[Tactical discussion has ended

] [Territorial delivery will start now

] [Drop order, now start by number]


The thirty-minute tactical discussion ended quickly, and the feeling of the pitch was as sudden as when he teleported to the round table, and by the time Ikuno opened his eyes again, he had disappeared from the hall and appeared in the ice and snow.

The cold wind that was as cold as a knife blew on Yuye's face, and a large snowflake couldn't help but smash down on his face.

This [blizzard] weather, which was completely different from the warm spring-like interior environment of his own plane, gave Uno a dismount at the beginning, and immediately had the idea of letting Uno greet the No. 9 family.

Ikuno hugged herself, rubbing her arms and turning her head to look.

I don't know when my territory was moved to the [Void Realm], except for the big rivers around the territory, the mountains behind the territory and the forest on the other side all disappeared.

In its place is an endless grassland, with blades of grass covered with flying snow, dyeing the earth white.

Ikuno snorted and walked towards the gate of the territory, one extraordinary building after another was wrapped in some unknown crystal, along with all the "aggressive" extraordinary troops in the entire Extraordinary Territory of Yuno.

Fishman, goblin, spirit plant...

Even the 5 commanders who had reached the 2nd level, as well as the small troops under them, were also blocked by unknown crystals.

The only good thing is that the mysterious seed that Dave developed, [Sunflower], has somehow not been frozen.

Even with the [Shimmering Grass] and [Spirit Rice] that Yuye had planted before, these crops were not classified as "extraordinary soldiers".

Is it because they are not aggressive? Classified as an output-type spiritual plant?


Guy Elvis sneezed and walked out of [the institute], followed by Mo Mingqi, who had been "communicated" well.

The former has long been surprised by the changes in the surrounding environment, obviously not the first time to come to the [Void God Realm], but Mo Mingqi, who has never experienced it, is making a fuss on the side.

Yu Yeqi said, "Teacher, why haven't you been sleepen?" Territorial guards, which have combat effectiveness, are also classified as one of the extraordinary classes. Even the second-order leaders such as Mu Zhong and Wu Liu in the territory are asleep, it makes no sense that you are still awake! Guy

, who had already seen the rules of this game, smiled proudly, and his gray beard turned up, "Who told you that those with high ranks will definitely be classified in the class?"

"Didn't I tell you?"

"I haven't even killed a chicken!"

"Who dares to say I'm an extraordinary class?!"

Architects who can't kill chickens aren't good soldiers, are they!

Yuye was speechless, he had lived for a thousand years and really never killed a chicken. Yu Ye glanced at Mo Mingqi, who was also a second-order man, and thought that the reason why he did not fall into a deep sleep should be for the same reason.

Does this [Void Realm] way of judging [Extraordinary Arms] seem to be based on their lethality or not?

It's just that I don't know if these "harmless to humans and animals" researchers, suddenly move, will not be rejudged in the virtual realm, and then arrested and locked up in a small black room.

So in this way, there are actually two [architects] in my territory!

One of them is still the architect boss who created [Ghost Spell], under such a game rule, why should the opposite side win!

"Void Realm Battlefield!"

"I haven't been here in years!"

Guy opened his arms wide, reminisced about the past, and once again felt that going to Yuno's territory was the most correct decision he had made in nearly a hundred years.

His life like a backwater finally had waves, which made Guy find a little bit of the feeling of being younger, and when he was older, he went out and walked more without expecting an unexpected gain.

In the midst of emotion, flakes of snow stuffed into his wide open mouth, choking him without any image.

"Take advantage of the opportunity, this may be the opportunity for your territory to be promoted to the second level."

Guy instructed from the experience of people who came over: "Don't look at the [virtual god realm] called 'virtual', but is the boundary between the virtual and the real really that clear?" "

What you get from [the Void God Realm] has a probability of bringing it back to reality, but you have to pay some price."

After Yu Ye listened, his heart moved slightly.

Although the [Void God Realm] is a wonder of the Void Emperor Temple, one of the human forces, it covers an extremely wide area, almost reaching the end of the explored plane, and it is precisely because it is too vast that some illusory nodes are captured by alien races, causing them to also get involved in some functions.

It can be said that this is a dynamic higher dimension, and the [Green Grassland] battlefield generated by it may really have its prototype on the scale of the boundless plane, and these materials are all [Void God Realm] in order to save effort, directly pasted and copied from a certain plane, just like the territory of Yuye, even the big river where the fish people inhabit next to it has hardly changed.

However, the surrounding environment of mountains and forests has been erased by the [environmental restrictions] of rule (4).

So, it is possible that the relics in [Special Resources] also exist exactly the same in reality?

Ikuno shook his head, leaving these things to the back of his mind first, what he had to do now was to experiment with whether his [Architectural Mutation] talent could be effective for these extraordinary buildings that had been wrapped in unknown crystals.

However, for now, the extraordinary buildings in the territory of Ikuno have been tried once by Ikuno with [Architectural Mutation].

Therefore, if Ikuno undergoes a change in these buildings, it will be a real second mutation.

For his talent for great randomness, Ikuno naturally wouldn't test the waters with buildings that were already high-quality [Bob's Time and Space Tavern].

After walking around the territory, Yu Ye already had a choice in his heart.

Standing in front of the [Chiyan Mage Tower], Ikuno tried to point his [Architectural Transformation] talent towards it, and along with the incomparably familiar orange cursor lit up, together with the Crimson Mage Tower wrapped in unknown crystals, the transformation instantly began.

The blazing flames burst out from the inside of the unknown crystal at a speed almost visible to the naked eye, and an even taller and majestic "tower-like" building rose up and appeared in front of the three people.

The inside of this flame-cast tower is as crystal as crystal, a black humanoid body is hidden in the tower, wrapped in unknown crystals, and the wind howls, but does not weaken the raging fire, but contributes to the flame even more blazing.

The flying snow in the sky was instantly rippled, and the flying snow swept by the red flame wave turned into water droplets and fell, and the blades of grass buried by frost and flying snow on the ground shook the snow water on their bodies, and gradually began to restore their greenery.

Standing under the new tower-like building, it is as if shrouded in an invisible protective shield, isolating all the cold.

Yuye was overjoyed, not only because of the "legendary" quality building this time, but also because this tall tower was like an unquenchable fire, burning brightly, which directly solved a great problem in the territory - the problem of keeping the people warm!

As an existence with almost no combat effectiveness, the Lingmin has not been sealed by the [Void Realm], that is to say, they will be the only living force that Yuye can mobilize at present!

Human beings are physically weak, and working in such a cold wind will inevitably cause great damage.

However, when this roaring fire tower stood in this corner, the entire territory was instantly renewed, and echoed in another corner, the top of the mage tower made of snow maple wood with a white body, and the girl who often sat on the top of the tower and was not troubled by the world, but at this moment cast her eyes into the humanoid figure wrapped in unknown crystals in the fire tower.

She suddenly opened her mouth and muttered, "This is the power of miracles..."

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