"Master Guy, may I ask..." The

questions in it seem very straightforward, there are almost no professional terms, and hundreds of words are spilled, in fact, they are just expressing one meaning.

That is how to make the shaped building not collapse, not deform.

This is actually a very basic question.

Asking Guy this kind of question is as ridiculous as asking a Nobel laureate if he can do elementary school arithmetic at Blue Star.

Guy's anger is not feigned, because his first reaction to seeing this kind of problem is that someone is teasing himself!

As an old professor who has gradually faded his fame, his invitation and answer function on the extraordinary academic forum has long been turned off, and being able to designate questions for him to answer must be using some kind of privilege issued by the Dawning system.

And this privilege is abused on a question that an architect's apprentice can tell, what is it not to make fun of him?

But Guy quickly calmed down, he was not a hairy boy, and his temper was like a powder keg that exploded at the slightest.

He quickly opened Yuye's registration interface and carefully found that his relevant authentication identity was - Blue Star Man.

Then I searched for information about him accordingly, and the results really jumped out.

The alliance is very large, and the fart that happened in such a remote place as the Klein war zone can't be honestly on the "Alliance Events" newspaper.

Looking at the relevant search entries, Guy was a melon-eating crowd and understood the recent events that occurred in Klein's plane from beginning to end.


Guy nodded after understanding everything that had happened.

If a Blue Star person can ask such basic questions, it is not exaggerated. After all, they came to the boundless plane, and it was only a short month.

Only in this way, the lord who won the "first place in the challenge list" of the war zone could it be possible to open such a precious "question and answer privilege".

It's just that this Blue Star man does not use this right on those 12 basic professions, but on himself, an old man who is about to enter the soil, which is very surprising.


Guy Elvis pondered for a while, he actually had more or less the answer in his heart, but he was still ready to ask again to make sure.

He stretched out his hands tremblingly as he typed his answer on the virtual screen of the dawning system.

"Before answering this question, may I ask you if you are an architect by profession?"

Then send it over.

A minute passed.

Three minutes passed.

It wasn't until five minutes had passed that Guy patted his head and said to himself with a wry smile: "The transcendent is old, and he is still forgetful!" Time and space lag! "

It takes hours for Yuno to send a message to reach the other side, and it naturally takes hours for the other party to receive it when he sends it back.

The net in the Sin Esari area and Klein's net are separated by unknown time and space.

Just a few hours, and Guy could afford to wait.

Since he got old, his creative energy has become more and more unable to keep up, and after slowly leaving the academic circle, he can enjoy some things that he once could not enjoy.

Drink Earl Grey tea and read the campus newspaper, another boring day in Xin Ai Sally!

Without him, there is a lot of time!

Until half a day later, on the academic forum, a photo was sent to the opposite side.

Guy Elvis took a sip of black tea, slowly put on his glasses, and the result was all sprayed on the newspaper in front of him in the next second.


Sending such a shocking "masterpiece" to yourself, but also to a respected industry senior, to be honest, really requires courage.

But after thinking about it again, in order to be able to find out his own flaws in [architect's] creation, Ikuno also fought hard.

Only self-taught people can know how important it is to have a good teacher, and if the other party is willing to point him out after reading his "masterpiece", it can definitely help him avoid a lot of detours.

It was based on this that Ikuno gritted his teeth and sent his bad works.

This was the second person outside the Transcendent Realm to see his transcendent architecture.

And the last one is Bai Xiao of his "Fauvist Studio", which is considered his own person, even if it is ugly, it is also considered "family ugly". But this time he was facing one of the top architects in the alliance in the true sense, and Yuno did not pay attention to it.

Ikuno guessed correctly, Guy Elvis has lived for nearly a thousand years, and he has trained countless students under his hands, and has encountered a lot of strange things, but he has really not seen a few of them to be able to make buildings like Ikuno.

With Guy's eyes, he naturally saw the other party's problem at a glance.

That is this young man named Yuye, I am afraid that he has not received the exercise of "spiritual" attributes at all.

In other words, some of his most basic things in terms of architecting were simply a mess.

However, considering that the other party is a Blue Star and has contact with a niche profession such as [architect], Guy Elvis also skipped this one.

After all, objective conditions are limited, and there is no way to do this, and it is impossible for a professional architect to transmit to a completely unfamiliar position to face him for face-to-face teaching.

The spiritual exercise he said is not that the spiritual attribute value is high, the high attribute value only represents the depth of a pool, and Yuye can use "spirit" to connect the rune group so well, obviously not weak in the "spirit" attribute, and even in the first order is enough to achieve excellence!

But it is precisely because of this "not weak" that the building he built was immediately compressed and deformed, becoming completely indistinguishable.

Because the rune group of [the architect] is indeed very important, but as the base for carrying the rune group, it is even more important!

In other words, the strength of the rune group is higher, and the "building prototype" built with [Building Material Shaping] and [Ao Neng's Hand] cannot support such a high-quality rune group at all, so when the rune group is attached to the surface of the building, the condensation effect of the star force quickly forms collapse and deformation on the surface of the building.

The result is such a deformed and extraordinary building.

It can still be used, but the extraordinary building produced in this way will definitely lose its quality, and serious points may directly become defective products.

To be honest, it is not easy to collapse into the appearance in the picture of Yuno.

That can only show two points:

First, this person has not practiced spiritual law at all, so the materials he spliced together through [Ao Neng's hand] are just simple materials, and they have not been "combed by the spirit" at all, but just ordinary stacking of materials, which is completely the practice of laymen.

[Architects] with a little teacher inheritance will not have such an outrageous situation.

Second, this person is extremely talented in the rune group, otherwise it would not be possible to create a "rune group" to collapse the building into such a miserable appearance!

The more violently the collapse and distortion, it can only mean that the greater the star pressure of the rune group on the fit, the better the effect.

What a good seedling!

Guy Elvis's interest suddenly came up, and if Ikuno only occasionally saw [the architect's] information and was interested in this extraordinary profession before asking questions, then Guy would only answer the question hastily.

But after waiting for hours, he saw the other party's "work", even if this "work" really couldn't bear to look at it directly, but Guy saw the other party's sincerity and ambition.

This is a guy who really wants to go the [architect] path!

And he is also a Blue Star person who has been coming for less than 1 month!

To be able to have such achievements in such a short period of time, isn't this a gift?

Guy Elvis's heart moved, and he answered Yuno's related questions in detail, and also left a spiritual method he practiced when he was young, [Singularity Scattering Method], which was left behind the question and answer to encourage him to continue his efforts in the future.

This [Singularity Scattering Shot] is more than enough to survive the first 9 steps.

And the mysteries ....

Well, for now, [architects] are only going to the Uyi.

After replying to the question, Guy Elvis wiped the sweat from his forehead, silently reciting the entire [Singularity Scattering Method] is still very exhausting.

After doing everything, he had the leisure and elegance and began to "appreciate" what kind of building this extraordinary building was.

He used the [singularity scattering method] to try to restore the original appearance of the building from the spiritual level, but unfortunately, it still failed.

You can only restore a rough idea, but you can't see the details, or the maker itself has no details, but in general, this looks like a "tower-like" building, specifically [arrow tower], [mage tower] or other "tower-like" buildings, Guy Elvis really can't tell.

But he didn't care much, since he couldn't see it from the outside, then from the "rune group", he could always see some clues!

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