Chapter 109 Don’t be afraid of misery, because there will always be someone worse than you

“No, we can’t get rid of the spiders’ chase! We will be wiped out if this continues!”

“Damn it!”

Bain looked around the battlefield.

The eight-eyed giant spiders are resisting each other’s damage by virtue of their number advantages. Every time a giant spider hits an arrow, another intact one will come up to ensure that the own companion will not die due to too many arrows.

In the chaotic battlefield, it is too difficult to kill with one blow.

The spiders came surging forward and backward, leaving the horses no chance to pull the distance.

Bain regretted his recklessness. If he had followed Ronan’s advice at the time, his companions would not have fallen into such a dangerous situation.

“You guys go, I’ll break it!”

Baine suddenly turned around and rushed in the direction where the eight-eyed giant spider was. He is the leader of the patrol, and he cannot allow others to pay for his own mistakes!

“No! Bain! Come back soon!”

The horses couldn’t help exclaiming. Although Bain has a fiery temper, he often does not listen to dissuasion. But since he can still serve as the leader of the patrol team to this day, it proves that Baine’s reputation among the horses is still very high.

Seeing Bain rushing towards the Eight-Eyed Giant Spider without hesitation, the other horsemen involuntarily slowed down, and some even began to turn around, wanting to rush to fight alongside Baine.

Horsemen are never afraid of Death. Those who died in a heroic battle will be blessed, and the ancestors and the Planet will guide their souls after death to a place of refuge.

“Stop! Stop! Who can tell me what happened here!? Aragok, Baine, why are you fighting!?”

There was a bark from far to near, followed by Hagrid’s exclamation.

Tonight, Hagrid has always felt a little uneasy. So after completing his routine inspection work, he entered the depths of the forbidden forest where he rarely entered.

In doing this, Hagrid, on the one hand, wanted to find horsemen and other magical creatures that could communicate, and asked if anything unusual happened in the depths of the forbidden forest. On the other hand, he also wanted to relax, after all, Hagrid didn’t think anyone would dare to run into the forbidden forest to make trouble.

You know, the forbidden forest is the forbidden forest of Hogwarts. And as long as it is a wizard, no one does not know that the principal of Hogwarts is the great Dumbledore.

As a fan of Dumbledore’s brain, in Hagrid’s thinking mode, as long as the brain is smarter than the troll, it is impossible to come to Hogwarts to make trouble.

However, shortly after Hagrid entered the depths of the forbidden forest, he heard a roar from afar. After careful identification, Hagrid was surprised to find that the direction of the sound was actually the direction in which he placed Aragok!

Hagrid, worried about Aragok’s safety, ran quickly towards the sound source.

Originally, with Hagrid’s moving speed, he should have arrived earlier. But who thought that the stupid dog Yaya would not even say anything to approach this side.

Even though Hagrid had always known that Yaya had little courage, the reason he would bring him out on patrol was just to find a companion, and he had never expected it to be of any help. But he never thought about letting Yaya be a disservice!

Hagrid would have left Fang aside if it hadn’t been for the depths of the Forbidden Forest.

“After I go back, the snacks this month will be halved!”

Hagrid hugged Yaya while panting and ran, not forgetting to announce his punishment to Yaya. This made Fang, who was struggling desperately in Hagrid’s arms, revealed a grayish look in his heart.

Not to mention the danger of being forcibly approached by the owner, even his only hobby-snacks, has been forcibly halved by the unscrupulous owner for a month.

It’s too hard!

As the roar became more and more intense, Hagrid knew that he was close to the scene of the incident.

Thankfully, there is still a certain distance from Aragok’s home here. It seems that Aragog and its cute children should be fine.

It turns out that Hagrid was thinking too beautifully.

Through the crevices of the trees, Hagrid was surprised to find that the two sides at war turned out to be horsemen and eight-eyed giant spiders!

Although Hagrid had always known that the horsemen had some misunderstandings about Aragog and his children. But he never thought that the two sides would go to war, and there would be such a big disturbance.

Fortunately, at least from the scene, it was Aragog who had the upper hand.

Although his relationship with the horses is pretty good, people are close and close. Compared with Aragok, Hagrid doesn’t care about the life of the horses so much.

However, as the hunting ground guard appointed by Principal Dumbledore himself, since Hagrid had seen it with his own eyes, he couldn’t assume that nothing had happened. So Hagrid hurriedly shouted out, trying to prevent the two sides from continuing to fight.

The horses couldn’t help but breathe a sigh of relief when they heard Hagrid’s shout. Not being afraid of death does not mean wanting to die. Since Hagrid is here, he and others are considered saved tonight.

Seeing that the own children were about to kill the horsemen of Damn it, Aragok was extremely proud, and he didn’t seem to care so much about being abused by Bell all night.

As the saying goes, ‘don’t suffer from poverty, but suffer from unevenness’, it doesn’t matter if you are miserable, as long as someone is worse than yourself.


Aragok couldn’t help laughing.

However, before the laughter fell, Aragok heard Hagrid’s roar from the forest. This makes it feel like it has been forced to stop halfway through the toilet, and I can’t tell how uncomfortable it is.

Aragok wanted to pretend not to hear. After all, its age is so old, it is reasonable that the ears are not good.

However, watching Hagrid rush to the center of the battlefield, separating his side and the horseman side, in order to prevent Hagrid from being hurt by the own children, Aragok reluctantly issued an order to stop the attack.

“Who can tell me what happened!?”

Hagrid stretched out his big hand fan, grabbed two giant spiders and threw them out, then dragged Baine out of a pile of rubble and rotten wood.

At this time, Bain was completely out of the spirited spirit he had before. With a dishevelled hair, his body was covered with wounds, including scratches and falls. Of course, the most were the wounds bitten by the eight-eyed giant spider.

Fortunately, Hagrid appeared in time, and the venom of the eight-eyed giant spider had not had time to seep into Baine’s body, otherwise, even if Merlin was resurrected, it would be impossible to save him.

“Thank you, Hagrid, I owe you my life.”

Bain thanked Hagrid weakly.

“Okay, stop talking. Your situation is very bad now. I can only deal with it briefly. It seems that if you don’t lie down for a few months after you go back, your injury will not heal.”

Hagrid took out the Medicinal herbs he carried with him from his arms, put them in his mouth and chewed them quickly, and applied them to Baine’s wound.

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