This war between Ikuno and Lidal did not produce violent sparks, and both sides seemed to sense that the other was not easy to mess with, and both adopted steady tactics.

The purpose of Lidal himself was only to come and investigate the cause of the successive [nest] wear and tear on the orders of Lord Kraken.

And this has been achieved after Lidal figured out the fluctuations that Ikuno could determine with a strange and ugly structure that the [mother nest] could grab the living matter.

After that, Lidal didn't have much desire to fight.

After all, under the pincers of the extraordinary construction of [Natural Signal Tower], if the Zerg wants to carry out a rapid explosion, it will inevitably expose its [mother nest] location, and if the tug-of-war develops slowly, it is not known when it will have to fight.

If this is the first day of the second round of defense, maybe Lidal is still interested in playing with Yuno, but now it is the third day of the second round of defense, it is almost over, Lidal has only arrived now, plus the [Natural Model Tower] suppresses the Zerg to "brightly" grab life energy...

It is basically impossible for Lidal to wait until No. 14 [Mother Nest] forms a strong fighting force for a counterattack.

Therefore, Lidal began to put on a bad tactic, except for misleading the fishmen sent out to search for Ukuno, and spending some effort when setting up ambushes, so that Ikuno retreated, and the rest went with the rest.

Lidal's side was so understated, but Yuye's side felt an inexplicable pressure.

He could feel that the enemy commander was far superior to himself in terms of tactical literacy and overall view.

At the beginning, he also sent fishmen into the forest to search for the location of the [mother nest], but repeatedly suffered losses and stepped on the traps designed by the enemy, not only the bugs were not found, they were ambushed several times, and thousands of fishman babies were lost.

This loss is even more than the first thirteen [mother nests] combined!

This made Yuye feel heartache at the same time, and he no longer dared to enter the forest at will.

Watching the time pass by minute by minute, getting closer and closer to the end of the second round of defense, Yuno took one last look at the leafy forest, sighed, and ordered the withdrawal of troops.

He knew in his heart that it was impossible to take No. 14 [Mother Nest] before the end of the second round of defense.

The painful lesson this time also made Yuye's slightly complacent mood in the past few days suddenly disappear.

He couldn't imagine that if the first day came this No. 14 [Mother Nest], would the battle situation on that day still be so smooth?

War is not a simple tower defense, as long as you hold the territory, the knowledge contained in it is not something that a war newcomer like Yuye can control at once.

He didn't really know how to fight, and he didn't think he could learn it.

But Yuno believes in one truth, that is, in the face of absolute strength, all intrigues and tricks are futile.

As long as Yuye finds a way to make his territory stronger, the extraordinary class more powerful, and the extraordinary building function more perfect, then no matter how strong the tactics are, they can't resist the crushing of this hard power!

This also made Yuye's desire to build a complete "supernatural virtue" even stronger.

It's like piecing together a whole piece of the puzzle, and there are already two important pieces of the puzzle on this puzzle called "Chao Shengde".

First, the core building [Goblin Birthstone].

This is the building where the Druids bred extraordinary classes, the Goblins, and Ikuno hasn't rated it through the Dawn System yet, and I don't know what quality its potential can be rated for, but Ikuno doesn't expect it to be too low.

Compared to other classes that can frequently explode troops, goblins are too rare.

If it weren't for the fact that there were so many spirit plants with combat power under Yu Ye, he would not have thought of using goblins as an extraordinary class to lead a group of spirit plants to fight.

Second, the core building [Nature Signal Tower] (not optimized)

The function of this building can be viewed from both positive and negative perspectives, which can help search for the most natural atmosphere in the vicinity of tens of thousands of units, for the druid lords to practice or place [fairy birthstones], etc.

It is also possible to monitor changes in the [Natural Breath Map] to detect the arrival of natural disasters or the movements of certain enemy forces (such as the Zerg) at an early stage.

Just trying to use these two buildings to support a genre is still too thin.

If you want to continue to improve this puzzle, perhaps Ikuno will have to make up for it from some of the missing plates.

For example, production buildings, attack buildings, defense buildings, auxiliary buff buildings, etc., are designed and innovated from the perspective of these buildings.

Among them, the production buildings of druids are generally cameo by [Crystal Cave], which is pure gold oil building, and can also produce "star stone" resources, and other professions will build [Crystal Cave] to pass the early stage of no mine, not to mention the Druid's own job.

The "Chao Sheng De" genre constructed by Ikuno naturally does not leave such a useful building created by the previous architects.

Core puzzle +1.

As for attack-type buildings....

Yuno's eyes flashed, recalling the scene of today's battle being played by the commander of the 14th [Mother Nest].

In fact, more than half of his territory's strength is actually immovable!

In this defense, all the war buildings have not been used once, and all the spirit plant troops and goblins have not had the opportunity to move, after all, the spirit plant is inconvenient to move, and almost all the battle results are all fought by the fish people.

If he can really transform all the combat power of the territory, even if the enemy's tactical literacy is very high, Yuye is not without confidence to fight!

Although there are regrets, this defense battle also made Yuno realize what he had been ignoring. That is, his territory is too inclined to passive defense and lacks the strength to actively attack the enemy!

The same problem naturally cannot be brought into the "supernatural virtue" genre that is still being constructed, and must be completed.

And the way to complete - that is, to strengthen the offensive!

Speaking of offensive....

Ikuno's gaze involuntarily shifted to the thirteen [mother nests] displayed on the side, some of them were broken, and some of them were unharmed.

If you want to talk about aggression, what race can compare to the Zerg, a race that can't wait to devour all the living matter to evolve itself?

Moreover, this race is also a race of "giant births", which is completely in line with the characteristics of "super virtue"!

The most terrifying thing is that the Zerg desperately want life matter to multiply and explode, and the twelve basic professions Ridruid are famous for their star power and vitality!

With the long vitality of the druids, to provide for the Zerg to reproduce, from this point of view, this construction is completely feasible!

But if the Zerg class is included in the construction of "Super Virtue", will it overlap with the Zerg Druids?

But...... Who has ruled that a genre can only have one extraordinary class?

Don't be limited by the names of the genres "Fishman Sa" and "Naga Mu"!

Besides, Ikuno constructs "supernatural virtue", and the focus is on "birth"!

The insect druids, on the other hand, are still the path of the deformed druids, the core concepts of the two are different, and the transcendent path to the future is destined to be different.

Sometimes inspiration is like a diabetes crash, and you can't stop it.

After the idea opened, Yuye even wanted to incorporate the tree people in "Tree People Virtue" into his own system, although tree people are an intelligent race, but they are also a kind of spirit plant, you can also use [Fairy Birthstone] to try to see if you can give birth to a fairy!

There are "fairy dragons" in the goblins, and with the dual-race power of "goblins" and "dragons", it may not be possible to appear "goblins" and "tree people" dual-race goblins!

Moreover, the defensive ability of Shurende is famous even in all the genres of the Human Alliance!

At that time, the "Chao Shengde" attacked the Zerg, defended with tree people and goblins, exploded troops quickly, produced quickly, and the enemy died relatively quickly....

Even because of the multi-class troops, even after the territory is upgraded, it is easier for the druids who choose the "super virtue" to transform into tree people or insect druids!

Yu Ye's breathing was also slightly rapid by this beautiful fantasy, once he successfully created all this series of extraordinary buildings, Shuren Virtue would inevitably sweep the entire low-level Druid Territory in an instant!

And at this moment, Yuno's ears heard the new broadcast of the dawn system, shattering his illusion.

[The second round of defense has ended, settlement is now open].

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