Devouring and Evolution from Monsters

Chapter 504: Mental power increases dramatically!

Huh? Powerful mental fluctuations?

In the auction hall, all living beings sensed a powerful spiritual wave coming from VIP Box No. 2.

This is God's spiritual power! It's so powerful!

Could it be that he is already using Queen's Fetal Fluid?

so envious!

Countless envious, jealous and hateful eyes were cast on Box No. 2.

In the stands, Alpha, the strong man of the Eternal Tribe, also looked at Box 2 with burning eyes.

Originally, this insect fetus fluid belonged to him!

As a result, this green-skinned creature stepped in and took it away!

Damn it! I will make your life worse than death!

Alpha was furious.

In his expectation, Godbrother would not use the queen's fetal fluid so quickly.

When the time comes, he can intercept and kill Gebuduo on the way, and he can also take back the insect queen's fetal fluid.

Unfortunately, this is all the fault of Isido, the vice president of the Galaxy Chamber of Commerce.

If Isido hadn't arranged a VIP box for Lin Feng, he wouldn't have had the chance to use Queen Tire Fluid so quickly!

Damn it! Isidor! I must make you pay the price!

Alpha hates Isido too!

This mental strength has reached the peak of the planetary level, and is even stronger than the average planetary level peak!

There were several star-level experts present, and they were all extremely surprised.

Because, on the surface, Lin Feng is just a low-level planet.

However, the mental strength displayed at this moment is half a star level!

Could this be the effect of the insect queen's fetal fluid?

They all speculated like this.

In VIP Box No. 2.

Lin Feng opened his closed eyes, and a silver light flashed through his eyes.

The virtual reality generates electricity, which is a manifestation of a substantial increase in mental power!

What a pity! We still haven't broken through the boundaries of the stellar level!

Lin Feng was slightly disappointed.

His mental power has reached the barrier of the star level, but there is no way to break through!

Master, don't be dissatisfied! Do you know that in this moment, your mental power has tripled!

The smart assistant said from the side.

What? Tripled?

Lin Feng was a little surprised.

There is a huge gap between the stellar level and the planetary level. It is simply a difference between clouds and mud. Mental power is not only a quantitative change, but also a qualitative change!

The smart assistant explained.

That's true! My mental strength seems to be a little different!

Lin Feng felt it, and there was indeed something abnormal.

The intelligent assistant explained: The master's mental power has just been increased by more than three times. However, it has been purified repeatedly, so the master ignored it!

Lin Feng heard this and immediately tried it. Sure enough, the range of his mental power detection was wider. At this moment, his mental power could easily sweep across several planets!

Even the ability to see into subtle details has been greatly improved!

I don't know, with my current mental strength, can I clearly see the true face of the young master of the Zhouhuang Consortium?

Lin Feng thought like this, and he once again spread his mental power towards the Supreme Box.

At this moment, his mental power was like mercury, pure white, slowly moving toward the young master of the Zhouhuang Consortium.

First, Lin Feng's mental power passed through the barrier of the Supreme Box.

He has been able to do this before.

Soon, Lin Feng's mental power touched a ball of golden light.

He guessed that this was the protective divine light of the young master of the Zhouhuang Consortium.

Before, Lin Feng's mental power had difficulty penetrating it.

However, at this moment, when his white and silver mental power touched the golden light group, it invaded instantly!

Huh? The body is a firebird?

Lin Feng discovered that what was revealed in the golden light was a firebird.

Moreover, the appearance of this firebird is somewhat similar to Ling'er!

Is this a phoenix?

When Lin Feng saw clearly the appearance of the young master of the Zhouhuang Consortium, he couldn't help but exclaimed.

I saw that this firebird has a red head, a lin's hip, a snake's neck, a fish's tail, a dragon's pattern, a turtle's body, a swallow's chin, and a chicken's beak. Its body is like a mandarin duck, its wings are like a roc, and its legs are like a crane.

This is exactly the same as the phoenix, the divine bird in myths and legends!

At this time, the young master of the Zhouhuang Consortium also noticed the prying eyes, and she said coldly: Who is it?


A muffled sound resounded in Lin Feng's mind!

Lin Feng felt his mind shake, and the next moment, all his mental power poured back!

Is this young master of the Zhouhuang Financial Group really only a quasi-star?

Feeling the powerful spiritual power just now, Lin Feng whispered.

Master, this is the background of the great interstellar chaebols! Their descendants will spend a huge amount of resources to lay a solid foundation when they are young, paving the way for future growth! They even have one more realm than ordinary creatures. !”

The smart assistant explained.

why is that?

Lin Feng asked curiously.

Isn't it better to advance as quickly as possible?

Of course not! Even among people of the same rank, there are strengths and weaknesses!

The smart assistant shook his head.

It thought for a while and then said: Master, for example, when you were at a low level, you could always defeat the enemy by leapfrogging the level. Why is this?

Because I have Ghidorah's talent!

Lin Feng said without thinking.

Yes! That's true! However, now, your previous talents can rarely be put to use. This is because they have not grown with their master!

The smart assistant continued.

It seems so!

Lin Feng thought about it carefully and felt that what the smart assistant said was right.

Nowadays, he rarely uses the gravity beam.

Because the gravity beam can no longer keep up with Lin Feng's fighting needs and can no longer be regarded as his trump card!

Could it be that the gravitational beam can continue to improve?

Suddenly, an idea flashed in Lin Feng's mind and he asked.

That's natural! However, Master, I suggest you make preparations before you advance to the Stellar Stage. This way, when Master ascends to the Stellar Stage, you can also improve this ability!

The smart assistant suggested.

Okay! I really should reflect on it. I have learned too many abilities recently, which are mixed but not perfect. I must focus on cultivating a few. Especially the unique skills such as gravity beam cannot be given up. After all, this is the symbol of the Ghidorah clan!

Lin Feng nodded solemnly.

The size of the smart assistant suddenly woke him up.

Then, Lin Feng asked: Intelligent assistant, what will this gravitational beam be after it is upgraded?

After the gravitational beam is advanced, it will be called [Destruction Emperor Wave]!

The smart assistant explained.

Destruction Emperor Wave? This name is quite domineering! I wonder, what special effects does it have?

Lin Feng's eyes flashed with light.

The biggest feature of the Destruction Emperor Wave is its anti-gravity! It can prevent the creatures fighting the master from getting close to the master! In addition to these, the attack power of the Destruction Emperor Wave is also superior to the gravity beam!

The smart assistant explained.

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