Diary of the Death Wizard

Chapter 891 The Imprisoned Continent

Thor was momentarily shocked by the starry sky outside the diaphragm.

Many speculations flashed through his mind, the first of which was whether Chaos Realm was floating in the universe? It is just protected by a layer of membrane, so it will not disintegrate in the universe, and there is no need to fight against the dangers in the universe.

But this diaphragm does not seem to be completely isolated. After all, it has leaked a hole, and it is not known whether this hole will eventually become an ant nest that breaks the bank.

Thor first checked the hole where the fate line drilled out, and found that the entry and exit of the fate line did not affect the shape of the hole. And this small needle eye did not leak other things in the chaos world to the outside.

Even a speck of dust.

In other words, this rift is a hole for the fate line, but not necessarily for this world.

After all, many substances can pass through a crack the size of a pinhole.

Sol felt a little relieved, so he continued to manipulate the fate line and continued to explore outside.

But after continuing to explore outside, Thor discovered that the outside was not really the universe.

In other words, he is in the universe, but in a place where he can see the universe.

Just because when he first emerged from the crack, the crack was pointed at the starry sky, so he only saw the starry sky.

This is like looking at the sky from a well.

After drilling the rift and extending it some more, Thor saw land beneath the stars.

Later, he discovered that his location should be on a plane, or the ground.

The line continues to rise, reaching a certain height before turning back.

Thor saw a piece of land.

A land even more dead than the Chaos Realm.

Because here, there are no mountains, no deserts, no woods, and no rivers.

It's a bit like the surface of the moon that Thor has seen in his vague memory, but there are no craters from meteorite impacts. The ground is quite flat, but the ground composed of dirt and rocks is still rough.

And judging from the direction of the stone accumulation, the gravity of this place is exactly opposite to the chaotic area where Thor is now.

The two worlds are like soles to soles, close to each other in existence.

Could the Chaos Realm be a world that was thrown into the universe, and the outer layer is the dust shell accumulated by the protective layer after roaming for a long time?

Thor continued to extend his destiny line upwards, and the stars above his head flickered, reminding him of the stars in his own consciousness.

He didn't feel any discomfort on the fate line and had no premonition of danger, so he continued upward.

After all, on a spherical star, you can see far if you stand high.

After rising for a long distance, Thor began to feel difficulty. He finally stopped and tried to feel the ground below.

It's a pity that Fate Line cannot completely replace visual perception. At such a long distance, the information Thor can receive becomes blurry.

He noticed that there seemed to be some bumps on the ground below.

Gray and white, huge as a hill, quiet and motionless.

But Thor couldn't tell what those bumps were yet.

At this time, Thor's mental strength had begun to become unstable, and exhaustion was welling up in his heart.

It's time to go back.

The line of fate begins to shrink rapidly.

But I don’t know if the arrival of the fate line finally touched some power. When it returned to the crack, a nearby ground suddenly shook, and then the soil on the surface slid down.

Something gray-white was exposed.

Thor sped up his return.

His mental body is no longer stable now, and he doesn't want to face the creatures here directly.

But he was still a step slow.

Just when the fate line was about to shrink back into the gap, the gray-white thing suddenly emerged from under the dust.

Thor was about to retract for a moment, then faced the newly appeared gray-white witch body. Then a moment later, he commanded the line of fate again and completely went back underground.

The line of fate returned to Sol's body, and Sol immediately commanded Xiaozao to spit back the soil mixed with black powder that he had just swallowed, and restore the mountain wall to its original state.

That thing didn't chase after it, and it didn't even have mental energy to explore this way.

Thor stood there for a long time until a voice sounded in his head.

Herbert: [Master, are you okay? 】

The consciousness in the diary did not see everything that Thor saw through the clues of fate.

As far as they knew, Sol had been standing there, stunned for more than ten minutes.

It's okay. Thor first calmed the somewhat uneasy conscious body, and then tilted his head and said doubtfully, I was just outside the chaotic area, let's call it outside, and saw... a human skeleton there. .”

Soon after, Thor returned to the crevice and saw An, who had been waiting beside the crevice in the cliff.

Master, are you okay? An greeted him.

Are you anxious? Sol asked with a smile.

A little worried. An said calmly, I have never been to the bottom of the cliff. In fact, I have never found the bottom. There is an unknown terror there for me.

Before Sol answered An, he saw the little girl poking her head behind An. It was Lucia who was taken down by An before.

The girl has a round face, which is considered cute in the chaos, but... she has no nose.

In other words, there is no raised bridge of the nose, and there are two long and narrow holes above the mouth.

This should be Lucia's mutation. There are basically people in Chaos Realm. Some mutations make them stronger, while others have no effect.

Xie's original mutation had no effect, so when his tribe's resources were in crisis, he was among the first to be abandoned.

However, Scorpio was lucky enough to bring back a big scammer, and he turned around.

An turned around and saw Lucia, and let her go back with a glare.

Lucia stuck out her tongue and retreated into the tent.

An was a little embarrassed when she remembered that Thor had overheard all her previous conversations with Lucia. Her nasal cavity has changed and she can smell the distinctive smell of bones, so I will take her out to find the wreckage. After a long time, , the little girl is also very good, so I accepted her as my apprentice.

An said as if reporting.

Of course, I won't interfere in your private life. Lucia's name was also given by you? People here are generally used to single-byte names.

Yes, her original name was Deer. But I changed her name mainly because there are dozens of girls named Deer in Blackwater City. Their family always hopes to hunt a deer when they go out, so many children are prey name.

Such a simple hope?

Sol's tense nerves gradually relaxed. He walked back to the edge of the cliff and kicked a small stone with the sole of his shoe.

The pebbles flew out, fell into the crack, and kept falling until they were submerged in the darkness. In the end, no sound came up.

This chaotic realm should be a broken world.

An nodded, she also noticed.

Thor turned his head and looked at An, who was standing next to him, Do you know what the edge of the world looks like?

I have never been to the world side, which is basically occupied by powerful wizard forces and wizard families. However, I heard from the elders in the family that the world side is also very dangerous. If people who are not strong enough occupy the world side, it may It is in turn swallowed up by the world and becomes the world’s nutrients.”

An frowned slightly, recalling the past, They say that the world side is an incomplete world. That's why it's called the world side, not the small world. The incompleteness of the world side seems to be reflected in the fact that it has edges, and the edges are constantly breaking and breaking. Restructuring.

Really? Thor put his hands behind his hands, But I found a barrier below. Beyond the barrier is another world with no visible edges. This is not like the world, but like a locked continent. .”

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