Chapter 500: Lost Hermione

“Honey, get up, pack up, go back today.”

In the morning, bathing in the rising sun, Bell slowly opened his eyes. He stroked Hermione’s smooth spine in his arms, and said with a petulant face.

“Um~ let me sleep for a while~”

Rarely, Hermione got up.

During this time, she was really exhausted.

During the day, you have to play with Bell and see all kinds of interesting and magical creatures. In the evening, after everyone was resting, she had to linger with Bell again and endure wave after wave of shock.

She also thought about taking a good rest for a few nights, but the thought of the upcoming parting, the thoughts and loneliness in her heart made her very longing for Bell’s love.

Really, so she has obviously left the earth with Bell. Why don’t moms and dads let her go abroad with Bell?

It’s just a United States. Is it possible to be farther than Mars?

Of course, United States cannot be farther than Mars. Although the Grangers did not know that their daughter had actually been to Mars.

(The Grangers, who are Muggles, have no resistance to spells such as censorship. Therefore, for safety, Hermione will try to avoid telling her parents about important things.)

The reason why Mrs. Granger did not allow her daughter to travel with Bell this time is not just because United States is too far away from Britain.

You know, Mrs. Granger is a person here, so when she first saw Own’s daughter during the summer vacation, she knew that her daughter was no longer a virgin.

Regarding this, Mrs. Granger didn’t think there was any problem. After all, both the daughter and Bell have been dating for more than 2 years. It is normal to get along with each other in school every day.

But my daughter’s age is still young. If we go to United States with Bell again during the summer vacation, if two young people don’t understand moderation and accidentally cause some harm to the body, that would be bad.

And the most important thing is that my daughter hasn’t been home for nearly half a year. Now that I have finally taken the summer vacation, I still don’t plan to stay at home for one day?

She also missed her daughter very much, OK!

In summary, Mrs. Granger categorically rejected her daughter’s request to go to United States, and there was no room for negotiation.

Unlike Hermione’s unhappiness, Bell felt sorry for this result, but he was able to accept it.

Actually it is not that Bell is so irritated of Her being sensitive and wants to be alone or something.

Instead, their family went to United States this time mainly to attend the aunt’s wedding. Hermione hasn’t married him yet, so it is inevitable to be a little embarrassed about her identity. He is afraid that Hermione will feel uncomfortable then.

“I will sleep on the speed car in a while, okay? There is almost no time.”

Bell said.

Seeing Hermione’s tired look, he also felt very distressed.

But there was no way. In order to stay with Hermione one more night, he forcibly delayed the play trip that should have ended yesterday afternoon until this morning.

Today is the day when their family goes to United States. He and Shanna must hurry back.

The girlfriend who was serving her home put on her clothes, and it was natural that there were some bumps and bumps during the time, so it took some more time for Bell and Hermione to finally leave the sweet cottage that they had lived in for half a month.

After leaving the enchantment of the ecological garden, in order to save time, Bell and Shanna used Apparition to send several others back home.

This made Phyllis, Lena and Little Gabriel, who had never experienced Apparition, were very happy.

Although the feeling after the experience is really not so good.

Standing outside the house, little Gabriel covered her mouth with one hand, and said goodbye to her brother-in-law weakly with the other. Even the scheduled place, the plan to invite brother-in-law to sit at home for a while, did not take care of the implementation.

Hermione was the last person Bale gave away.

Although Hermione had also mastered the Apparition, the location of the Ecological Park was not close to Britain.

At Hermione’s current level, it was impossible to perform such a long-distance apparition accurately.

“Bell, you must remember to send me messages every day, and if you have time, be sure to video with me.”

Standing outside the house, Hermione pulled Bell by the corner of his clothes, and told reluctantly.

“Don’t worry, as long as I have time, I will definitely contact you. Even if I don’t have time, I will take the time to tell you.”

Reaching out and rubbing Hermione’s long red-brown hair, Bell lowered his head and pecked on Hermione’s lips.

“I am leaving.”


Shaking and letting go, after watching Bell disappear, a huge sense of emptiness hit Hermione’s heart.

Bending slightly, Hermione pressed her chest firmly, but her tears couldn’t stop overflowing.

She didn’t know what was wrong with herself. Obviously, it only took more than a month. Obviously, you can contact Bell every day through your personal terminal; obviously…

But why?

Why she…

A familiar, warm embrace hugged Hermione from behind, causing her to tremble slightly.

“Silly boy, why are you crying. Mom is planning to take a rest for a month, and feel lonely, just come and talk to mom. I feel very much about your Life in Hogwarts and the story between you and Bell.” Interested.”

Mrs. Granger stroked her daughter’s hair.

Although she saw her daughter crying sadly, she felt very distressed. But precisely because of this, she was even more grateful that she had stopped her daughter this time.

Because she found that her daughter relied on that Bell too much.

It may not be good to say that, but after all, people are far and near. Compared to Bell, Mrs. Granger of course pays more attention to own daughter.

In her opinion, although the relationship between her daughter and Bell is very sweet now, who can say for the future?

What if one day, that Bell suddenly doesn’t like his daughter? With my daughter in this state, what can I do then?

Therefore, she hopes that through this more than a month, her daughter will realize that life is not only about love, but also many other beautiful things. She hopes that her daughter will no longer be overly indulged in love, but will find herself again.

Of course, all this is just her hope. If in the end, the daughter is still like this, then she has nothing to do.

When the time comes, she can only pray that the little devil Bell will not disappoint her daughter.

Otherwise, if there is something wrong with her daughter, she will fight with Bell for whatever she says!

The wizard is amazing!

At this time, Bell, of course, didn’t know that his future mother-in-law was planning in her heart a plan to die with him.

Should I say that they really deserve to be a mother and daughter? They all like to pull Bell back when they disagree.

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