Chapter 126 Armed Hermione

Hermione leaned back and looked at Bell’s palm.

She saw that Wan Snake was already like a toy snake, which had been broken down into seven segments. From the interface of each section, you can also see many precise and small parts.

If Hermione knew something about magic puppets, she could tell at a glance that it was fake.

The main motivation of magic puppets comes from magic. With the help of magical power, there is no need for complicated internal structures.

Of course, Bell knew that Hermione didn’t understand magic puppets, so he turned out many precision pinions by referring to the internal structure of the clock. This would make Hermione, who was born in Muggle, more convinced.

Hermione stretched out her hand, trying to pick up the ‘part’ of Wan Snake in Bell’s hand and take a closer look. Bell, who noticed Hermione’s movements, quickly retracted his right hand.

“In this state, you can’t touch it casually. Otherwise, it will be very troublesome if you want to install it again if you lose a part.”

Bell flickered.

The trouble is indeed really troublesome, but it is not troublesome to install parts, but troublesome to ensure that the Phantom is not seen through.

If Hermione touched Ten Thousand Snake, then she would immediately realize that the touch, weight, etc. did not match what she saw in her eyes. In that case, Bell would have to directly interfere with Hermione’s senses if the Phantom was not seen through.

Many things, once the seed is planted, it will eventually take root and sprout. Therefore, Bell will use his own power cautiously when it is not necessary.

“Well, I will believe you for the time being.”

Hermione nodded and said.

‘So I won’t die with you for the time being. ’

If Bell knew what Hermione was thinking, then he would definitely be tempted to roll his eyes at Hermione for a month.

So he tried so hard to protect the other party, but the other party still wanted to destroy him?

What the hell did he picture! ?

“But Bell, why did you let this snake crawl on my wrist?”

Even though she knew that the snake that Bell kept in her sleeve was not a real snake, Hermione still had an instinctive disgust.

“So, what, say, it’s called’Wan Snake’! It’s a lot of effort (really), and a lot of precious magic materials (fake, all leftovers), before it was finally made successfully! Although it is only a semi-finished product, it already has a certain combat effectiveness (sweeping the first-grade little wizard). If you encounter a basilisk, it can help you get time to escape.”

Hermione looked at Ten Thousand Snake in surprise.

In Hermione’s view, the current Ten Thousand Snake is like a child’s toy. Apart from being able to frighten people with fakes, it can be said to have no deterrent effect at all.

Just a toy snake that is ten centimeters long and not much thicker than chopsticks can resist dangerous basilisks! ?

Bell saw the unbelief in Hermione’s eyes, but he didn’t mean to explain more.

The left hand gently brushed the Ten Thousand Snake again, and with the help of the palm of his hand, Bell dispelled the magical phantom.

“So do you want? Say it in advance. This is only temporarily lent to you. After the basilisk problem is solved, you have to return it to me.”


Hermione snatched the Ten Thousand Snake in Bell’s hands with lightning speed, completely unable to see the dislike before.

Just kidding, don’t you fools.

You know, Bell has given her many precious magic items before. If it weren’t for her to stop it, even the speeding car, Bell would be able to say that he would give her one without blinking.

But now, with such a shameless toy snake, Bell said so solemnly that it was only temporarily lent to her, which shows how valuable this “ten thousand snakes” is.

Hermione admired the snake in her hand. If you look closely, this little snake is still pretty cute.

On the turquoise snake, fine scales can be seen. The small, pitch-black eyes are like beautiful black pearls, shimmering with a dark luster. There are no gaps in the joints between the various parts of the body, as if they were originally one. Under the sunshine, the whole snake exudes a brilliant brilliance, just like a work of art carved from beautiful gems.

“How to control this?”

Hermione played with Ten Thousand Snake reluctantly.

Why did she resist it so much before?

It must be Bell’s fault!

Although Hermione didn’t know where Bell was wrong, it must be his fault!

“This one needs a drop of blood to recognize the Lord, now the owner of Ten Thousand Snakes is me, so you can’t control it.”

Bell snapped his fingers, and Wan Snake, who was lying softly in Hermione’s hands, immediately raised his head. It climbed to Hermione’s wrist and looped into a snake-shaped bracelet.

“It’s too much trouble to change the owner, and I don’t think you can manipulate it well. Now I have set up the action mode of Ten Thousand Snakes, once you encounter danger, it will be activated immediately to help you resist Dangerous. I will also immediately know that Wan Snake is in a fighting state, and then rush over.”


Hermione puffed up her cheeks and gave Bell a bun face.

Hermione was very unhappy about Bell’s underestimation of her behavior.

And the most important thing is that she can’t refute it at all, you say you are out of breath!

“Right, there is this!”

Bell took off the earring from his left ear again and put it on Hermione’s ear.

“This is a danger prediction earring. If there is a danger near you, it will warn you. I have cleared the record. Now you inject a small amount of magic power into it, and it will identify the target that can pose a threat to you. When these targets radiate malicious intent to you, it will remind you.”

“Remember, once you receive the warning from the earrings, don’t hesitate to stay away from the source of danger!”

At Hermione’s current level, facing the sight of a thousand-year-old basilisk, the little witch would be instantly petrified without resistance. Therefore, avoiding contact with the basilisk is the best way.

As for the ten thousand snakes, it was to prevent the basilisk from being hungry and chasing Hermione.

Following Bell’s instructions, Hermione poured her own magic into the earrings.

I don’t know why, seeing Bell worrying about her so much, Heron felt so warm. The emotions of worry, low self-esteem, jealousy and so on before, like snow under the scorching sun, instantly melted away.


Bell looked at Hermione. After pondering for a while, he still felt a little unsafe.

“And this and this!”

Bell took off the ring and bracelet again, and put them on Hermione’s hand one by one.

“These two accessories can inspire iron armor curses when you are attacked. Remember, you must wear one of them at all times. Don’t take off the earrings. It doesn’t matter if you are a snake. I have set it up to always be by your side, but…”

While wearing the ring for Hermione, Bell chattered.

However, Bell, who was wondering if there was any omission, failed to notice, and Hermione’s face showed an unprecedented look.

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