Devouring and Evolution from Monsters

Chapter 495 The level of armor!

Armor Summoner, do you want to become stronger quickly?

At this moment, the voice of the Heart of the Holy Mountain appeared in Lin Feng's mind.

Senior, do you mean to help me develop the ability of the Emperor's Armor?

When Lin Feng heard this, he was immediately overjoyed.

Yes! You have just been able to summon the Emperor's Armor, and you are still at the most elementary stage!

The Heart of the Holy Mountain said slowly.

How many levels are there for controlling the emperor's armor?

Lin Feng asked curiously.

There are five stages in total, namely the elementary emperor armor, the intermediate emperor armor, the advanced emperor armor, the ultimate emperor armor, and the human armor in one!

The Heart of the Holy Mountain said with a smile.

Senior, how are these forms distinguished?

Lin Feng asked curiously.

In the first form, the summoner can initially summon the Emperor's Armor. However, the power borrowed from the Sun Star is limited. It can only be used for a certain period of time before it loses its power. At that time, the armor will automatically disintegrate!

The Heart of the Holy Mountain said slowly.

There are indeed some armor summoners who do this!

Lin Feng nodded, the previous Earth Tiger Armor Zhao Hao would have been in this situation.

In the second form, after the armor summoner summons the emperor's armor, the use time will be enhanced to a certain extent.

The Heart of the Holy Mountain continued to explain.

Lin Feng wrote down these experiences.

The third form, summoning the Emperor's Armor, does not require any props. As long as there is light, the Emperor's Armor can be summoned! Even if it is attacked, the Emperor's Armor will automatically merge!

The Kailash Minder states the characteristics of the third mentality.

This... Xiang Yang seems to be in this state in the TV series!

When Lin Feng heard this, he immediately corresponded with Xiang Yang.

The fourth type is called the ultimate emperor's armor. At this time, the summoned emperor's armor will change in form! The Aurora Shield is first installed on the chest, and at the same time armor is added to the arms, which is the complete emperor's armor. Combined form. In this state, the power will be greatly increased!

The Heart of the Holy Mountain continued.

Thank you, senior, for clarifying my doubts. What about the last form?

Lin Feng asked curiously.

It seems that among the TV series I have watched, this ultimate emperor armor is the most powerful among them!

This last state is called the unity of human and armor. The most obvious symbol is that you are the Emperor's Armor, and the Emperor's Armor is you! You can infinitely borrow the power of light from the Sun Star without using any weapons. Bring out the strongest power of the emperor's armor! This is my current state!

The one with the heart of the sacred mountain said quite proudly!


The sudden show of pretense by Shenshan Xinzhe caught him off guard.

However, Lin Feng also admitted that as the first summoner of the Emperor's Armor, this Heart of the Mountain must be the strongest among all previous Emperor's Armors!

After initially understanding the several stages of the Emperor's Armor, Lin Feng eagerly wanted to improve the fit of the Emperor's Armor.

So, he humbly asked for advice: Senior, what should I do to fit the emperor's armor better?

Fight! Endless fight!

The Heart of the Holy Mountain said categorically.


Lin Feng Ruo realized something.

Keep challenging the strong and keep improving yourself!

The Heart of the Holy Mountain continued.

Senior, do you want me to challenge the powerful man from the Eternal Clan?

Lin Feng asked.

Because the meaning of the words spoken by the Heart of the Holy Mountain at this time is very obvious.

I don't like the bastards of the Eternal Clan. It just so happens that there is a descendant of the Eternal Clan here who is an armor summoner. Please teach him a lesson for me!

The Heart of the Holy Mountain said while stroking his beard.

Okay! Then let's take a look, senior!

After listening to the words of the Heart of the Holy Mountain, Lin Feng also felt the desire to fight in his heart.


Lin Feng teleported directly out of the Planet Eater spaceship!


cried the Tyrant and the Poison Queen immediately.

You guys stay on the spaceship, I'll be right back!

Lin Feng confessed and soared into the sky!

That's Lord Shenlong!

Seeing Lin Feng flying out of the spacecraft, the humans on the ground who were closely observing the sky exclaimed.

Could it be that Master Shenlong is going to fight that alien again?

Someone speculated.

At this moment, people from major organizations on Earth were immediately observing Lin Feng's movements using satellites.

Before that, they had already seen the purple-skinned alien.

He once wanted to rush into the earth, but he was blocked by the emerald green bamboo!


Lin Feng's whole body glowed with golden light, and he rushed to the opposite side of Alpha, the strong man of the Eternal Tribe, looking at each other across the emerald green bamboo sea.

Are you Lin Feng?

Alpha looked at Lin Feng with contempt.

As a member of the royal family of the Eternals, he holds a pivotal position in the entire galaxy.

The golden creature in front of him is just a planet-level creature on a remote planet.

it's me!

Lin Feng's calm voice sounded.

Is it you who discovered the ten thousand-year-old grass and tree spirit?

Alpha, the strong man of the Eternal Tribe, continued to ask.

He was not interested in Lin Feng, a creature on earth.

The only thing that can arouse Alpha's interest is the ten thousand year old plant spirit.

Because this ten thousand-year-old plant spirit can greatly enhance his cell activity and further evolve!

Alpha can even sell it in exchange for a large amount of resources!

So what if it's me?

Lin Feng's tone was as calm as ever.

Leave it to me! For the sake of the fellow star, I will let bygones be bygones!

Alpha, the strong man of the Eternal Tribe, said bluntly.

The tone of his words seemed to be giving Lin Feng grace.

Why should I give it to you?

Lin Feng looked at Alpha, the strong man of the Eternal Tribe, mockingly.


Alpha, the strong man of the Eternal Tribe, had a murderous look in his eyes.

How dare an earth star creature of this status disobey him!

I discovered that myself and it has nothing to do with you!

Lin Feng said bluntly.

Okay! Then I will take it myself! However, when the time comes, I will take your life too!

Alpha, the strong man of the Eternal Tribe, looked down at Lin Feng.

There was indifference in his eyes, and he didn't take Lin Feng seriously at all.

Okay! I'm about to learn the strength of the Eternal Clan's strong men!

Lin Feng immediately secretly communicated the power of the Five Elements Light and Shadow Stone.

You are just a planet-level creature, but you actually have the courage to challenge my majesty!

Alpha, the strong man of the Eternal Tribe, laughed angrily.

It seemed that Lin Feng's challenge to him was an insult to him!

At this moment, Lin Feng had already communicated the power of the Five Elements Crystal Stone.

Whoosh! Whoosh!

Five light and shadow stones were summoned by Lin Feng.

These five light and shadow stones were arranged in the void, rotating around his body!

This is?

Alpha, the strong man of the Eternal Tribe, looked at Lin Feng in surprise.

The next moment, five rays of light shot out from the five light and shadow stones!


The power of the five elements gathers into one again!

Something interesting!

Seeing this scene, Alpha Gujing, the strong man of the Eternal Race, finally had a wave of emotion in his eyes!

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