Diary of the Death Wizard

Chapter 892 Corpses everywhere

Is there a world outside here? An opened her mouth in shock, But there is obviously a sky here, and I have even flown to high altitudes...

Flying high?

Well, that's not the case. After all, there is no magic replenishment here. The higher you fly, the greater the consumption.

Thor nodded, I have also flown high in the sky and over the clouds, but I have never been higher.

Thor thought about it and found out that he had never flown out of the atmosphere in the wizarding world.

I don’t know if there is such a thing in the wizarding world. However, it is said that the entire wizarding world is closed and cannot escape, so he should not be able to fly outside the sky.

Maybe the Wizarding World is like the Chaos Realm, closed by a barrier. It's just that the Wizarding World is larger, and the barrier that seals it is higher and wider.

But is there such a small gap in the barrier between the wizarding world for him to explore the outside world?

When he thought of this, Thor was shocked, Wait a minute, is the Star Gate a rift in the wizarding world? Is there a rift in every diaphragm?

But the rifts in the Chaos Realm are different from the rifts in the Wizarding World.

But the world beyond the rift may contain dangers.

Thor pondered for a moment and felt that he still needed to take another look at the world outside the Chaos Realm, the world that was even more dead and single than the Chaos Realm, and the skeleton who appeared at the last moment.

But before that, he needed to tell Byron and Keli the news to prevent them from waiting over there in a hurry.

Sol waited here for a day, and worked with Ann to sort out the remains of her newly acquired bone monster.

During this period, no one in Blackwater City, except Lucia, discovered Thor's existence.

In their view, An is a lonely person who occasionally likes to talk to himself. Although her eight spider legs look a bit scary - even the most severely mutated people from the Chaos Realm don't have anything like this - but she is a member of the High Priest Noah. It is said to be the favored one of the Death Judge.

Although they don't understand what a favored person is, they must be very powerful people.

One day later, Corrie and Byron finally found Sol through their homemade traveling tools.

The two of them followed Sol down and were a little shocked when they came up.

They are all second-level wizards, especially Byron, who is the leader in second-level spiritual power. A large number of bones and monster remains have been found inside the cracks, and there are likely to be complete remains among them.

The three of them discussed it and decided to change the landing point of the world shuttle to here.

After all, they now need the bone monster more than the black desert, which contains a lot of black powder.

There are quite a few bones exposed on the surface of the fissure. We decided to mine separately. Keli said, taking out a map of the fissure that she had just drawn.

Senior Byron, Miss An and I are each responsible for a section.

Keli did not assign tasks to Sol. She knew that Sol would not stay in the Chaos Territory for a long time.

If it weren't for Frim's threat, Thor had already planned to go to the Wall of Sighs in the far north.

Now they are pretending to look for the eye of the storm in order to delay time, and this time period is likely to be only one year, and more likely, only half a year.

The bone monster will be their trump card against Flim, so naturally the more, the better.

But even so, for Sol, the first priority is still not to stay here for archaeology.

Fighting against Flim is definitely not something that can be done easily. He needs to unite everyone who can be united.

It was time for him to go find his mentor and tell Goltha about Friem's ​​possible plot to assassinate him.

But before leaving, Thor still needs to go to the world below the Chaos Domain again.

At least determine the degree of danger there and whether it will threaten the friends who are mining the bone monster in the crack.

So, after resting for a day, Thor once again found the crack at the bottom of the crack and skillfully drilled through the crack with the thread of fate.

Compared to his last visit, Thor was more cautious this time.

He carefully found out a little bit of thread, and then immediately used his mental power to detect whether there were any living or non-living things nearby.

However, what he didn't expect was that when he had just let his mental power follow the thread of fate to the world below the chaos, a voice suddenly sounded in his mind.

【You are here again. 】

Thor: !

Thor: Who are you?

The voice sounded familiar, but Thor couldn't remember where he had heard it.

But when Thor turned the line of fate, he saw the gray-white human skeleton he saw when he left here last time.

Are you talking to me? You can actually see me?

The opponent did not launch an attack, not even a mental scan. Thor controlled the fate line to rise a little further, until the end of the line was level with the white skeleton.

【I can see you because I see myself. 】

What the other party said was puzzling, but through many exchanges, Sol slowly remembered whose voice it belonged to.


【I'm glad you still remember me. 】

I'm just not familiar with your voice. It's really hard to forget you as a person.

Thor remembered that when he was dealing with the eye of the storm, Camus ran out of his body and got into the anchor point ejected from the eye of the storm.

Then the knuckle-like anchor rested firmly on the tip of Sol's index finger. It will not contaminate Thor, but it is a big killer. When it appeared back then, it directly contaminates the third-level wizard Yingzhu Herbert.

This leads Sol to pay great attention to his left hand, fearing that the index finger bone inside will be exposed, causing irreparable contamination.

But Camus, who entered the index finger anchor point, fell silent after that. Sol never heard her speak again. He once thought that Camus' soul, which entered the anchor point, had actually been destroyed in a substantial sense.

But Thor didn't expect that he would hear Camus's voice today, in the world under the chaos.

And if the other party didn't speak and she saw herself, then it's very likely that what the other party saw was the anchor hidden on Sol's index finger.

Anchor? !

The line of fate suddenly trembled, You have this body?

Camus made no secret.

[Yes, it is called the anchor point by people in the wizarding world. 】

You are not Camus! Thor continued to tremble. In addition to the fear overflowing in his heart, he also had the excitement of being close to the truth. Are you the anchor of the Black Tide? Are you the master of the Black Tide?

[You think so highly of me, how could I be the master of Kuroshio? 】

Camus' voice was a little helpless.

[I am just the most ordinary skeleton here. 】

The gray-white bones raised their hands and swept behind them.

【look! I am just the smallest, weakest, and most inconspicuous of the many skeletons here. 】

The fate line rose a little further, and it could not clearly perceive such a distance, but just like last time, Thor still saw a motionless, gray giant like a hill.

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