When the black fog that shrouded everyone cleared, the four friendly troops on their side (2), (3), (5), and (9) almost immediately cast their eyes on Yuno.

Yuye was suddenly embarrassed.

What the hell is this?

How did he not know that tactical discussions were meant to show their faces?

Although Ikuno knew that he would have to fight side by side with these four friendly forces in the next period, it was indispensable to witness each other's true faces, but why not give him some time to prepare?

In particular, Ikuno has just set the rule (7) of "one person is happy and nine people are disgusting", which suddenly "face-based", isn't this a proper social death?

(2) is a young and motivated female player, she wears an ordinary off-the-shoulder vest to show off her majestic figure, with clean short hair, and a large sword taller than a person behind her.

Her style is easily recognizable, and she is a warrior in the "Alliance Three Classes".

The so-called "Alliance Three Classes" refer to the three most numerous extraordinary classes - Warrior, Mage, and Knight.

Among them, the warrior is a well-deserved first.

Seeing Ukuno looking at him as if for help, No. (2) revealed a smile that seemed to be smiling, and then generously introduced his teammates first, which was regarded as alleviating Ukuno's embarrassment: "I am a warrior, and the genre is [Weapon Master].

Upon hearing this, everyone suddenly realized, no wonder she chose to imprison the military and make such a rule(2), it turned out that there was this layer of reasons.

[Weapon Master] is both a genre of warriors and a leading school that requires transcendent beings to master a wide variety of weapons and use a wide variety of weapons against their enemies.

The weapon, which is the "alternative class" of the extraordinary lord, can be "awakened", which is also a regular brush ball.

Once someone opens the head and opens the chatterbox, the next thing is much simpler, (3) is a shy boy, the size even reaches the chest of (2), he stands next to (2), the sense of difference formed is a little difficult to look at directly, there is always a kind of male and female interchangeable rush.

"I'm a summoner, and the genre is [Spirit Summoning]."


The extraordinary class of summoner is very magical, it can be said that any extraordinary race in the boundless plane can be summoned by it to act as an extraordinary class of this class.

So theoretically, the profession's transcendent genres can even reach hundreds, but these genres are uneven, strong and weak.

For now, the strongest genre in the summoner is the Yingling, which uses the collected "holy relics" as a casting medium to briefly summon the Yingling from the historical shadows to fight.

It's a bit like borrowing the idea of the legendary transcendent being resurrected by the "legends" of the past.

This means that the upper limit of this class is terrifying, and it can even summon the heroic spirits of the past legends and crowned teenagers to assist in battle.

If possible, he (3) can actually summon well-known architects of the past to build extraordinary buildings for him.

It depends on whether there is a certain master architect in the "holy relic" in its reserve.

Of course, if you want to control so many summoning secret instruments and collect so many "holy relics", you can imagine that every heroic summoner is a real local tycoon!

Suddenly, the eyes of the people around them looking at No. 3 changed their taste, and they couldn't help but feel a little hot.

This is a real tycoon!

No. 3 scratched the back of his head a little shyly and hid behind No. 2, as if he didn't like paying too much attention to others.

What surprised Yuno the most was No. 5, he had always mistaken it for the angel of the young sister, but it was a solid male angel, and against the indistinguishable handsome face and shoulder-length hair, Ikuno finally gritted his teeth and accepted this setting.

Ikuno heard from the forum of the Dawning System that the angels were genderless at first, and only at the age of 6 would they undergo gender differentiation, and I don't know if this rumor is true or false.

The last (9) is a female ice mage, wearing a white hooded mage robe, and her whole body is tightly covered, but the extreme environment of [Blizzard] is a bonus for her, and her genre naturally does not need to be said.

After the four of them introduced themselves separately, they once again turned their gaze to Yuno.

Yuno knew that he couldn't dodge this time, so he had to grit his teeth and step forward, "I'm an [architect]..." Before he

could finish speaking, No. 9 interrupted him coldly, "So? Are you an [architect] and are free to make rules (7)?

"You have the advantage to build extraordinary buildings, but what about the others?" Have you ever thought about it? The

sudden attack on (9) suddenly made the atmosphere of the entire discussion very stiff.

Under rule (7), basically everyone has been sealed off all the buildings in the territory, and if you want to use extraordinary buildings, you have to get it from the void (except if the enemy has a small probability of [flesh and blood shapers] and the like).

Under such circumstances, wouldn't it be a great advantage for Yuno to be able to create extraordinary buildings as an [architect]?

This can be seen from the rules specified in the subsequent (8) (10), there is no way to restrict the enemy, but think about how to crack the rule (7) and find loopholes in the rule (7).

(9) What position do you blame yourself?

In the same way, Ikuno has not complained about the impact of extreme weather [blizzard] on the "Chaoshengde" genre!

Isn't it normal to accidentally injure friendly troops when making rules to limit the enemy?

(3), this real tycoon, I don't know how many extraordinary classes have been disabled by (2), and I haven't seen him complain?

After hearing this, No. 2 really frowned and spoke: "No. 9, everyone will fight side by side in the future, there is no need to be so rushed!"

"This is a life-and-death showdown, if you are still playing in the game and throwing your little princess's temper, no one can get used to you!"

"The rules are set, they can't be changed, the tactical discussion is only 30 minutes, do you want to waste time arguing?"

(9) was so frightened, it was inevitable that he was a little unconvinced, but considering his own small life, he finally gritted his teeth and endured it.

Then, No. (2) turned his head to look at Yuye, and also nodded a little, putting a little pressure on Yuye: "Since you have made the rules in this game, you are the advantage of our camp, I hope you can really lead us to victory!" Yuno

bowed his head slightly, if he couldn't get up, then the existence of rule (7) might not be a good thing.

"Looking at the lineup, do you have any ideas for tactics?"

Faced with the question of (2), Ikuno scanned the four people around him, the weapon master, the ice method, the spirit summoning, and an angel who didn't know what the situation was.

And the enemy's current (4) and (10) two people are obviously orcs, (6) the forbidden air is not complete, the probability is that they are demons, and the remaining (1) and (6) are currently unable to analyze anything.

From the lineup alone, if Yuye does not create extraordinary buildings, his own advantage is in the early stage, after all, the "weapon class" of No. 2 can be regarded as a brush with the edge and has not been disabled; The ice method of (9) can completely use extreme weather [blizzard], and although the angels of (5) do not know its details, the most basic can also open their vision, use the floating island to contact their teammates, and monitor the enemy's movements by the way.

But dragged into the later stage, when the two orcs gathered a large number of beasts on the grassland and successfully domesticated, the attack and defense may be reversed.

Of course, this is all assuming that Ikuno did not create extraordinary buildings!

But since Yuye dared to be so sure, how could he fight a battle that he was not sure of?

Creating the "Super Virtue" genre to fight and test its strength is only a consideration on the one hand, on the other hand....

If an extraordinary building that has been banned and dormant has been imposed by Yuno in the Void Realm, is it considered an extraordinary building built in the Void Realm?

For this answer, Ikuno is looking forward to it.

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