Devouring and Evolution from Monsters

Chapter 505 Bloodline of Light!

Intelligent assistant, what are the conditions required for my gravitational beam to be advanced to destroy the emperor wave?

Lin Feng asked eagerly.

Master, this is a bit difficult. I wonder if Master dares to do this?

The smart assistant did not answer immediately, but asked in a serious tone.

There is nothing I dare not do! As long as I can improve my strength, I will do anything no matter how difficult it is!

Lin Feng said without hesitation.

Okay! Master, the Emperor Wave of Destruction is an exclusive skill of Caesar Ghidorah. Master, if you want to upgrade the gravity beam to the Emperor Wave of Destruction, there are two ways. The first is to devour Caesar Ghidorah's genes.

The smart assistant said this sentence.

Swallowing the genes of a Caesar Ghidorah? What level of strength does Caesar Ghidorah have?

Lin Feng asked curiously.

As introduced by the system before, Caesar Ghidorah does not seem to be very strong.

Master, Caesar Ghidorah has everything from the planetary level to the stellar level!

The smart assistant explained.

Then there are too many uncertainties. It will be very difficult to find Caesar Ghidorah who happens to be a planet!

Lin Feng couldn't help but shake his head when he heard this.

So, he asked: What about the second way?

The second method is to absorb the dark force! This method is more risky and requires some auxiliary materials!

The smart assistant said.

Then I will choose to absorb the dark force!

Lin Feng thought for a while and said, this seems to be easier than finding Caesar Ghidorah.

Just as Lin Feng was communicating with the smart assistant, the auction outside had ended.

The final auction item was temporarily replaced by the Galaxy Chamber of Commerce with a thousand-year-old grass and wood spirit.

In the end, the auction price was 12 billion Galaxy coins.

And the winner of this thousand-year-old grass and tree spirit is none other than Alpha, the strong man of the Eternal Tribe.

Your Mightiness!

The voice of Isido, vice president of the Galaxy Chamber of Commerce, sounded outside the VIP room.

What's up?

Lin Feng asked slowly.

Your Excellency, a distinguished person invites you to have a chat!

Isidor whispered.

He did not expect that this Gebuto would attract the attention of the young master of the Zhouhuang Consortium.

Is it because of what happened just now?

Lin Feng was a little wary.

At this moment, a voice sounded in his mind: I won't care about the offense just now!

It was obvious that the owner of this voice was the young master of the Zhouhuang Consortium.

Hearing what she said, Lin Feng said calmly: Okay! Then I'll meet her!

This made the vice-president of the Galaxy Chamber of Commerce envious. He was indeed a big shot, and he could be so calm when facing the young master of the Zhouhuang Consortium.

Lin Feng opened the ban on the box and walked out.

Your Excellency, please come with me!

Isido guided Lin Feng to the rear.

Soon, the two came to a luxuriously decorated room.

Your Excellency, go in by yourself!

At the door, the vice president of the Galaxy Chamber of Commerce stayed in the distance.

He did not dare to go in without the summons from the young master of the Zhouhuang Consortium.

Lin Feng nodded slightly, then pushed the door open and entered.

He saw the young master of the Zhouhuang Consortium sitting on a chair, waiting.

You came!

The young master of the Zhouhuang Consortium looked at Lin Feng flatly.

Why did you invite me here? I'm busy now!

Lin Feng said bluntly.


The young master of the Zhouhuang Consortium.

She never expected that Lin Feng would say such words.

The young master of the Zhouhuang Consortium took a deep breath, and then said: I asked the people from the Galaxy Chamber of Commerce to invite you here in the hope that you can clear up some things!

Oh? Is there anything you don't know?

Lin Feng was slightly surprised.

You are from the earth, right?

The young master of the Zhouhuang Consortium said bluntly.


When Lin Feng heard this, he was immediately surprised.

Could it be that the Zhouhuang Consortium could see through his identity?

Didn't Jelly promise that it would be impossible for a galaxy-level powerhouse to see through its disguise?

Your disguise is perfect. Unfortunately, our family has a special talent and can see through all disguises!

The young master of the Zhouhuang Consortium said slowly.

Damn! Do you still have such a natural ability?

Lin Feng was a little depressed.

Doesn't that mean that he has nothing to hide from her?

Don't worry! I'm a businessman and I won't break the rules. I'm calling you here because I have two things to do with you!

The young master of the Zhouhuang Consortium said bluntly.

Say it!

Lin Feng's golden eyes looked at the young master of the Zhouhuang Consortium.

First of all, I want to know the current situation of the earth!

The young master of the Zhouhuang Consortium said bluntly that this was her main purpose for coming to Earth this time.

I don't know the situation on Earth either. I'm very sorry and have no comment!

Lin Feng refused.

He didn't know the purpose of the Zhouhuang Consortium, so how could he easily tell her about the situation on Earth?

What if she goes to Earth to cause destruction?

After all, the current young master of the Zhouhuang Consortium is at the quasi-stellar level and can enter the earth!

It's okay if you don't tell me. Anyway, my next plan is to go to Earth and I will check it out myself!

When the young master of the Zhouhuang Consortium heard this, he paused slightly, and then said it nonchalantly.

What about the second thing?

Lin Feng looked at the young master of the Zhouhuang Consortium.

The second thing I want to ask is, why do you have an aura that feels familiar to me?

The young master of the Zhouhuang Consortium looked straight at Lin Feng, with golden light shining in his eyes.

Perhaps this is because we are fellow villagers! I once heard a rumor that the founder of your Zhouhuang Consortium once came out of the ancient earth!

Lin Feng said with a smile.

It's really possible!

Unexpectedly, the young master of Zhouhuang Consortium nodded seriously.

Then, she said: My name is Dihuang!

Emperor Phoenix? Phoenix of Phoenix?

Lin Feng was a little surprised.

Because, on the ancient earth, Emperor was the royal surname of the demon clan.

And the single word phoenix in his name is enough to show that the young master of the Zhouhuang Consortium has extremely high bloodline and is very likely to return to his ancestors and become a powerful master of the demon clan!

At this moment, Lin Feng saw that the young master of the Zhouhuang Consortium, Dihuang, suddenly turned into a fire phoenix.


A cry, and the light shines brightly in an instant!

Lin Feng even sensed that the light energy in his body was activated!


Lin Feng was extremely surprised.

Because he cannot use the energy of light and must convert it with the energy of the five elements!

At this moment, Lin Feng actually directly sensed the energy of light!

In Lin Feng's mind, the Heart of the Holy Mountain appeared, and he exclaimed: What a pure bloodline of light!

Senior, do you mean that the blood in her body is the blood of light?

Lin Feng asked in surprise.

Yes! Perhaps the origin of her race is the Sun Star!

The Heart of the Holy Mountain nodded seriously.

Hiss! Then if I swallow her blood, wouldn't I be able to directly summon the Emperor's Armor?

Lin Feng's eyes lit up when he heard the words from the Heart of the Holy Mountain.

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