Chapter 110: How Could Normal People Want to Eat Spider Meat?

“If you can go back alive, it is the ancestor’s blessing. Thank you very much, Hagrid. Without you, we must have no way to go back alive today.”

Firenze came over and helped Baine. Among the horses, he and Hagrid had the best relationship, so everyone decided that he would come forward to negotiate with Hagrid.

In the other direction, Aragog also separated the descendants of own and went to the forefront. In the presence of Hagrid, he was not worried that he would be suddenly attacked by the horsemen.

“Long time no see, Hagrid.”

“Oh, Aragok! It’s great to see you all right!”

Hagrid’s eyes quickly filled with tears, if it weren’t for Baine’s half-dozen dressing, looking at him, he couldn’t wait to walk over and give Aragok a warm hug.

“When I found out that something happened here, I was worried. Fortunately, you were not harmed!”

“So what exactly did you fight for? This shouldn’t be the territory of both of you, right?”

Hagrid asked again what he was most confused about. So who on earth is taking the wrong medicine? Or does it mean that both sides’ brains are cramped before they come here to make an appointment?

“Huh! It’s not these four-legged bastards, they attacked my children for no reason.”

Aragok grunted dissatisfiedly.

“Who are you bastard! Cough cough cough…”

Hearing the insult to his own race, Baine immediately wanted to stand up and kill the damned crap. It’s a pity that the injuries on his body made him unable to stand still.

“Calm down, Bain.”

Hagrid stretched out his hand and unquestionably pressed Baine back where he was.

“Aragok, so are you. They are horsemen, not bastards.”

For Hagrid, the first priority now is to figure out what happened, not to mediate the relationship between the horseman and the eight-eyed giant spider. So after simply hitting each stick, he asked the horses again.

“So, Baine, why are you attacking Aragogs? This should not be within your patrol range, right? Why are you here?”

The horses looked at each other, speechless. Speaking of it, it seems that he and others attacked the Eight-Eyed Giant Spider first for no reason? So, waiting for the talents yourself is the one who is in the wrong? Why does it seem to make sense?

“Ahem…actually, Hagrid.”

Seeing the Own people staring with big eyes and looking speechless, Firenze had no choice but to carry the banner and explain the cause and effect to Hagrid.

“We observed that Mars is unusually bright tonight, and Mars is shining above the territory of the Eight-Eyed Giant Spider. Because I don’t know what happened, Baine is afraid that the safety of the Forbidden Forest is threatened, so we plan to observe the situation. ”

“As a result, when we got here, we found that the Eight-Eyed Giant Spiders were besieging a wizard. Although we don’t know the specifics, we consider that a little wizard from Hogwarts had broken into the depths of the Forbidden Forest before. , So we immediately chose to help that wizard.”

Firenze briefly recounted what he had learned. Of course, some spring and autumn brushwork is inevitable. Although he doesn’t like the irritable Bain very much, he is a member of his clan anyway, and he has no reason not to help his own clan.

“You fart! Which one of your eyes saw us besieging a wizard!”

That is a grievance in Aragok’s heart! Are the two holes under the eyebrows of these damn four-legged bastards used to vent their breath? Can’t they see that it is the damn wizard who is bullying the spider?

“But we obviously saw you…”

“We are the one being attacked!”

Aragok interrupted Firenze’s words with a roar.

“Originally, we were going to sleep as usual tonight, sleeping, hunting and hunting. We didn’t provoke anyone or provoke anyone.”

“As a result, I don’t know where a perverted wizard came out. He said he wanted to eat spider meat, and let us take the initiative to commit suicide and give him the meat! Of course I couldn’t agree to such an unreasonable request!”

“When we couldn’t agree, the wizard attacked us, and we were forced to resist, and in the end we were no opponents at all.”

“Just as we were fighting the attack of the perverted wizard, you Damn it horsemen appeared and attacked us without saying anything. Now, you still have the face to say that we are besieging us. That wizard!?”

Hearing Aragok’s roar, Hagrid and the horses both showed a dazed expression.

Hagrid wondered if Aragog was so old that he was a little confused when he was old? How could there be normal people who want to eat spider meat?

(Bell: “Dumbledore still likes to eat cockroach piles, why can’t I want to eat spider meat!”)

However, the pile of cockroaches is not a real cockroach, but the spider meat is really spider meat, so Hagrid was a little doubtful of Aragok’s words.

“But, Aragog, how could there be a wizard able to defeat you so many spiders? And where is that wizard? Since I came here, I have only seen both of you, and I haven’t found any wizard?”

“How do I know where the perverted wizard came from! The fact is that we all spiders together, we can’t help each other!”

Aragok felt that Hagrid had changed. He was no longer the one who loved Hagrid wholeheartedly, and now he didn’t even believe what he said!

“Hagrid, there was indeed a wizard here before. We all saw it with our own eyes. Otherwise, we wouldn’t attack the Eight-Eyed Giant Spider.”

Firenze said something rare for the eight-eyed giant spider. At the same time, he quietly gave himself a compliment in his heart.

‘I’m so witty! ’

“But we don’t know when the other party disappeared.”

Firenze added.

Hagrid’s expression became serious.

Since both the horsemen and Aragok said that there was a wizard here before, there must be nothing wrong. According to Aragok’s previous description, the wizard was simply outrageous, at least Hagrid himself would never be the opponent’s opponent.

In the wizarding world, there are only a handful of wizards who can reach that level. And no matter who it is, there should be no reason to sneak into Hogwarts in the middle of the night.

“Do you remember what he looked like?”

Hagrid asked solemnly.

The horsemen looked at each other and shook their heads blankly.

They suddenly realized that, let alone the other person’s appearance, they couldn’t even remember the other person’s height, body shape, or even the color of the clothes they were wearing. This is incredible for horsemen who are good at bows and arrows.

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