Hundred Chi Sect is in the mountain range!

The one-eyed eye without emotion fluctuated, and quickly swept through the endless void Paragon and the immortal powerhouse projection, and stared directly at the mountain range shrouded in white mist, and finally stopped at Yu Haoran who slaughtered his opponent.

Feeling Heavenly Dao’s rules condense the one-eyed gaze, Yu Haoran’s complexion instantly gloomed, and at the same time, he hurriedly stopped the act of beheading the opponent.

Because he knew it was Heavenly Dao’s rule to express his dissatisfaction, dissatisfaction with his contempt and unauthorized action.

After divinely scanning the mountain range, it was found that the number of remaining powerhouses in the mountain range was less than one hundred. With the strength of the blood virtual beast and the others, it could be easily resolved in a few minutes.

Therefore, after quickly retracting the Yuan Tu Divine Sword in his hand and directly performing the instant moving Space Law martial skill, Yu Haoran appeared at a distance of one meter from Nine Hundred Ninety Ninth.

But at this moment, Heavenly Dao’s one-eyed rule immediately shot a finger-like thickness with a deep purple lightning.

Facing the deep purple lightning which is not fast, Yu Haoran neither used Space Law’s mysterious martial skills to dodge, nor did he stimulate the power of the ancestral witch’s fleethy body and Ruyi Bell to defend, but let the deep purple lightning strike On yourself.


Accompanied by a deafening roar, Yu Haoran was hit directly by a deep purple thunderbolt, hitting the mountain range like a meteor.


Accompanying a rumbling sound of a heavy object falling, Yu Haoran, which fell like a meteor, smashed a mountain about XNUMX meters high.

Seeing the one-eyed eye condensed by the Heavenly Dao rules, unexpectedly attacked Yu Haoran, the Transcending Tribulation, and Yu Haoran, the crossing tribulation, did not dodge and resist the forcibly to withstand the attack of deep purple lightning.

In the eyes of nearly 9 Paragon Grade XNUMX Peak powerhouses at the scene, there was a confused expression.

The nearly thirty and half powerhouses in the Immortal Divinity Realm realm have a struggling expression while their faces are gloomy and watery.

“Pu, 噗, pu!”

After spitting out three mouthfuls of bright red blood in succession, Yu Haoran held back the severely wounded body and turned pale again to the position where he had just been attacked by a deep purple lightning.

Although the one-eyed eye condensed by the Heavenly Dao rules has no slight emotional fluctuations, everyone at the scene can feel it looks towards Yu Haoran’s eyes, revealing a trace of satisfactory expression.

Yu Haoran, who also noticed a change in his one-eyed eyes, secretly relieved, and immediately took out several first-order Grade 3 healing Divine Pill from the domain tower.

After swallowing, sit directly in the void with your knees bent, and then use Divine Pill’s medical power to fully restore the deep purple lightning damage to the fleshhy body and Divine Soul.

“Yu Haoran, what happened just now?”

Invincible Enemy

Heavenly Dao’s condensed one-eyed rule, and suddenly changed the Transcending Tribulation rule to take the lead in shooting Yu Haoran, has made Tower Spirit very strange.

Facing the deep purple lightning of only Paragon Grade 3 Peak Realm for formidable power, Yu Haoran neither shot immediately nor used Space Rule’s mysterious martial skills to dodge, which made him very confused.

Now, only after the change of one-eyed eyes, he dare to swallow the healing medicine pill, Yu Haoran’s all kinds of weird actions, so that Tower Spirit can’t stand the inner doubts, can’t help but risk being discovered by Heavenly Dao rules Risk asked.

“Tower Spirit, it should be a problem in the promotion of Heavenly Dao rules, which actually gave it a sense of undeserved existence.” Looking up at the one-eyed eyes of Paragon Peak and the semi-immortal powerhouse projection, Yu Haoran expression Bland as water explained.

“This is impossible!”

Upon hearing Yu Haoran’s explanation, Tower Spirit’s first reaction was disbelief.

Because Heavenly Dao rules are a unique existence of thousands of rules and rules.

It will not be affected by the will of all living beings, nor will it produce Seven Emotions and Six Desires owned by any living beings.

It is like the emperor of aloof and remote, looking down at the life and death of the world under his control, indifferently dealing with any creature who dares to break the rules it makes.

Moreover, even if Martial Dao is in the most peak ancient times, Heavenly Dao’s rules have not been affected by all things in the world at all, thus generating the consciousness that it should not exist at all.

Yu Haoran, who was able to understand Tower Spirit’s unbelievable mood, closed her eyes again and asked.

“Tower Spirit, since the beginning of Heaven and Earth, is there any soul god that robs Thunder Punishment and will encounter the chaos and self-mirror of nine deaths and still alive? Will it encounter the Heavenly Dao rule that condenses God Punishment? ? “

“No!” Without any memory at all, Tower Spirit shook his head and motioned.

“Tower Spirit, in the ancient, middle, and ancient times, before the final Heaven and Earth Great Annihilation, there will be a Child of Destiny with a sense of destiny. Did they experience the same treatment as me?”

“No!” Tower Spirit continued shaking his head and motioned.

The three destiny sons that appeared in ancient, middle and modern times, Tower Spirit not only witnessed it, but also secretly investigated their detailed information and knows their growth experience.

Not to mention the advent of the Heavenly Dao rule, even the golden armor thunder god encountered during the Transcending Tribulation of the gibbons, they have never really seen it.

“So, it’s also the identity of Child of Destiny, but the treatment we encounter is different?”

Sun Yuanyuan fare

Far from the enemy

“Why?” Tower Spirit asked quickly.

Yu Haoran, who was far from the enemy’s skill, also detected the change in one-eyed eyes by making a master of the ball. While secretly relieved, he immediately took out several first-order Grade 3 healing Divine Pill from the domain tower.

Considering the looming spirit rat in the heart space, Yu Haoran did not directly answer Tower Spirit’s question, but explained it by means of divine communication.

Post-Geopathic Emotional Observation

“That’s because I secretly did something that violated Heavenly Dao’s sense of the rules, which caused its strong dissatisfaction and anger.”

“So, it will change the form and formidable power of Thunder Punishment, and eventually even teach me at my own expense.”

“Yu Haoran, how did you do anything against the rules of Heavenly Dao?”

Only by knowing what has happened to Yu Haoran secretly, can it be determined whether these things caused the dissatisfaction of the Heavenly Dao rules, thereby changing the shape and formidable power of the coming of Thunder Punishment.

Only by knowing if the Heavenly Dao rule produces strong dissatisfaction and anger, can we finally determine whether it has produced an consciousness that should not exist.

“Tower Spirit, I used to secretly use the feelings to help strengthen the strength of Law and weaken the control of the Destiny Stone Tablet by the Destiny Rat.”

After a little hesitation, Yu Haoran finally decided to reveal some of the insane actions he was doing secretly.

“Yu Haoran, why are you doing this?”

Child of Destiny, the destiny stone tablet and the rogue spirit mouse are mutually reinforcing. Tower Spirit really wants to understand why he weakened the rogue spirit mouse’s control over the destiny stone tablet strength. g

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