left.

"So, could it be that the wolves on this grassland are particularly suitable for evolving giant beasts?"

(10) proposed a conjecture, "which also explains why the conversion rate of their rebirth into werewolves is not high." (

4) suddenly brightened his eyes, this is true! It's entirely possible!

The dog-headed man is really smart!

The bloodline is so wonderful, some of the bloodlines and bloodlines will mutate and combine, and some will fight each other and cause explosions.

If the steppe wolf with some of the blood of the giant beast is allowed to move forward and transform into a werewolf race, it may be self-defeating and eventually lead to an explosion!

Whether these steppe wolves contain the bloodline of giant beasts in their bodies is actually very simple to verify.

That is, at any cost, you can experiment a few more times with [Blood Battle Flag].

(4) The trumpet muttered, "I need more wolves!" No

. (10) stretched out his paw to smooth his hair, nodded slightly, unlike the general yellow hair-based dog-headed man, his black and white hair looked particularly noble, at this moment it held its head high, looked at (4) with a wise gaze, and said proudly.

"We will meet, in fact, it is not accidental!"

"We are all following the trail of the beast, and the reason why we can meet here shows that the beasts we are tracking in different directions are actually going in the same direction!"

(10) The number said forcefully, swinging his black and white paws vigorously, and pointing in a certain direction: "I'm sure there must be something there that attracts the beast!" Since you're going to get more wolves..."

"Well, let's go in this direction!"

(4) was taken aback by the sudden broadcast of (10), but also agreed with him, just...

(4) Curious asked, "So what will be in that place?"

(10) lowered his head and pondered for a while, and suddenly he remembered the "special resource" in the [resource limit] he had formulated - relics.

Suddenly, a flash of light crossed his cerebral cortex, and (10) replied categorically: "Ruins! That must be a ruin!

"A relic that is of great benefit to the beasts, or to the orcs!"

"That's why these beasts rush there!"

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