Devouring and Evolution from Monsters

Chapter 496 Battle against the powerful Eternals!


On the sun, a strong flare erupted again.

Then, these bursts of energy converged into a golden beam of light that shot towards Lin Feng from the sun!

The golden light pillar enveloped Lin Feng, and then the Emperor's Armor was summoned by Lin Feng again!

This... violent activity on the sun is actually caused by Lord Shenlong?

On the ground, many astronomers were shocked.

Violent flares on the sun reappeared, and they finally understood that the previous strong activity on the sun was actually caused by Lin Feng!

Is this borrowing the power of stars?

Alpha, the strong one of the Eternals, became slightly more cautious.

Before this, Lin Feng was just a planet-level creature.

However, now that he can borrow stellar energy, he initially has the resources to fight with him.


After summoning the Emperor's Armor, Lin Feng's body glowed with golden light, and he immediately flew towards the place where the Eternal Tribe's strongman Alpha was!

Don't overestimate your capabilities!

Alpha, the strong man of the Eternal Tribe, saw Lin Feng flying toward him across the emerald green bamboo forest. There was a murderous look and contempt in his purple eyes.

Because, in his eyes, Lin Feng only relied on the power of stars intelligently. There was a huge difference between him and a creature like him who truly mastered the power of stars!


Lin Feng crossed the green bamboo forest and stood opposite Alpha.


Lin Feng summoned the Emperor Sword!

I only need one punch to crush you!

Alpha raised a hand and said contemptuously.

As he spoke, blue light began to bloom on his raised arm.

This is stellar power.

This kind of power is much stronger than the power of the planet!


As Alpha punched, a blue light wave bombarded Lin Feng!

Lin Feng had already deployed his telepathy around him.

When Alpha punched, he had already sensed it.


Lin Feng teleported away instantly!

Then, the blue light whizzed past the place where Lin Feng had just stood!

Like a meteorite, it bombarded the earth!

You humble insect, how dare you hide? You can hide, but you can't hide from the mother planet behind you!

The Eternal Tribe strongman saw Lin Li using teleportation to avoid his attack, and said with a cold expression.


The blue energy group quickly bombarded the earth.


A loud bang!

That blue light ball directly bombarded a big mountain!

And this powerful force directly blasted the mountain into a huge crater with a diameter of tens of meters. At a glance, it was unknown how deep it was.


This violent bombardment immediately triggered a large earthquake with a wide range.

Hiss! Just the aftermath of the battle is so powerful!

The creatures on the earth trembled when they saw that the alien in the sky caused so much damage on the earth with a random punch.

Lin Feng also saw the destructive power of this blue light wave.

It seems that we can't fight here!

Thinking of this, Lin Feng's body glowed with golden light.

The next moment, he soared into the sky and flew directly into space!

Want to escape?

Alpha, the strong man of the Eternal Tribe, saw Lin Feng leaving and immediately followed him.

There is a blue halo covering his body. This energy allows him to survive in space!

Lin Feng flew to a meteorite belt and stopped suddenly.

What? Stop running?

Alpha looked at Lin Feng with a sneer.

He vaguely grasped Lin Feng's weakness.

Lin Feng couldn't get too far away if he relied on the power of the Sun Star!

Cut the nonsense!

Lin Feng used his mind power to control the Emperor Sword and swung it out!


A golden light wave shot towards Alpha, the strong man of the Eternal Tribe!

With your half-assed skills, even if I stand here and let you hit me, you can't hit me!

Alpha, the strong man of the Eternal Tribe, looked at Lin Feng with disdain.

He has such confidence.

Because Alpha is the strong man of the Eternals, born with unparalleled strength, wisdom, endurance, recovery ability and agility. His skin is nearly indestructible, resistant to cold, heat, electricity, radiation, poison, aging and disease.

Even on a spiritual level, it has extremely high resistance!

It can be said that the powerful Eternals can crush many interstellar races without using weapons and just relying on their physical skills!

What's more, Lin Feng in front of him was just a planet-level creature.

It is impossible for planet-level power to destroy the defense of a star-level powerhouse. This is the interstellar truth!

call out!

The golden sword light quickly struck Alpha's body!


On the surface of Alpha's body, a blue light automatically rises.

This is his body-protecting divine light, which can help him block most damage!

The next moment, the golden light directly broke through the blue light.


Alpha's forehead was cut open by the golden sword energy.

Inside, there is blue blood gushing out!

Damn it! You deserve to die!

Alpha touched the wound on his cheek with his finger and became furious!

He never thought that this humble creature in front of him could actually hurt him!

It's you that damn it!

Lin Feng remained unmoved.

The next moment, one of his golden tails stretched out, replacing his mental power, and wrapped around the Emperor's Sword.


Alpha, the strong one of the Eternals, roared angrily.

The next moment, a terrifying force centered on his body and spread to all directions!

What power is this?

Lin Feng looked shocked.

Because, he saw that the surrounding meteorites instantly broke away from their original orbits and flew towards Alpha, the strong man of the Eternal Tribe!

Whoosh! Whoosh! Whoosh!

These meteorites, pulled by the mysterious force field, deviated from their original trajectories and surrounded Alpha, the strong man of the Eternals.


Alpha, the strong man of the Eternal Tribe, shouted loudly.


Just now, the meteorites surrounding Alpha, the strong man of the Eternal Tribe, suddenly turned into a torrent of meteorites and bombarded Lin Feng!

Lin Feng saw meteorites bombarding him one after another, and immediately swept his giant tail quickly.


The Emperor's sword swung rapidly.

A series of sharp golden sword lights shot out!


Those meteorites that bombarded were hit by the golden sword light, and were instantly torn apart by the sharp sword energy!

Under the control of Alpha, the strong man of the Eternals, the meteorites bombarded Lin Feng like raindrops!

Lin Feng, on the other hand, remained calm in the face of danger and relied on his superb swordsmanship to defend perfectly!


In space, the war continues.

Finally, Lin Feng chopped the last meteorite into pieces, and Alpha, the strong man of the Eternal Tribe, had knocked out all the meteorites in the meteorite belt!

Let's see how long you can hold on!

A proud look reappeared on the face of Alpha, the strong man of the Eternal Tribe.

Because he firmly believes that Lin Feng's body is only a planetary level, and this borrowed power cannot last long!


Lin Feng took the initiative to attack!

Golden light flashed past, he performed teleportation, swept his giant tail, and slashed towards Alpha, the strong man of the Eternals!

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