Hundred Chi Sect!

It was only four or five years before Yu Haoran joined Hundred Chi Sect as the first test score and became Feng Qingyun disciple.

For four or five years, for a martial artist who nourishes the world’s spiritual energy, it can’t be considered too long.

Of the remaining Elder, deacon, and common disciple in Hundred Chi Sect, most people not only know who Yu Haoran is, but also remember clearly that he had made several major events that caused a sect sensation.

For example, when I just became a disciple in the room, I was singled out for merit and pleasure.

For example: Use the cultivation base of Martial Warrior realm to kill the law enforcement peak with the secret technique of transfiguration.

For example: With the cultivation base of the martial arts realm, the former Sect Zhao Ji forcibly forced to die.

Therefore, when I heard that Yu Haoran was willing to take over as the sect master of Hundred Chi Sect, and promised to lead the rise of sect, the remaining hundreds of people not only accepted their faces to be wild with joy, but also left closed -door cultivation, all rushed to the trial peak where the mountain gate is located.

After making his promise, Yu Haoran soared into the void of XNUMX Nine Hundred Ninety Ninth above Hundred Chi Sect, then closed his eyes slowly, and continued to mobilize the thought to sweep the entire Hundred Chi Sect, and Hundred Chi Sect’s mountain range.

In the end, with the assistance of Tower Spirit and the 20% body, he locked the closed-door cultivation cave of the original Black Bear as the best place to arrange Big Dipper Turns and Stars Move Formation.

“Qing Senior Brother Feng, Senior Brother Lu…!” Yu Haoran shouted loudly, looking up at the Prince Consort mansion that was standing above Yuju Peak.

“Clear Senior Brother Feng, please go to the northwestern edge of this mountain range and wait for my instructions!” Take out a formation flag of high grade, and nine different grades of fourth, third, and second order The spirit vein was handed to the breeze, and Yu Haoran was solemnly instructed.

“Got it!”

Reaching out for a nodded response from the formation flag and the spirit vein, it quickly appeared at the location designated by Yu Haoran.

“Senior Brother Lu, please go to the southeast edge of this mountain range and wait for my instructions!” Also, take out a high-level formation flag and nine identical spirit veins and hand them to Lu Yuan. , Yu Haoran is equally solemnly instructed.

“At Junior Brother, rest assured!”

After reaching out to receive the nodded response from the formation flag and spirit vein, Lu Yuan turned into a sword light and appeared at the specified position.

“Sister, please …”

“Blood Deficiency Senior, please …”


Eight formation flags, 72 fourth-, third-, and second-order spirit veins, led by Qingfeng, Lu Yuan, Yu Siqi, Wu Zhengjun, Qin Lingfei, Blood Deficiency Beast, Red Skunk Beast, and Gibbon Eight directions of the mountain range where the Hundred Chi Sect is located.

“You all stay in place and don’t disturb. See how this sect master changed Hundred Chi Sect into an Immortal Realm for adults.”

Looking down at the hundreds of same sects gathered on the Trial Peak, Yu Haoran didn’t have the slightest contempt for their overly ordinary innate talent and potential, and he excitedly inspired hundreds of same sects.

He then quickly returned to the Prince Consort mansion, then drove the mansion through the Formation hub under the White Tiger statue, and floated to the position of nine thousand Nine Hundred Ninety Ninth above the land where the black bear was once closed-door cultivated.

“Tower Spirit, brother, the next thing is up to you!”

When Yu Minor exited the hub of the Mansion Formation, Yu Haoran also took control of the fleshy body to Tower Spirit.

“When I complete the Big Dipper Turns and Stars Move Formation, you will be responsible for the integration of the Mansion Formation.” After taking control of Yu Haoran’s fleshy body, Tower Spirit was facing the 20% when leaving the mansion. Body instructed.

“Tao Lao rest assured, I know how to do it.” Stepped to the 20th percentile in front of the Formation hub, while bending his knees, he solemnly nodded signaled.

Tower Spirit appeared outside the mansion, and after taking out a high-grade formation flag, it also took out a first-grade low-grade Divine Vein from the domain tower of the body.

took a deep breath, while constantly adjusting the state of the fleshhy body and Divine Soul, the Tower Spirit was instructed towards the breeze in the northeast.

“Breeze, immediately release the body of the nine spirit veins, and then use the secret secret technique to suppress all nine spirit veins in the mountain range!”

“Roger that!”

After responding, Qingfeng immediately lifted the spells on nine spirit veins.

“Ao …!”

When the spell was lifted, the three bodies were longer than ten thousand meters, the three bodies were longer than 50,000 meters, and the white giant dragons were longer than ten thousand meters. When the sky made a deafening roar, they tried desperately. To flee.

However, in the face of the breeze, a powerhouse that robs the Paragon Realm world, when the height of Jiubai White Giant Dragon just vacated was less than 1000 meters, he was directly photographed into the mountain range underground, and then forced by the secret secret technique. Give suppression.

“Qin Lingfei!”

When the breeze smoothly suppressed the nine spirit veins, Tower Spirit immediately turned his head to Qin Lingfei, who was guarding the Trial Peak, instructed.

After nodded signaled that he understood, Qin Lingfei reached out to remove the spells on the nine spirit veins, and while the spirit veins turned into white giant dragons, he turned his head to Lan Rong and the others instructed behind him.

“Cooperate with me!”

Although Qin Lingfei owns the cultivation base of Wudi Grade 7 Peak, the three giant white dragons transformed by low grade, middle grade and high grade spirit vein also possess the real strength of Wudi.

Therefore, in order to avoid unpredictable mistakes that would affect the layout of the Big Dipper Turns and Stars Move Formation, Yu Haoran handed all the hundred thousand elite soldiers on the North Road to Qin Lingfei in advance, and let her use the formation of power fusion to leverage the crowd The power to suppress nine spirit veins.

In the end, with the help of the hundred thousand elites of the hundred thousand Martial Sovereign, Martial Saint and Martial Venerable realm, Qin Lingfei successfully suppressed nine spirit veins.

“Blood Deficiency!” After Qin Lingfei successfully used the secret technique to suppress the nine spirit veins, Tower Spirit immediately instructed the Blood Demon Beast in the southwest direction.

“Got it!”

At the same time, the Blood Demon Beast also responded with a nodded sound, and also suppressed the nine spirit veins as easily as the light breeze.

Whether it is Yu Siqi, Lu Yuan and Wu Zhengjun, or the red hated beast and the gibbons, they are all powerhouses with the strength of Valkyrie. How the nine white giant dragons transformed by the spirit vein struggled so hard that they did not escape from being locked in the end. The secret technique gives the fate of forcible suppression.

Even the fourth-order low grade spirit vein with a body length of only ten thousand meters, for everyone at Hundred Chi Sect, it is only Supreme Treasure that is rarely seen. Not to mention a second-order high grade spirit vein with a body length of over ten ten thousand meters.

So, when I saw Yu Haoran in order to re-create Hundred Chi Sect, he even took out 72 valuable spiritual veins in one breath. Hundred Chi Sect’s remaining hundreds of people were moved by heart, and he also led Hundred. The promise of Chi Sect’s resurgence is full of confidence.

However, when Yu Haoran also unveiled the spell of the spirit vein in his hand, and looked at Divine Vein who turned into a length of more than millions of meters, the confidence of hundreds of same sects was instantly replaced by shouting blindly. … “”.


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