The rune group in front of him was extremely complete, but the fragment of the star power circuit inside was not familiar to Guy Elvis.

What he is good at is the extraordinary architecture of the warlock profession, and he uses [extraordinary resonance] the most, which is also in line with the cold and treacherous star power aura of the warlock.

There are almost no all-rounders in [architects], and once they have a deep sense of a profession, they will naturally be contaminated with the breath of their star power, and over time, this breath can no longer be shaken off.

Before setting foot on this road, with the help of the [Unknown Library], Ikuno indirectly proved a way for architects to achieve the Holy Domain, that is, to take the pure [architect] path, instead of confusing the priority and importance, contaminating the star power of other professions with themselves, and finally becoming a shackle that binds himself to become unable to advance.

Similar reasoning, Guy only faintly noticed some in the past two years.

Therefore, although Guy could sense that this rune group was mixed with natural aura, it was not clear what exactly this did. Switching to an architect who is good at druids, he may be able to see through at a glance.

But after all, he is also an old-timer who has lived for nearly a thousand years, and the rune group of those extraordinary buildings with first-order natural attributes that are currently in the mainstream, can Guy still not recognize them?

This is definitely not any of them!

So, this is most likely an original extraordinary building!

As a rigorous scholar, Guy Elvis immediately took action and began to parse the incomplete rune group presented by the picture bit by bit.

It didn't take long for him to dig deep into the fragment of this star power circuit, which came from an inconspicuous Tier 1 druid natural spell [natural sensing].

This disappointed Guy Elvis a little, and spent time digging deeper, thinking it was something novel, but it turned out to be just a fragment of star power in a relatively rusty first-order spell of a druid.

Before Ikuno, almost no one added this star power circuit to the construction of extraordinary buildings!

It's not that it's technically impossible, it's simply not necessary!

Because even if this rune group is added, will this extraordinary building have any special effects?

Just to retrieve the nearby natural atmosphere?

Innovation, not innovation for innovation's sake.

Innovation must have a purpose, be able to solve real problems, be able to create new effects, and be able to do things that could not be done in the past, which is considered good innovation!

If you simply add a [Natural Induction] Star Force Circuit fragment to the rune group...

Guy couldn't help but frown, and forked out the sub-interface of the Dawning System for the Deep Pickpocket Star Force Circuit.

What pops up under the interface is a message from Klein's plane when Guy retrieved Yuno's identity just now.

It is overwhelmingly reported that Ikuno wiped out 13 [mother nests] in one fell swoop, defeating local pioneers to become the "first place on the challenge list".


[mother nest]..." "[natural induction]..." "

If this building is from Ikuno, is it related to Ukuno's ability to wipe out so many [mother nests]?"

Soon, Guy Elvis's cloudy eyes gradually lit up, as the pioneer of the [Ghost Spell] genre that once combined [Ghost Art] and [Curse Art], his vision and insight are not comparable to ordinary mysterious architects.

Although he is now getting older, innovation is also his forte.

He seems to know some of the secrets in the extraordinary buildings created by Ikuno - use the weakening of the natural aura to determine the landing point of the [Mother Nest] when it explodes, and then use the raider army to directly eradicate them when it is weakest!

This is the reason why Ikuno was able to defeat [Pig Princess] and get the first place!

Absolutely genius idea!

Innovation, what is it?

Pencils and erasers are actually ordinary, but the first person to press the eraser on the head of the pencil and make a "pencil with its own eraser" is innovating!

Guy Elvis has a say in this point more than anyone, and [Ghost Spells] is the best example.

And now, he actually saw the same traits in an otherworldly person from Blue Star!

Guy Elvis jerked up, so excited that he lost his crutches, pacing back and forth in his office, seemingly full of thoughts.

Finally, his footsteps paused, and he turned his head to look at the honor that occupied the wall to the side, and Guy closed his eyes, as if he had made an extremely important decision.

"Dawning System, what is my permission level now?"

[Your Excellency Guy Elvis, your Dawn permission level is LV83

] "I remember that transcendent people with Dawn permission above LV80 can use an arbitrary teleportation opportunity in [Thousand Star City]?"

