Chapter 456

From Shanna’s point of view, there is nothing that her Big Brother can’t handle!

If there is, that frowning face is useless. When the time comes, just smash the magic props in the small satchel and it will be over.

Little Sister had no idea that his own Little Sister was planning to demolish the Bell at Hogwarts again. He looked up at the surveillance mirror above and said:

“Next, we are going to forge an image data.”

After speaking, Bell floated up and came to the side of the surveillance mirror.

He put his own wand on the surveillance mirror, and by manipulating the magic power in the surveillance mirror, he wrote the image in his mind into the surveillance mirror.

To be honest, Bell doesn’t think at all that the scene he designed in a few minutes before can fool the audience on the shore.

Fortunately, the group of little wizards who are not too big to watch the excitement say that they are in their 10s, and they are the best at the age of brain repair, not to mention that they have been fooled by Dumbledore all day.

Therefore, even if the little wizards find something unreasonable, Bell believes that the other party will make up for a reason that he thinks is reasonable.

But for those on the referee’s bench, especially Dumbledore, it is impossible not to find the violation in the picture.

After the game is over, Dumbledore will definitely go to inquire about it.

But this is actually no big deal.

In order to prevent technology from being stolen, every product of the Bell family has been strictly confidential.

No matter how powerful Dumbledore’s strength and magical attainments are, it is impossible to see the root of the problem at a glance without knowing the specific technology and encryption techniques.

After the surveillance mirror returned to the Bell’s technology staff, at that time, it was not what they said.

Dumbledore manages everything every day, and he has to constantly think about how to calculate the little savior. How can he always hold on to this little thing when he has time?

So as long as the time comes, this matter will probably pass.

“Well, you guys go outside to play, be careful not to appear in the observation range of the surveillance mirror.”

He said to the five little ones. After they all left the murloc village, Bell took off the hacker’s cube on the surveillance mirror, hid in the blind spot of the surveillance mirror, and sneaked away.

“You guys have a lot of fun here. Be careful not to make any big movements. I’ll go to the top to see the situation.”

Under the watchful eyes of Shanna and Gabriel, Bell swims towards the lake.

On the way, he also deliberately detoured the bottom road, secretly helping Furong to solve the few Grindillo.

Please don’t get me wrong, this is not Bell Lianxiangxiyu or something.

The problem is, if Fleur really fails to get rid of those Grindillos in the end, who will save Gabriel!

Can’t let Shanna send Gabriel ashore, right?

After going ashore at the usual place, Bell slipped back to the audience without knowing it.

At this time, the auditorium was in chaos, providing a good cover for Bell’s sneaking.

Time goes back a few minutes ago.

After Bell took off the hacking cube, the image he forged was immediately presented to the audience on the shore.

I saw that it had been so plain that no one was paying attention to the screen that showed the murloc village, and suddenly there was an exclamation.

The murloc village that had just been quiet and orderly fell into chaos in the next second.

The little wizards saw that a black shadow flashed from the screen, and disappeared with it, and there was a strong murloc.

Under the greet of several murlocs holding harpoons, the chaotic murlocs quickly chased in the direction where the black shadow had disappeared.

However, because the surveillance scope of the surveillance mirror is limited, and the fish people have been fighting the enemy out of the screen so hard to die, the curiosity of the little wizards can only judge by the messy shouts of the fish people. The battle should be fierce?

“Dumbledore! What is going on!”

Seeing the accident happen, Karkarov Bettido… happy!

You know, they are now hosting the Triwizard Tournament in Hogwarts. Therefore, as long as there is an accident, it is undoubtedly the Hogwarts problem, Dumbledore’s negligence!

Karkaroff, who had been mistreated by Dumbledore and Bell before, now hopes to see Dumbledore deflated.

‘The game can be lost, Dumbledore must not be comfortable! ’

“It seems that there was a slight accident.”

Dumbledore said lightly.

At this moment, he was squinting, carefully observing the picture on the screen.

Looking at the empty picture, a strong sense of disharmony struck Dumbledore’s heart.

With his eyesight, it is impossible to not see the body of the black shadow just now. However, the reality is that he just failed to see the fleeting black shadow before, what is it?

And if he didn’t see clearly, it could be said that it was because he had focused his attention on Harry before, then now, these fish people seem to be hiding from the surveillance mirror deliberately, from beginning to end, there is not a single one. Murlocs appear in the picture?

This is so strange!

And don’t forget, Dumbledore can understand murloc language. Hearing the chaotic shouts of the fish people, he always had the feeling of listening to the magical puppet.

To sum up, Dumbledore is hesitating, should he go to the Black Lake to take a look now, what is going on?

“Small accident?


I have already said that the group of murlocs are unreliable!

If anything happens to Krum, you Hogwarts must take full responsibility! ”

Karkaroff was angry on the surface, but in fact said with joy.

At this time, the shouts from the screen became smaller and smaller. It is not difficult to hear that the fish people are chasing the unknown enemy away.

But the problem is, that gang of murlocs, all chasing each other in a swarm? No one left?

This is really… great!

If something happened to the four hostages, he would have to see, can Dumbledore be as unhurried as he is now?

“Mrs. Maxim, what do you think?”

Knowing that he couldn’t beat Dumbledore’s Karkaroff, to be on the safe side, he decided to take care of the barbarian woman again and find a meat shield for himself.

In case Dumbledore becomes angry and wants to kill someone, he can let the other party stand in front of him first, and he will ‘seeking help’.

“Good job! Great!”

After Karkaroff asked, Mrs. Maxim immediately let out an excited shout. This made Kakarov look at Mrs. Maxim in admiration.

He really didn’t expect the other party to be so brave! ?

And does the other party hate Dumbledore and Hogwarts so much?

You know, although Karkaroff thought so in his heart, he didn’t have the guts to say it directly in front of Dumbledore.

‘It’s really a barbarian woman! ’

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