Chapter 457

When Karkaroff looked at Madam Maxim with admiration, Madam Maxim stared at the screen belonging to Fleur in midair with excitement. He didn’t even listen to Karkaroff’s presence. Say what.

Just now, when everyone was paying attention to the murloc village, only Mrs. Maxim stared at Furong’s screen motionlessly.

As a mixed race, although everyone’s blood origin is different, Mrs. Maxim still likes the Furong sisters very much. Otherwise, she wouldn’t be able to agree that Fleur would come to Hogwarts with Gabriel.

When she saw that Fleur was actually entangled by a few Grindillo, Mrs. Maxim became angry.

Although Grindyluo is indeed very flexible in the water, with the strength of Furong, it is by no means incapable of failing the opponent.

However, looking at Furong’s pale little face full of anxiety on the screen, Mrs. Maxim sighed helplessly, but she couldn’t blame her lover.

She has been teaching Furong for nearly 7 years. Therefore, she knows very well how much Furong cherishes own Little Sister.

Previously, she told Furong that if Gabriel could not be saved within an hour, then Gabriel would be in danger.

She intended to use this to stimulate Furong’s fighting spirit and make it perform supernormally. As a result, who would have thought, accidentally overwhelmed his head, and instead made Furong’s performance greatly out of standard.

Had it not been for the rules, Mrs. Maxim wanted to jump into the Black Lake and personally help her lover.

Just now, when Mrs. Maxim had already begun to think about how she would comfort each other after Fleur’s failure, she didn’t know why, the movements of those Grindillos suddenly slowed down a lot.

To become the principal of Boothbarton School of Witchcraft and Wizardry, Madame Maxim’s magical attainments are naturally not bad. At least not worse than that guy Karkaroff.

Therefore, she could also see that someone used Transfiguration to control the body of water around Grindillo, which slowed their movements.

Although I don’t know who helped Furong or why the other party did it, no matter what, this is a good thing, and Mrs. Maxim is not going to say it.

Even now, Furong’s progress is far behind the other three. But after all, it is much better to successfully rescue the hostages than to be ‘sinked’ by a few Grindillos halfway through, isn’t it?

Moreover, due to the nature of Furong’s bloodline talent, when Furong is troubled, especially when it is in trouble, there are actually quite a lot of unknown kind people like this kind of sudden jump out.

Following Mrs. Maxim’s gaze, Karkaroff realized that the other party hadn’t noticed what happened in the murloc village at all.

‘There’s really no big picture at all! Sure enough, a barbarian woman is a barbarian woman! ’

Karkaroff, who played the piano against the bull, once again slandered Mrs. Maxim in his heart.

“Ahem! It seems that the fish people should have successfully chased off the invaders. Maybe it was just an aquatic magical animal? Since the hostages have nothing to do, let’s look at it again.”

Without giving Karkaroff a chance to continue to instigate the discord, Dumbledore decided to wait and see what happened for a while and said.

Although I don’t know what the attacker is, in order to ensure the smooth progress of the plan, Dumbledore must try to avoid interfering in the Triwizard Tournament, lest the target person backs down.

After all, from the opposing party’s choice to make a Horcrux, it can be seen how scared the opposing party is to death.

“Aquatic magical animal? What to drive… well, let’s see again…”

For Dumbledore’s outrageous excuse, Karkaroff would only believe it if he was stupid. But after being glanced at by the other party, he also chose to watch the changes from his heart.

‘Humph! Wait for a while, it’s dead, let me see what you do! ’

That’s right! The reason why Karkaroff suddenly changed his mind was not because he was afraid that Dumbledore would shame him afterwards.

joke! who is he?

He is the man who crossed the line with the Dark Lord! How could you be afraid of the bad old man Dumbledore?

Therefore, he really just wanted to wait until the incident was completely up and down, and then completely hit Dumbledore to the bottom, so that he could never stand up! real!

Maybe it’s Bell’s good reward for accumulating virtue and doing good deeds? In short, things are moving in the best direction Bell expected.

What? Do you ask Bell what kind of virtues he usually accumulates and what kind of good he does?

Then this can be overwhelming!

Including but not limited to: helping my Little Sister solve worries, playing with my Little Sister, helping my girlfriend regulate the secretion of hormones in the body, and so on.

Oh, right! He also rodent at Hogwarts!

As time went on, the little wizards gradually forgot the unexpected situation in the murloc village before and watched the game of the four warriors intently again.

Although many people were a little puzzled about the fact that none of the murlocs returned to the village after such a long time.

But the opponent is a murloc, his way of thinking is definitely different from that of humans!

Maybe in the murloc’s concept, after leaving the village, it will take two hours to go back?

Who is right?

The time soon came for an hour, at which time Cedric and Krum had returned to the shore with their hostages respectively.

By the way, Cedric was the first and Krum was second.

As for the remaining two warriors, Harry was circled around the four pillars in the murloc village, and Fleur had already come to the outside of the village and was about to enter.

In other words, Harry had been around the 4 pillars for a long time. He was obviously the first to arrive at the murloc village, but now he has fallen to third place and is still going around there. Isn’t he dizzy?

When everyone was wondering what Harry was doing, some of the little girls who were underwater at this time were also puzzled.

“Sanna, what did you do to Senior Harry? He has been there for more than 10 minutes, right?”

Phyllis looked at Own’s good friend suspiciously.

Senior Harry was not dizzy, Phyllis didn’t know. But she knew that her head was almost dizzy.

“Huh! Who told that bad guy to refuse to walk away honestly, he must move other hostages!”

To be honest, Shanna was surprised when he discovered that Harry had arrived at the murloc village for the first time.

After all, strictly speaking, Harry should be the best among the four warriors this year.

So what are the other three weak chickens doing?

That’s not right! It should be 2 weak chickens!

Looking at the face of little Gabriel, Shanna reluctantly knocked Fleur out of the weak team.

After a little surprise, Shanna didn’t care anymore.

After all, she is not familiar with the other party, and she doesn’t care about who is the first, who is the bottom, and so on.

She’s not the guy Hermione who likes to mess around all day long.

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