Chapter 499

“Then go all!”

Bell agreed to Hermione’s request without hesitation.

He enjoys the feeling that his girlfriend is acting like a baby to him.

“But, time…”

Hermione hesitated.

“Don’t worry, there is enough time.”

Regardless of the huge area of ​​the ecological park, it is actually only a few dozen areas divided according to the ecological environment.

According to the time allocated to play in a region for a day, you can still have one or two days of wealth.

After all, they are just here to play, and they just need to see all kinds of magical animals and plants. They fly by in the sky like horses and flowers, but it doesn’t take long.

“It’s finally over! Big Brother, let’s go play!”

At the end of the ceremony, Bell and Shanna showed their faces again, and the two of them had completely completed the task this time.

After bidding farewell to Scamander, Shanna immediately couldn’t wait to find the fun magical animals.

With regard to the introduction of the ecological garden, she herself hadn’t known how many times she had read it before, and it could be said that she had memorized it backwards.

Therefore, the long explanation process before, was simply torment for her.

“Wait a minute, I’ll get a few protection enchantments.”

The protection barrier is a simplified version of the miniature protection barrier used by Universe. It is specially developed for the experience of Ascension tourists.

After all, many magical animals and plants are very aggressive, and the living environment of certain animals and plants is not friendly even to wizards.

One person handed out a badge inscribed with the protection enchantment, and after confirming that everyone had brought it, Bell looked at Luna.

“Luna, what do you say? Are you with us or go to your father?”

Bell asked.

“Father said let me be with you.”

“What about your father?”

Bell was really surprised by Luna’s answer.

It’s rare to go out to play with my own daughter. If I change to my own father, I am afraid that I will not be so happy to be crazy, and then stick to Shanna 24 hours a day, even the toilet is not willing to go to the toilet.

And Luna’s father, let Luna go with them so safely?

Are you afraid that they abducted Luna?

“Father said that he has already sneaked into the core area of ​​this secret Menethil family base. It will not be long before he will be able to obtain decisive evidence to expose the evil plan of the Menethil family to the public. So he is very busy now. ,No time.”

Luna said in her ethereal voice, which had no fluctuations as always.

‘puff–! ’

Bell almost stopped spraying.

So where did Luna’s father, who is not worrying, go? Should he send someone to find it?

He is actually not afraid of Luna’s father, really discovering his own evil plan. Just kidding, how could he put the plan in such an open facility?

wrong! He has no evil plans at all!

Luna’s father almost made it crooked.

He was actually worried that Luna’s father was drilling around, and it wouldn’t be good if he ran to the location of some dangerous magical creature and swallowed it in one bite.

In that case, how can he explain to Luna.

“Big Brother! Let’s go! Let’s go! Everyone else has already left!”

Seeing other tourists, they had already begun to set off in groups, and Shanna, who was unwilling to be content with the queen, jumped anxiously.

She doesn’t care if her evil plan will be discovered.

What if it is discovered?

Whoever dares to object, she will let the little bear bite someone!

“Well then, let’s go.”

Faced with the urging of his own Little Sister, Bell temporarily let go of his worries about Luna’s father. After all, compared to the guy with innocent thoughts, it’s obviously more important to be happy with Little Sister.

The group boarded Shanna’s ‘Bena’ small speed car again and flew towards the sky.

By the way, private speed cars are not allowed in the eco-park. Tourists who come to the Ecological Park, if they want to use a flying car for sightseeing, must apply for a special tour flying car.

The body of the touring car is engraved with a special magic text, which can emit a unique magic wave.

The magical creatures in the ecological park have been trained to take the initiative to avoid the tourist speeding cars.

Of course, there are too many magical creatures, and new creatures are born every day, and old creatures die.

So occasionally there will be a few creatures that are not affected by that unique magical fluctuation, which is normal.

To protect the existence of enchantments, to a large extent, it is to prevent this situation.

For the next half month, Bell took his Little Sister, his girlfriend, and several other women to play in the ecological park during the day.

In the desert, they saw the ‘Reaper Scorpion’.

Although this scorpion has a huge size, they can move silently in the sand. Called the number one assassin in the desert.

Many people killed by the “Reaper Scorpion” died silently, and they didn’t know what killed them until they died.

The name ‘Reaper’ comes from this.

In the tropical rain forest, they saw the ‘rain worm’.

Although there is a ‘worm’ in the name of ‘Rainworm’, they are not worms, but because they are too small, they were given such a name.

But regardless of the small size of the’Rainworms’, their strength is not weak.

As we all know, the tropical rain forest is very humid, and it rains almost every day. The “rainworm” of Life in this environment can absorb moisture in the air and form a large water ball that surrounds itself.

When encountering danger, they will eject powerful water cannons from the water polo, which can knock down trees as thick as their thighs in one blow.

And the most important thing is that the ‘rainworm’ is a kind of magical animal that lives in groups. According to the humidity of the habitat, the size of the ethnic group varies.

Therefore, once a rainworm is provoked, the water cannons waiting for the offender. In the face of that kind of intensive attack, not many wizards can resist it alone.

On the grassland, they saw the ‘gift of the gods’.

This kind of creature whose name is so hungry is actually a completely harmless herbivore.

During the rainy season, they can store a large amount of water in the body for consumption during the dry season.

And this characteristic causes all creatures on the grassland to regard the ‘gifts of the gods’ as predators in the event of a rare year of severe drought.

Even herbivores will attack frantically and kill the ‘gifts of God’ to obtain enough water to survive.

In addition, in the deep mountains, on the top of the snowy mountain, on the ice field, Bell and his team have seen all kinds of magical animals that are dangerous, magical, beautiful, or majestic.

Similarly, they also encountered many magical plants.

But compared to magical animals, magical plants are often more concealed and more difficult to distinguish.

It is very simple to distinguish a magical animal from a bunch of animals. But if you want to tell which one is a magical plant from the dense vegetation, this can’t be done by anyone.

After all, although it is said to be a magical creature ecological protection park, the most of them are ordinary animals and plants that exist as food.

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