Hundred Chi Sect’s mountain range!

After the Magical Artifact war after the opening of Heaven and Earth, except for the seven innate Supreme Treasures, all the remaining Innate Spirit Treasures have been reduced to the Magical Artifacts of all beings. !

At the same time, after three years of practice in ancient, ancient, and modern times, their seven innate Supreme Treasure Artifact Spirits are in line with the top wicked geniuses of all living things, and the speed of cultivation base and strength promotion has also fallen behind.

And Azure Dragon, White Tiger, Vermilion Bird, and Black Tortoise are the most outstanding geniuses of all creatures. The speed and height of the cultivation base and strength promotion are beyond the reach of Haotian Artifact Spirit.

And this is one of the important reasons why Haotian Artifact Spirit has been hiding in the dark!

“Haotian, you don’t have the confidence to defeat Azure Dragon Paragon, White Tiger Paragon, Vermilion Bird Paragon, and Paragon Black Tortoise projection, but I have the Purple Spirit.”

Facing the slightly weakened Haotian Artifact Spirit, Tower Spirit immediately said with strong self-confidence.

Sun Diyuan’s Lover Academy

“Moreover, my Purple Spirit not only has the power to defeat them, but also has the means to kill their projection.”

“I don’t believe it!” Haotian Artifact Spirit questioned incredulously.

If they have the strength and means to defeat and kill Azure Dragon Paragon, White Tiger Paragon, Vermilion Bird Paragon, and Paragon Black Tortoise projection, they also have the power to kill their Divine Soul and destroy their own body.

So, with the irreconcilable until death hatred of each other, why did Tower Spirit suddenly choose to let go in the end?

“Because they can defeat and kill Azure Dragon Paragon, White Tiger Paragon, Vermilion Bird Paragon, and Paragon Black Tortoise projection, they are not used to deal with you Haotian, Nether and Sky.”

After replying to the question of Haotian’s Artifact Spirit, Tower Spirit’s gaze turned directly to the central area, and his face showed a non-dignified expression.


Also looking back at the direction of the central area, Haotian Artifact Spirit vaguely guessed who might be the next opponent.

Jie is far away

Immediately after flashing a horrified expression, he immediately commanded to the Artifact Spirit of the Nether Mirror and the Celestial Pot.

“Did you give up like this?” Xingtian Paragon, who had been looking for a chance for sneak attack Yu Haoran, was very puzzled by the decision of Haotian Artifact Spirit to retreat without a fight, and he was full of unwilling interrogation.

Passing away from the school Sun Qimo Lengji Gushu

“Xing Tian, ​​if you don’t want Divine Soul to die out, then stay here!” Haotian Artifact Spirit before the body of Divine Soul returned to the body, when facing the doubt of Xing Tian Paragon, his eyes flashed a bit of dissatisfied expression After threatening.

Subsequently, he did not wait for the final choice of Xingtian Paragon at all, and the body Haotianyin directly tore the void in front of him, and then quickly disappeared in place.

“A bunch of cowards!”

Paragon, who had run rampant throughout the ancient period, developed a character of pride that made him fearless of any powerhouse threat in the world. In the ancient times, when he faced hundreds of immortal and powerful enemies in the Paragon Realm, he dared to desperate Resist.

After early inspection, the only ball game was cold and early inspection

Therefore, Xingtian Paragon, who was completely disappointed with Haotian’s Artifact Spirit, gave him a disapproving comment and continued to stay in place to find a chance for sneak attack Yu Haoran.

In this regard, Tower Spirit not at all Ma’s shot against him, but after expressing the sneered disdain, his gaze continued to look at the direction of Yang Yu.

Valkyrie Grade 7 Peak!

Valkyrie Grade 8 Peak!

Valkyrie Grade 9 Peak!

Waiting until Yu Haoran raised his cultivation base to Valkyrie Grade 9 Peak with the endless reward of Thunder Punishment, he did not encounter any sneak attack or interference.

However, standing in the Tower Spirit between the mountain range clouds, expression not only did not relax in the slightest, but became more dignified.


When Yu Haoran was preparing to use the reward of God Punishment and cooperate with the prepared Divine Vein and Wan Yao Ling Milk to prepare in a spurt of energy to impact the real realm of Valkyrie Ten Pins, from the border of Central and Eastern In the mountain range, a terror suddenly emerged that was enough to destroy the stars.

As if the statue was affected and provoked by the horrific momentum just now, five seconds later, from a common city at the junction of the central and western regions, a horrible momentum sufficient to destroy the stars emerged.

Five seconds later, from Bone City, one of the Ten Great Forbidden Lands of Heavenly Profound Continent, there was also a terror that was enough to destroy the stars.

Five seconds later, from the Qinghu mountain range at the junction of the southern and eastern regions, a horrible momentum that would destroy the stars continued to emerge.

Five seconds later, from a swamp at the junction of the Central Territory and the Northern Territory, a horrible momentum that would destroy the stars continued to emerge.

Five seconds later, from an unknown valley at the junction of the Southern and Central Regions, a horrible momentum appeared to destroy the stars.

Only by virtue of the horror emanating from itself, can it directly destroy the endless void stars, at least two rob the Immortal Divinity Realm’s cultivation base and strength.

That is to say, the horrors that emerged in different areas of Heavenly Profound Continent just now are all horror powerhouses with the cultivation base and strength of the Immortal Divinity Realm.

This not only changed the appearance of Xingtian Paragon and the way of Buddhism still hidden in the void, but even the endless void powerhouses who continued to pay attention to Yu Haoran Transcending Tribulation, their eyes also revealed a solemn expression.

Because they find that their understanding of Heavenly Profound Continent is seriously deviated, as if it seems to be suppressed by the Heavenly Dao rules and Heavenly Profound Continent affected by the Heaven and Earth environment. The overall strength and the number of top powerhouses are far less than those of ancient, ancient and modern times. Three periods.

However, judging by the six horrors that just erupted, the power of Heavenly Profound Continent’s hidden top powerhouse is far more than the endless void.

“Purple spirit, what should we do next?” The blood-empty beast who appeared beside Tower Spirit flashed his eyes and looked at the directions of the horror, expression asked without dignity.

In fact, before preparing to break through Valkyrie Realm, Yu Haoran had predicted in advance that the greatest danger of Thunder Punishment he was facing was not the endless void of the powerhouse projection of the Paragon and the semi-robber Immortal Divinity Realm, but the hiding in Heavenly Profound Continent The immortal powerhouse in the major restricted areas.

Based on these years of experience, combined with his understanding of Heavenly Profound Continent, he judges that there will eventually be two to three powerhouses in the Immortal Divinity Realm world, and he may intervene in his Transcending Tribulation at this time.

Therefore, based on Yu Haoran’s predictions and judgments, they arranged a special means for the powerhouses of the Immortal Divinity Realm Realm.

Now, in the face of the doubling of the horror powerhouse that suddenly doubles, the blood-empty beast that has fallen into panic completely has no idea what to do.

Ignoring the question of the Blood Void Beast, Tower Spirit, who took a deep breath, retracted his attention to those horrific moments, flashed in front of Yu Haoran, and forcibly interrupted the Valkyrie Ten Pin perfect realm he was impacting, expression grave Instructed.

“Yu Haoran, I’m afraid you want the horse to give up the opportunity to impact the new realm, and quickly leave the people of the Prince Consort mansion.”


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