Hundred Chi Sect is in the mountain range!

When I wanted to ask Tower Spirit why he suddenly interrupted his realm breakthrough and let himself give up the breakthrough opportunity that he has struggled for, he also felt the horror of Yu Haoran after he felt the six terrors emerging from different areas of Heavenly Profound Continent Gloomy suddenly.

The semi-robbery Immortal Divinity Realm world is very different from any realm in the past, and realms with the same number of realms.

If the gap between Immortal Divinity Realm and Paragon Grade 9 Peak Realm is one hundred times, then the gap between Immortal Divinity Realm and Immortal Divinity Realm will reach an amazing one. Million times.

With all the defensive means of the hole cards and background layout, it is very reluctant to resist three powerhouses that are not worthy of Realm, let alone face six powerhouses of Immortal Divinity Realm.

Sun Qiudidi Loves the Enemy of the Moon

Therefore, Yu Haoran did not hesitate and hesitate too much, and decided to give up the opportunity to impact the perfect realm of Valkyrie Ten Pins.

“Tower Spirit, tell everyone to return to the Prince Consort mansion immediately, and then you put the Prince Consort mansion in the ontology domain tower, ready to leave here at any time.”

“Got it!”

Yu Haoran decisively gave up the decision to break through the perfect realm of Valkyrie Ten, while letting Tower Spirit secretly relieved, he immediately used God’s thoughts to notify everyone in the mountain range and let them follow Yu Haoran’s command line just now.

Looking up at the thunder pool with an area smaller than 1%, thinking of those in the thunder pool that are enough to make your own cultivation base and strength, and completely realize the transformation of milky white energy, Yu Haoran’s heart was the first time to those hidden in Heavenly Profound Continent The semi-immortal powerhouses have produced Murderous intentions that are difficult to suppress and obliterate.

“You finally start praying now, praying that Yu Haoran can’t take away the control of the Destiny Stone Tablet from the Desperate Spirit Rat, otherwise, the endless day of immeasurable Destruction will be when your Divine Soul is gone!”

After secretly swearing, Yu Haoran slowly closed his eyes and directly mobilized Space Law’s mystery to cooperate with God’s thoughts. In the South and East Regions, in the South and West Regions, the space was arranged in advance at the junction of the South and Central Regions. Coordinates in order to be able to escape the southern area in a timely manner.

At the same time, Shi devours and absorbs a large amount of milky white energy, hoping to be able to successfully impact Valkyrie perfect realm before evacuating the mountain range where sect is located.

The Cold and Secret Post

The location of the terror finally appeared in the unknown valley at the border of the eastern and southern regions.

The unknown valley is only two thousand miles away from the mountain range where Hundred Chi Sect is located, so the hundred thousand soldiers and Hundred Chi Sect on the North Road have just entered the mansion. A huge silver chessboard quickly appeared above the mountain range. Void.

“A World Chessboard!”

Looking up at the silver chessboard that appeared in the void above him, a clear comprehension whispered in Tower Spirit’s eyes.

“No wonder the three extermination spirits of the cultivation base can always suppress the half-immortal immortal powerhouses in the restricted area. After the Great Annihilation from ancient times, Heaven and Earth’s extinction chessboard is in their hands.”

“Having destroying the Heavens and extinguish the Earth formidable power, and possessing the consciousness of controlling the heavens, it seems that the three extinct spirits are Yu Haoran’s greatest calamity.”

“Scorching Sun, Silver Moon, Stars, I’ve seen the purple spirit daoist brother!” After the silver chessboard slowly stopped in the void, the Scorching Sun, Silver Moon, and Stars, representing the three extinct spirits, got up at the same time and stood side by side at the cup of the chessboard one fist in the other hand paid respect.

“Purple Spirit has seen Fellow Daoist, Sun Moon Fellow Daoist, Star Fellow Daoist!”

Whether it is the consciousness of the sky or the chessboard of annihilation, the three annihilates can have the power of Immortal Divinity Realm.

Therefore, even though the three cultivation’s own cultivation base is far inferior to itself, Tower Spirit hastened to return to the ceremony without any hesitation, and then cup one fist in the other hand asked.

Hou Kedi enemies Mo Yang Shu Ghost Sudden

“I don’t know why Three Fellow Daoists suddenly came to Hundred Chi Sect?”

“Child of Destiny was suddenly stricken, and we three brothers came to help.” After glancing over Yu Haoran, who was hitting realm, the strongest burning sun in the cultivation base replied with a smile.

After hearing Zhuori’s reply, Tower Spirit froze for a moment, then carefully pondered what the other party had just said, and soon guessed the real reason for the help of San Ming Ling.

I am afraid that, like those powerhouses in the endless void, they are optimistic about the ability of Child of Destiny to determine the ultimate attribution of countless opportunities.

The difference is that San Mi Ling hopes to obtain Yu Haoran’s friendship through help.

The powerhouse in the endless void is to designate a new Child of Destiny that they can master after killing Yu Haoran.

After the ground, the enemy can’t help but investigate

Although the opponent’s help is purposeful, it can solve the danger facing Yu Haoran and allow him to continue to use the reward of God Punishment to realize the transformation of the cultivation base and strength. Tower Spirit is happy at the same time, and quickly cupped one fist in the other hand thanks and promise.

“Many thanks Three Fellow Daoists for their help today, I think Yu Haoran will never forget the help of Three Fellow Daoists, and it will definitely pay off in the future.”

At the same time, he did not hurry to put the Prince Consort mansion into the ontology domain tower.

After all, the Prince Consort mansion is the cornerstone of the Big Dipper Turns and Stars Move Formation. Forcibly moving will definitely affect the operation of the Formation.

Cool Sun Xuezhe Cold Ghost Guitai

It is very clear that the three extinct spirits of the special relationship between Ziling and Yu Haoran, after hearing the promises he made for Yu Haoran, the sunburst, silver moon and stars burst into happy smiles.

Then, they turned back to their respective positions, and then started to inspire the horror of the extinct chessboard to deter those horrifying powerhouses that were approaching.

Ships not far apart, Sun Xuezhan, cold promise, independence

The second closest to the mountain range where Hundred Chi Sect is located is the Qinghu mountain range at the border of the eastern and southern regions.

When the burning sun, the silver moon, and the stars stimulate the formidable power of the extinct chessboard, the ominous beast carrying baleful qi like the heavens

“Zi Ling has met Lu Zheng

Facing the ominous beast appearing on the edge of the mountain range

“I do n’t know the stagnant locust call the thief to ask Jun

“Help me make a medicine pill, and I’ll fight him off an opponent!”

The glance full of murderous aura glanced at Yu Haoran, the ominous beast, the neon, the fur, the Greek, the locust, the locust, the robber, the hinge, and the brain.

I heard ominous beast

With ominous beast, it ’s so tired, it ’s so tired, it ’s so embarrassing for men, it ’s messy, it ’s banana, it ’s Chen.

The medicine pill required by this cultivation base is probably a first-order Shengdan.

With Yu Haoran Pill Dao Pill God’s realm, even Divine Pill of Grade 7 and above can’t be refined. How can it be possible to refine the Shengdan beyond the first grade!

Moreover, if it is a powerhouse in the endless void three months ago, and it is temporarily impossible to use the cohesive projection to descend on Heavenly Profound Continent, his request just now is barely reasonable.

Well, now facing the opportunity to communicate with the endless void powerhouse, the man who owns Pill Dao Paragon Peak Realm, Paragon, is the one who should ask for pill concocting. g

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