The void above Hundred Chi Sect!


Looking at the six third-order low grades, middle grades, and high grades, three second-order low grades, middle grades, and high grades of the spiritual veins, and a dozen first-grade Grade 1 to Grade 3 Divine Pills, Zhang Quanshui’s eyes are about to Demonstrated desire, and a little hesitant.

The desire is because the seal of more than one million years has consumed too much fleshhy body flesh essence, as well as the original source of Divine Soul Soul Power, and a lot of top-notch medicine pill and spirit vein are urgently needed for recovery.

Hesitation is because his relationship with Yu Haoran is too unfamiliar, and his inner vigilance and principles make him unwilling to owe each other too much.

Seeing Zhang Quanshui hesitant to accept the medicine pill and spirit vein, Yu Haoran, who is good at reading and commenting, how could he not know the cause of the other party’s hesitation, and quickly made an eye at the sword without a trace.

“Peak Master, since you are a traceless mentor, and you are also a traceless Husband, then these medicine pill and spirit veins presented by him represent the mood of the discipline.”

After taking medicine pill and spirit vein from Yu Haoran’s hands, the sword with clear thoughts is invisible, while forcing medicine pill and spirit vein into Zhang Quanshui’s hands, he pretended to be unhappy.

“Master, wouldn’t you accept the heart of disciple!”

“oh! ”

Regardless of is innate talent and potential, or perception and perseverance, as well as physique and character, Swordless is the best discipline that can carry his legacy inheritance. Zhang Quanshui, who does not want to disappoint his discipline, can only nodded in the end. Accept the gift from Yu Haoran.

“it is good!”

“No trace, you first accompany Peak Master back to Yuju Peak. After you finish handling the affairs of Prince Consort’s residence for your husband, you invite Zhang Peak Master to narrate.” Seeing Zhang Quanshui finally nodded, he put away medicine pill and Spirit vein, Yu Haoran instructed with satisfaction in his eyes.

“In Junior Brother, then I will accompany the Master back to the peak!” I know that Yu Haoran wants to deepen his relationship with the Master, so that he can obtain the true Legacy inheritance of the Master, so the sword blinks without blinking. Road.

After the sword has no trace to accompany Zhang Quanshui back to Yujufeng, Yu Haoran mobilized his mind to sweep the entire Hundred Chi Sect and the mountain range where Hundred Chi Sect is located, looking for the best location for the hovering of the Prince Consort mansion.

However, after his divine thought swept the entire Hundred Chi Sect, God couldn’t help but stagger.

Then he turned his head to the breeze and the others, and signaled them to return to Prince Consort’s residence for a while, then turned to the Lie Yan where Lie Yan was located.

“Uncle Lie, what the hell is going on?” Yu Haoran frowns asked before landing in front of Lie Yan.

When he used the spirit vein and Formation to transform Qingfeng Peak, he used God’s thoughts to carefully observe the situation of Hundred Chi Sect and found that Hundred Chi Sect received the blessing of Dragon Dragon Qi. Although Heaven and Earth turning upside down have not yet appeared Changes, but the overall development is a virtuous circle.

However, when he re-examined with the divine mind just now, he found that although the underlying Dragon Qi in the sect is still there, the discipline that can determine the success of the one Sect inheritance has disappeared nearly 99%, which makes him very confused and puzzled. .

After all, from the neat and clean building complex of Hundred Chi Sect, the smooth and orderly flow of Spiritual Qi does not look like a fierce attack.

“In Martial Nephew, it was this Lie’s incompetence that caused the entire sect to fall into a dilemma. This Lie has no face to continue to hold the position of sect master. Please be at Martial Nephew …”

Yu Haoran did not respect the sect master nor the Peak Master. Instead, he continued to call himself Shi Feng as Feng Qingyun disciple.

This moved Lie Yan’s heart, and finally let go of his last obsession, willing to abdicate and give up.

“Uncle Shire, sect Sect Master. Let’s talk about it in the future. Now tell me immediately what kind of calamity sect has encountered? Why are so many Elder, deacon and elite disciple in the mountain gate disappearing?”

Not to mention Hundred Chi Sect, whose overall strength is about to fall into the third-rate sect. Even the top-level sect Sect Master, such as Void Jade Palace and Flowing Clouds Sect, he has neither the slightest peeping thought nor any idea to intervene.

Therefore, after directly interrupting Lie Yan’s initiative to plead guilty, Yu Haoran asked directly to the point.

“At Martial Nephew, this is how …!”

Seeing that Yu Haoran’s face was getting serious, Lie Yan hurriedly described the impact and setbacks suffered by Hundred Chi Sect since the seal of Secret Realm, the ancient Demon Race breakthrough.

“It turned out to be the case!”

After hearing Lie Yan’s narrative, Yu Haoran’s serious face was gradually replaced by indifference, and the disappointed god was even more in his eyes.

Spirit Stone, medicine pill, mind, martial skill, divide weapon, safe training environment and more!

These cultivation resources provided by Sect free of charge, not only hope that the disciplines can grow up quickly, and then lead Sect to continue to be powerful at the same time, it can also guarantee Sect’s immortal inheritance.

Therefore, whether it is a high weight Elder and deacon, or a heavy disciple, when you accept the cultivation resources provided by Sect, you will automatically assume the obligation to maintain sect inheritance.

Just because of the threat of the ancient Demon Race approaching the mountain gate, regardless of sect’s many years of cultivation and asylum, the sect’s inheritance of several thousand years of inheritance was destroyed once, which is different from those of the villains.

Turning to look at the Trial Peak a hundred miles away, watching the empty mountain gate in front of the Trial Peak, Yu Haoran’s eyes were gradually replaced by the disappointed god.

“Uncle Martial, Martial Nephew returned to the division at this time. In addition to wanting to permanently fix the Prince Consort mansion above the mountain range, he also intends to use countless priceless and unique rare treasures to rebuild the sect and the mountain range where the sect is located. . “

Turning abruptly, Yu Haoran put away the coldness in his eyes, and God asked earnestly.

“So Martial Nephew needs to take back Supreme’s power from you for the time being.”

“Martial Nephew, Master Shi has clearly stated to you just now that Master Shi’s ability is too poor to continue to serve as the Hundred Chi Sect sect master.”

Hearing Yu Haoran’s intention to keep the Prince Consort mansion permanently at Hundred Chi Sect, Lie Yan suddenly emerged an unstoppable to be wild with joy in her heart.

Because this means that he will do everything possible to resist and eliminate the deadly crisis brought by the ancient Demon Race, and will do his best to revive Hundred Chi Sect, so he quickly took out the token and storage representing the sect master identity. Bracelets, respectfully delivered to Yu Haoran.

After receiving tokens and storage bracelets without any dodge, Yu Haoran flew up to the peak of Trial Peak, and then used the powerful Soul Power to announce loudly to the few hundred people remaining in the mountain gate.

“The ninth discipline Yu Haoran under the peak master Feng Qingyun of Qingfeng Peak has temporarily taken over from Hundred Chi Sect sect master from now on.”

“I Yu Haoran will do my best to revive the sect, will lead everyone to climb the Martial Dao Peak without selfishness, and will ruthlessly kill all enemies and traitors of the sect.” … “”.

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