At the door of Yuye's extraordinary territory, there is a row of [mother nests] at this moment, these [mother nests] have different shapes, and some of them look beyond Yuye's imagination, so that Blue Star people come here to visit, maybe they think that they have strayed into a movie museum similar to "Alien".

But at this moment, Yuno was not in the mood to watch the loot that he had spent nearly three days fighting.

He is now playing with several ugly-looking "tower-like" buildings, and after three days, he finally gave this thing a decent name - [Natural Signal Tower] at Bai Xiao's suggestion.

And at Bai Xiao's repeated request, Ikuno promised to properly beautify the building for the future money of the "Fauvist Studio" before she filed the patent application.

Don't ask how earth-shattering it can be, but don't be "ugly" and don't be so blunt.

This is Bai Xiao's original words, which greatly dampened Yuye's "creative (self) work (letter) moving (heart) power".

However, the [Nature Signal Tower], which shined brightly in this resistance, seemed to have failed when facing the 14th [Mother Nest] that was parachuted.

Yuye has already placed [Natural Signal Tower] in several directions around his territory, once a Zerg descends, no matter where it is, as long as it is within 50,000 units of Yuye's territory, it begins to grab life materials from the surrounding area, and Mu Zhong and others, who are always monitoring the [Natural Breath Distribution Map], will immediately feedback the information of aura changes into Yuye's hands.

This is also the reason why 13 [mother nests] were quickly conquered.

But at this moment, a full 3 hours have passed since the dawning system released the 14th [mother nest].

All the [Natural Breath Distribution Map] did not appear as large a void as before!

That's counterintuitive!

Even if this descending [mother's nest] can receive the former's pheromones and know that his territory is strange, but he does not seize life substances at all, how can he explode troops, how to lay the field, how to defeat himself?

Yuno couldn't figure it out.

Or is it already scared by Yuno and is ready to survive until the end of the second round of defense?

This is indeed a possibility.

But Ikuno does not believe that he will not gamble on the enemy to give up on himself, so as to relax his vigilance.

Especially in the face of a race such as the Zerg, the late stage. An omission, when the other party develops, that is the moment of the enemy's counterattack, Yuye does not want to give up the challenge in the end, and let his "brilliant treasure chest" directly shrink by half.

That's right, Ikuno is so confident, this second round of resistance, he must be on the list!

"Something is wrong!"

Mo Mingqi looked at the [Natural Breath Distribution Map] that had just been presented, and then his fingers quickly re-brought up a screenshot from the virtual panel of the Dawning System.

"This is the [natural breath distribution map] that I personally took off 3 hours ago, and you can look at the current one."

Mo Mingqi placed the two pictures in front of Yuye, and at first glance, Yuye felt that the two pictures did not seem to be much different, but when he examined them carefully, he suddenly let out a soft snort.

There is a slight discrepancy between the two charts.

"Yes! Little wonder! Yuye

patted Mo Mingqi's shoulder, this young man has a very delicate heart!

"Where, where." Mo Mingqi pushed his black-framed glasses and smiled shyly, but the smug corners of his mouth were a little irrepressible.

Since the [natural breath distribution map] is composed of green patches of different colors, this dynamic change in color depth is not actually obvious to the naked eye for a long time.

But once you put together the three-hour difference, the gap is more obvious.

This forest is quietly changing!

It's just that unlike the previous 13 [mother nests] that only go to one place to feed life materials, the "mother nest will" of No. 14 [mother nest] is very clever, it chooses to spread the fast-growing [red beetles] and so on farther away, "rain and dew" in each place with strong natural atmosphere, and then sends the collected life materials back to the [mother nest] where they are placed for development.

The whole process is obviously much slower than the previous tactics of the Zerg, but it is indeed an excellent way to isolate the [Natural Breath Distribution Map] probe.

Even if Yuno at this moment had discovered that the enemy was hiding in the forest, he could only allocate a large area for suspected placement, but he could not instantly locate the 14th [mother nest] as before.

Everything seems to be back to the state before Ikuno created [the natural signal tower].

Seen through!

The enemy could think of such a method, and had obviously guessed the key to victory in the Yuno Territory.

Although Yuno was a little surprised that the "will of the mother nest] of the 14th [mother nest] was so smart, he was not too surprised.

He never thought that he would rely on a [Natural Signal Tower] to restrain an alien race at the peak of the boundless plane.

It turns out that as long as you find a way, [natural signal towers] are not as invincible as they think.

But in any case, Ikuno's creation was still extraordinarily effective, and even he felt that this extraordinary building could be built by all the druid lords around their own territory.

Fighting the Zerg or some special alien races in this way will work wonders.

Even if the Zerg came up with a way to disperse and grab the living materials, there is no doubt that this building has achieved its purpose of prolonging its development, making it more difficult for them to transition to the later stage.

Ikuno's brows furrowed, thinking about perfecting the new genre he planned to create - "Chao Shengde".

A good extraordinary building with many angles to evaluate.

Perhaps it has high potential, such as the Druid 1st Order "Legend" quality [Spirit Treasure Cultivation Room].

Perhaps its universality is extremely wide, such as the [crystal cave] of Druid 1st order "ordinary" quality.

Perhaps it is the core of the genre, such as [Insect Taming Square], [Barbarian Bear Treehouse] of Druid 1st Order "Uyi" quality.

Each extraordinary building should have its own unique positioning, achieve an effective division of labor, and make it an important part of this genre, which can be called a good building.

When this genre develops to a certain extent, there will gradually be some "flat replacements", which can be diversified by the vast number of transcendent people in order to cope with more situations.

Some people may say, then why not all of them?

Of course, if you don't have bad money, of course you can do it all.

Those "young masters" and "princesses" built their territories early and bought extraordinary buildings in large quantities, and even some extraordinary buildings were plural.

But these are only a few examples, and the reality is that the Extraordinary Lords have to face attacks from enemy camps from time to time when they develop.

The funds of its territory are actually not as abundant as Ikuno's, and what kind of extraordinary building to choose must be carefully considered to maximize its effectiveness.

Because, every extraordinary building starts a lot of money and star stones!

How powerful is [Shōkun's Mage Tower]? But at that time, Yuno almost used up all his gold coins to purchase star stones in order to keep casting spells.

In addition to the additional factors such as gold coins, the extraordinary buildings that can be arranged in each territory are actually limited, and their activation often comes at the cost of extracting the free star power in the air.

Placing it too densely can also lead to conflicting energies, building failures, and other unexpected situations.

This is also why Yuno obviously has so many gold coins, but does not buy a large number of extraordinary buildings at once, but gradually buys them with the expansion of the territory.

Of course, if you can carry a giant extraordinary building like the "young master" and "princess" with you [Star Power Pump], then it is another matter.

[Star Power Pump], the purchase right in the Dawning system is LV25, and the production is extremely difficult, and only the master [architect] can start the production. Not only that, but each one takes years!

This kind of extraordinary building, which can directly extract a large amount of star power supply from the earth source and sky, can completely solve the problem of extraordinary building density, but it is generally only supplied to large extraordinary cities.

Well, the "young masters" and "princesses" can afford to use them, and naturally belong to the family with hangings.

Ever heard of banknote ability?

In Ukuno's conception, "Super Shengde" should be an unpretentious genre that does not require too much architectural foundation, but each one is the core, and when the druid lords gather the components of these extraordinary buildings, they can quickly form a powerful combat force!

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