Chapter 125 Ten Thousand Snakes

Old Deng can not care, but Bell can’t!

For the current situation, Bell feels a little upset.

Anyway, Hermione is also one of her only two friends…

Bell suddenly found a blind spot. It seems that if Senior Sister Penello encounters a basilisk, she might be cold too? Doesn’t that mean that his only two friends are in danger! ?

Bell is even more upset!

Although they will not die, who knows if the two of them are really petrified by the basilisk, will they leave any psychological shadow?

Isn’t the teenage age the most sensitive and fragile period in the heart? If one fails, it might ruin their life! ?

This is why Bell has never wanted to deal with Dumbledore.

Dumbledore wanted to train little Harry to fight Voldemort, but Bell had no opinion. The most important thing is that it is not his turn to have any opinions.

And no one wants a madman to wander around Own all day, right?

If that lunatic had a powerful force, it would be even more a disaster. Its destructive power is almost as powerful as a bear child!

So if Old Deng and Harry were willing to bear the burden, Bell agreed with them.


As the principal of Hogwarts, Dumbledore has the responsibility and obligation to be responsible for all the little wizards studying at Hogwarts!

However, the reality is that there is no one except Harry and Voldemort in Old Deng’s eyes!

Maybe add a Grindelwald?

In line with the principle that as long as the wave does not die, you will die, Dumbledore ignored everything that happened in Hogwarts.

However, the problem is that with Dumbledore, the little wizards are really hard to die!

So it is not an exaggeration to say that Lao Deng’s lower limit is no lower limit!

No matter how unhappy in his heart, Bell did not intend to disrupt Dumbledore’s plan.

No way, who said respecting the old and loving the young is a traditional virtue, Bell is still very considerate of the elderly.

(Actually, the main reason is that it could not be beaten.)

Therefore, Bell can only choose to ensure the safety of his friends from another angle.

“Hermione, stretch out your right hand.”

Bell stretched out own right hand and beckoned to Hermione.

Although she didn’t know what Bell wanted to do, out of trust in her friend, Hermione still stretched out her right hand.

Under Hermione’s gaze, Bell took her right hand. Hermione flinched a little shyly, but Bell held it tightly, unable to pull it out.

Before Hermione could ask her question, her small face changed from red to white at a speed visible to the naked eye. She actually saw a snake, crawling out of Bell’s cuff, and slowly crawling onto her hand!

Feeling the cold snake’s body passing through own hand, about to reach the position of her forearm, Hermione felt her legs feel a little soft. If she weren’t sitting now, she might have collapsed on the ground, right?

Hermione wondered if she was dreaming?

‘Yes! I must be dreaming! Otherwise, how could Bell do such an outrageous thing without using a magic wand? It must be so! ’

The little snake crawled to Hermione’s wrist, formed a bracelet around her wrist, and then… stopped moving!


“No~! Help~ Bell! Get this snake away soon!!!”


Seeing that this snake actually planned to make a home here, Hermione finally had no way of deceiving herself anymore. I just stopped the tears that hadn’t been for a while, and there was a tendency to overflow my eyes again.

Hermione began to reflect on herself. Was she too hasty about making friends with Bell? Should she be more cautious when making friends? Isn’t it better not to talk too much with those who are not inconsistent? Should I keep a distance of more than 10 meters from Bell in the future?

After all, how could a serious person keep a snake in his sleeve!

“Calm down, Hermione, calm down.”

“How do you tell me to calm down! You quickly get rid of this snake and I will calm down!”

Just now, Hermione made a difficult decision: ‘After Bell removes the snake from her wrist, she will die with Bell! ! ! ’

As a Gryffindor lioness with a strong sense of justice, Hermione felt that she could not let Bell continue to survive! Now Bell can raise snakes in his sleeves. Who knows if he will go to raise dragons in Big Ben in the future!



Oops! Hermione suddenly felt that with Bell’s personality, what if she could really do this kind of thing?


For the world not to be destroyed!

For love and peace!

Hermione felt it was necessary for her to wipe out Bell on behalf of the moon.

And as soon as possible!

“Hermione, listen to me. This isn’t a real snake. It’s a magic puppet I made-Wan Snake. If you don’t believe me, touch it with your hand.”

With that, Bell grabbed Hermione’s left hand and pressed it to Wan Snake’s body.

“How about you feel it?”

Hermione carefully felt the touch of her fingertips. It is cold and hard, and a soft touch will give you the flexibility of a stretcher.


“Help~! This really is a real snake! Bell! Hurry, take it away!”

Tears gushed from her eyes, and Hermione felt like she was about to collapse!

Damn Bell! There is no end to this today!

In fact, where did Hermione tell the difference between a real snake and a puppet snake? The little witch grew up so big that she had only seen snakes on TV, and she had never seen it in reality. Her cognition of snakes only stayed at the level of ‘cold-blooded animals’.

Therefore, after touching the cold and hard scales of Ten Thousand Snakes, Hermione felt fear subconsciously, and there was no way to think calmly.

Otherwise, just think about it, how could Bell put a real snake on her…

Probably not?


Seeing Hermione whose tears soared a few meters away, Bell really didn’t know what to say. By the way, why did he design Wanshe so realistically?

‘Oh~! ’

In desperation, Bell decided not to think so much, and just be simple and rude.

With a slight move from Bell’s right hand, the snake on Hermione’s wrist ran into his palm.

“Look here, Hermione.”

He gently brushed his left hand over Wan Snake’s body, and Wan Snake broke into several knots.

“Look, I said it wasn’t a real snake.”

Bell raised her right hand in front of Hermione’s eyes, so that the little witch could see the internal structure of the snake more clearly.

As a magic puppet crafted by Bell, Wan Snake certainly cannot be dismantled so easily. Even if Bell, as the creator of Ten Thousand Snakes, wants to disintegrate Ten Thousand Snakes, he must concentrate all his attention and manipulate the magic power to the smallest possible level in order to unlock the internal organs of Ten Thousand Snakes.

In other words, what Hermione sees now is nothing but a phantom created by Bell.

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