Fengrun City, Prince Consort House!

After glancing across the elite soldiers on the square, Yu Haoran was indifferently instructed.

“Sit all on the spot, and then use the rich Qi of Black and Yellow in the mansion to continue to fully enhance their respective cultivation base and strength to prepare for the next war.”

“Subordinate to obey!”

After Lan Rong answered, he immediately got up to arrange the cultivation of the crowd.

Yu Haoran turned around and walked to the Formation control hub under the White Tiger statue, then sat down with her knees bent.

“Ran, please trouble you next!”

Close your eyes and take out a watermelon-sized space spar. While notifying the 20% body in the domain tower, he will control the Formation hub of the mansion, while using the pure space energy in the space spar to continue to feel blood deficiency. The Space Law essence taught by the beast strives to be promoted to the mystery of Space Law one day earlier.

Although Ontology and Erdao Avatar are separate individuals, their mutual understanding can also allow Erdao Avatar to share his Martial Dao cultivation experience.

Therefore, although Erdao Avatar does not have the strength of Valkyrie realm, the cultivation base also reaches the limit of Wudi Grade 9 Peak.

Supported by the Emperor Wudi Grade 9 Peak cultivation base, assisted by the formation ability of the formation Dao Jinjin who is about to be promoted, the Prince Consort mansion floating above Fengrun City, after experiencing the initial violent shaking, turned into a blast and disappeared above Fengrun City Void.

The sudden withdrawal of the hundred thousand soldiers in the city and the disappearance of the Prince Consort mansion let the people in Fengrun City know that Yu Haoran had completely abandoned the rule of Fengrun City, which made them very nostalgic and reluctant.

Because during the period when Yu Haoran ruled Fengrun City, not only did the thousand thousand elites enforce strict discipline and never disturb the lives of the people in the city, nor did they levy any taxes.

Today, Yu Haoran has voluntarily abandoned Fengrun City, and they are bound to revert to the rule of the Great Han Empire, and their happy life will step into the waters.


South Domain, Hundred Chi Sect!

Yu Haoran, Wu Zhengjun, Jian Wuhen, Jiang Siya’s performance in the South and Five Realms Hidden Dragon List battle, although it brought a huge potential Dragon Qi blessing to Hundred Chi Sect, but the disadvantages caused by years of struggle for power It’s not so easy to disappear.

Therefore, the entire Hundred Chi Sect, except for the Clearcloud Peak that has been deliberately transformed by Yu Haoran, has not changed much at all.

Lieyang Peak!

After Chu Zhongyu took the initiative to step down, Lie Yan, who took over from the new Sect Leader Ren position, not only did not taste the sweetness of Sect Master, but was burned by the turmoil of Heavenly Profound Continent.

The Great Qin Empire Imperial Family suddenly withdrew from Xianyang City to the Central Region, causing all the forces in the Southern Region to feel panicky, which also led to the Hundred Chi Sect’s second successive ceremony of the apprenticeship, which ended in a bleak end.

The sudden arrival of the ancient Monster Race and the ancient Fiendgod tribe has caused countless sects and family forces to flee the southern region, and Hundred Chi Sect, which is only a thousand miles away from the Secret Realm, has suffered even more.

Today, less than two months before the advent of the ancient Demon Race, Hundred Chi Sect has secretly left more than 30 Elders, deacons, and disciplines, which is two-thirds of the total number of Sects.

This also makes him a dignified second-rate sect master who has fallen into a dilemma where no one is available.

Standing on the top of the scorching sun, watching the morning sun gradually rising to the pole, Lie Yan’s eyes showed helplessness and regret.

Helpless, because with the cultivation base he just upgraded to Martial Saint Grade 1, there is no power to change the turbulent situation in the southern region.

Regrettably, he took the sect master’s place in the original effort, which caused him to be unable to leave Hundred Chi Sect easily and avoid the deadly crisis brought about by the ancient Demon Race.

“Sect master, another XNUMX deacons and disciples quietly left the gate last night.”

When Lie Yan was worried about his future fate, Huang Xingcan, who had just been promoted to Vice-Sect Master, brought news that made him feel more regret.

However, he has been accustomed to the blow of this kind of news for a long time, so he did n’t feel at all angry because of this, and continued to look up at the morning sun above the mountain range.

“Sect master, in the valley where the Secret Realm was sealed recently, the movement of the ancient Demon Race is getting bigger and bigger. What do we do next?” Looking at the sect master who did not respond, his eyes also expressed regret. God’s Huang Xingcan could not help reminding.

“What else can we do, keep waiting!”

After looking back at the morning sun, the fierce fire god replied helplessly.

“Anyway, as the sect master of Hundred Chi Sect, Lie Yan can’t be a coward who escapes from sect.”

“Sect master, don’t you have any other way?”

You are the sect master, and you are responsible for living with sect!

But originally it was just the ordinary deacon himself, but you were forcibly promoted to become a Vice-Sect Master. What obligation is there to survive with sect!

Therefore, Huang Xingcan, who was already ready to escape from sect, did his last responsibility to be a Vice-Sect Master before leaving, and asked with the last hint of fantasy.

“Unless Vice-Sect Master Yu Haoran can return to sect, I can’t do anything about it,” Lie Yan replied with a wry smile.

“oh! ”

Today Yu Haoran is not only the Great Prince Consort of the Great Qin Empire, but also the top powerhouse of the entire Heavenly Profound Continent. How could he return to the remote Hundred Chi Sect and care about Hundred Chi Sect? It’s survival!

Therefore, Huang Xingcan, who had only the last illusion of disillusionment in his heart, could not help but sighed and turned away from the peak of Lieyang Peak.

Later, he directly convened the confidante, same sect, and friends who had already been prepared. With a lot of cultivation resources, he quietly left Lieyang Peak and left the mountain range where Hundred Chi Sect is located.

Since Huang Xingcan is the Vice-Sect Master of Hundred Chi Sect, and is the confidant who helped Lie Yan to take charge of the entire sect affairs, his quiet departure immediately caused a chain reaction, like listening to Yunfeng, Deyun Peak and Dawnbreak Peak. This powerful faction, with many disciples, also packed away and left Hundred Chi Sect.

Suddenly, the second-rate sect Hundred Chi Sect of dignified Heavenly Profound Continent really reached the point of existence.

For Lie Yan whose cultivation base has reached Martial Saint Grade 1, Huang Xingcan and the departure of various factions have long noticed him, but he did not at all stop the shot.

After all, this sect master is unable to eliminate the fatal crisis brought by the ancient Demon Race, so what qualifications are required to coexist with sect and die!

“Hundred Chi Sect’s orders!”

Failure to stop Huang Xingcan and the others from leaving does not mean Lie Yan will not be angry.

Moreover, he also knew that with the departure of Huang Xingchan and the strongest factions, it would definitely cause turmoil in the entire sect.

So, in addition to his anger, a thought of breaking a jar broke. … “”.


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