Lonely sailing from a distance

After seeing Yu Haoran rushing directly into the black clouds, a Paragon Grade 9 Peak Divine Beast from the ancient Monster Race, expression of disdain and ridicule, immediately opened his bloody mouth wide open like a sacrificial bowl and spit out a flame , A ball of color showing pure white, and a burning flame.


Sun Qiu Ke Kehu hates the war situation

The star sword energy from the Flowing Clouds Sect Paragon Grade 9 Peak powerhouse, after losing the attacking target, directly cut to the mountain range shrouded in white mist.

Accompanied by a deafening roar, the 20th percentile Body Formation and Five Elements Dust Light Formation, which were arranged in advance, were directly destroyed.

However, Tower Spirit and the 20th percentile have consumed half a month’s layout, and the number reaches a staggering 36.

The loss of the two god-level formations has little effect on the overall layout of the mountain range.

“Cracking …!”

At the moment when the roar caused by the word energy of the stars just disappeared, the white flame spit out from the ancient Monster Race Divine Beast reached the black clouds at the same time, and then began to burn the black clouds on a large scale.

With the black black clouds constantly being burned by white flames, the powerhouse projections in the endless void gradually saw the situation inside the black black clouds.

“this is…!”

There is neither a golden boiling thunderbolt in the imagination nor a thunder pool that breeds the Thunder Punishment reward. There is only a mountain-sized meat ball in the black cloud.

At the same time, there was a volley in front of the meat ball, with Yu Haoran showing complex expressions in his eyes.

“Come! Keep coming! Keep attacking me!”

Feeling the attention of everyone behind him, Yu Haoran quickly turned to look at the ancient Monster Race Divine Beast and Flowing Clouds Sect powerhouse that had just attacked him, then raised the Trapping Immortal Sword in his hand, and pointed his sword at those of Paragon and the semi-immortal powerhouse projection, provocative expression of contempt expression in his eyes.

“Damn boy!”

“Abominable bastard!”

“Not knowing the immensity of Heaven and Earth!”

In the face of Yu Haoran act recklessly’s provocation, nearly 9 Paragon Grade XNUMX Peak Realm powerhouse projections were affected by anger, and they immediately exerted their strongest means.

The powerhouse in the Immortal Divinity Realm world, which has less than thirty and a half robbers, frowned and looked at the meatballs, with a doubtful expression in his eyes.

Just before the attack of the first fist approached, the space coordinates arranged in advance made Yu Haoran appear behind the fleshhy body instantly.

Immediately afterwards, the attack power formed by boxing, sword energy, Blade Qi, and regular skill martial skills all fell precisely on the meat ball.

Imagine that the deafening roar did not sound, and the picture of 40% of the meatballs in the imagination did not appear. All the strongest means of Paragon Grade 9 Peak powerhouse were eventually absorbed by the seemingly ordinary meatballs. Devour and give digestion.

The enemy is not far away

What the hell is this?

Even the powerhouse of the immortal Peak Realm can’t withstand the combined attacks of nearly ninety Paragon Grade 9 Peak powerhouses.

Therefore, after seeing the meat ball intact and seeing the meat ball devouring all the power of the attack, the same thought emerged in the minds of everyone at the scene.

At the scene, everyone was wondering about the origin of the meat ball. Azure Dragon Paragon, the strongest strength, faintly saw a gap gradually cracking inside the meat ball.

Enemy and Ghost Investigation War Lonely and Hate

A sudden flash of light flashed through his mind, making him secretly thought badly, and immediately directed to White Tiger Paragon, Vermilion Bird Paragon, and Paragon Black Tortoise.

“Second Brother, Third Sister, Fourth Brother, return to endless void immediately!”

Sun Dike not alone

Azure Dragon Paragon expression’s abrupt response also made the remaining twenty and a half-dead immortal powerhouse immediately realize what they were, and they turned and went straight to the endless void.

Sun Dike is not only Sun Qimo, Mo Leng Nuo, but at the same time, there is a volley in front of the meat ball, Yu Haoran showing complex expression in his eyes.

But at this moment, a gap of meat balls was quickly cracked, and a deep purple lightning was shot from the gap.

The deep purple thunderbolt appeared in front of the many semi-immortal immortal powerhouses intending to return to the endless void, and then quickly merged into the void.

“Bang, bang, bang …!”

Due to the sudden disappearance of the deep purple thunderbolt, the immortal powerhouse, which was desperately returning to the endless void, did not stop the sprint speed, and finally rushed to the void before the deep purple thunderbolt disappeared.

Subsequently, with the constant sound of impact, whether it was the strongest Azure Dragon Paragon or the fastest blast Paragon, they were all knocked back by the virtual void that suddenly appeared.

Fate of the enemy

At the same time, the meat ball that completely cracked the gap finally showed its true appearance.

“This is the punishment for Divine Eyes presented by Heavenly Dao rules!”

Looking at the cracked gap of the meatball, a black painted eyeball and indifferent eyes with no emotional fluctuations were exposed. The powerhouses at the Paragon Grade 9 Peak at the scene suddenly turned pale and shouted like a paper. Real origin.

“Come! Come on! You keep attacking me!”

Sun not far away alone the secret of the enemy ball

I have long guessed that Yu Haoran, the true origin of the meat ball, stood behind one eye, waving Trapping Immortal Sword and Yuan Tu Divine Sword, and continued to provoke Paragon and the semi-immortal powerhouses at the scene with a furious attitude. .

However, everyone at the scene ignored Yu Haoran’s provocation, then looked at the one-eyed gloomy face, and began to discuss how to deal with it.

Yu Haoran, who was uninterested in seeing no one’s provocations, was directly above the mountain range when he displayed the momentarily moving Space Law.

Later, he dropped the Trapping Immortal Sword directly into the white mist in the western range of the mountain range, and then carried Yuan Yuan Divine Sword into the mountain range.

Because according to the Transcending Tribulation rule of Thunder Punishment, if someone intervenes in the Transcending Tribulation ’s Thunder Punishment, the Transcending Tribulation will not be temporarily attacked by the Thunder Tribulation until the creatures who intervene in the Thunder Punishment are completely destroyed.

At the same time, with nearly thirty and a half powerhouses in Immortal Divinity Realm and the projections of nearly ninety Paragon Grade 9 Peak Realm powerhouses, the Divine Eyes temporarily condensed from the Heavenly Dao rules may not be able to completely destroy them in a short time. .

Therefore, Yu Haoran wanted to take this opportunity to completely kill those enemies in the mountain range, and then be able to launch all the means arranged in the mountain range in advance to deal with the threat of Divine Eyes condensed by Heavenly Dao rules.

At the same time, the Tower Spirit and the 20% body of Shihai Space also shot at the same time to assist.

Originally, it was only a matter of time for the bloody beast with a cultivation base to reach Paragon Grade 9 Peak, and Xuanyuan Sword of Paragon Grade 7 Peak, with a large number of pre-arranged god stages and Paragon Formation, to completely kill thousands of powerhouses in the mountain range.

Today, with the Tower Spirit having the limits of Paragon Grade 9 Peak, full utilization of the 20% body of all Formula formidable power, and the addition of Yu Haoran, who has the strength of Paragon Grade 3 Peak, the slaughter speed in the mountain range has increased by at least five to five. Six times.

With the endless screams of miserable screams in the mountain range, more than a thousand warriors, half-robbers Paragon and Paragon powerhouse rushed into the mountain range, like falling leaves.

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