Guy continued to ask.

"Yes, Your Excellency Guy Elvis.

[No matter where you are, as long as it is a place that can receive the signal of this system, you can activate this [City of Thousand Stars] arbitrary teleportation opportunity and directly teleport you from your place to any transcendent plane with [Teleportation Hall] in the territory of the Human Alliance.

"Well, please help me teleport to Yuno's plane, I just checked, what is the name of the plane he registered?"

[It should be

[Azeroth plane]] [But you better be more accurate, because in the past month, the number of planes with this name has increased dramatically, and many Blue Star lords have named their plane [Azeroth]]

After Guy Elvis confirmed it again, he nodded and said, "That's right, it's there." "

[Since the [Azeroth plane] where Ikuno is located has installed an extraordinary building [Teleportation Hall

], this teleportation privilege can take effect] [However, before using the teleportation privilege, there will be the following security points that need to be carefully considered]

[(1) This plane has not announced its space-time coordinates, once teleported, unless the local lord agrees to send the coordinates to [City of a Thousand Stars], you will not be able to return again].

[(2) Since your strength far exceeds the strength level of the plane being teleported, your teleportation invitation may be rejected by the transcendent lord [Yuno] of the plane, and your privileges will still expire after being rejected].

Looking at the safety instructions on the Dawning System, Guy Elvis was even more determined to go to the Ukuno plane.

He was a man who should have died a long time ago.

He took a high-level life extension fruit, and he was also personally imposed by the crown of a certain law of time, except for the [Sacred Anthem Heavenly Pool] of the Angel Race or the [Immortal Spring] of the Undead Race, and he had already tried the method of prolonging life.

For a mysterious person, a thousand years is enough to live, and many holy realms may not be able to live for such a long time, so they have fallen on the battlefields everywhere early.

If there is one regret in Guy Elvis's life, or a regret that every old and dead mysterious architect has, then it must be the Holy Domain Heavenly Graben that all [architects] cannot cross!

If nothing else, Guy felt that he would never have the opportunity to see it in his life.


Yuno's appearance brought him a glimmer of hope!

This is an otherworldly person from Blue Star, but he chose the "least promising" [architect] from so many powerful professions!

As we all know, the human constitution of Blue Star is different from that of humans in the boundless plane, with an awakening rate of 99.9999%.

What native humans can't do, maybe Blue Star people can do?

It's hard for Guy Elvis not to think so.

And this Yuye, who has only been in contact with [architect] for less than a month, has made such a remarkable achievement, and he is a well-deserved genius!

But looking at his rough construction techniques, it is obvious that he suffers from not having a good teacher.

And all this, Guy can help him do it!

Is there a better opportunity to try it right now? Use his last few years of lifespan to cultivate a seed that can impact the Holy Domain in the future, and if he succeeds, then this path may really go through!

It's really worth the deal!

After taking another deep breath and calculating the gains and losses, Guy nodded and said, "Teleport!" "


Yuno's Dawn System interface was confused when he received a new transmission application, and he was even more confused when he saw the applicant's name.

Guy Elvis is going to pass on to his transcendent territory?

I just posted a very ugly picture of an extraordinary building, and this big guy doesn't need to directly transmit it along the network cable to beat himself....

That's right!

Due to the delayed information, Guy Elvis's response to questions is still on the way. [City of a Thousand Stars] ignores the strength of time and space distance, and it is vividly reflected at this time, and its transmission speed even exceeds the transmission of information, of course, if it is really "urgent" information, it will usually use [City of a Thousand Stars].

But there is a disadvantage, and that is expensive!

Therefore, in the perspective of Ikuno, who has not yet received a reply, the whole thing is: he first asked questions like Guy using privileges, and the other party asked him if he was an architect, and then Ikuno replied with a "big (ugly) work (picture)" to (provoke) back (provoke), and then the opposite side angrily came directly to the door to prepare for a fight.

It's just that it shouldn't be....

People at this age shouldn't be so hot in doing things!

Yuno touched his chin, so this teleportation application, did he want to refuse, or hesitantly refuse, or decisively refuse?

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