Youze mountain range!

“Holy, your son-in-law is not easy!”

“Not only his own innate talent and potential, but also the most wicked genius I’ve ever seen in Yu Yanran’s life, and for the care and cultivation of those around him, he is no worse than the mysterious Taoist Guiguzi in the Middle Ages.”

Through the Qin Emperor’s sea-viewing space, looking at the direction of the East Region, Heart Demon Paragon Rain did not conceal his admiration for Yu Haoran, and began to elaborate in detail. Some time ago, he discovered the changes in the Qinghu mountain range.

“Some time ago, when you were hitting Emperor Wu 9’s Grade XNUMX Peak with all your strength, I unexpectedly felt the breath fluctuation of Immortal Tribulation Thunder Punishment, so I ventured to go alone to the Qinghu mountain range in the Eastern Region and found …!”

“Magic, you are sure!”

The four guardian families, the Blue Family of the Hidden Shi Family, the Ancient Monster Race, the Ancient Underworld, and the Fiendgod, are among a dozen top powers. Hundreds of Valkyrie Grade 9 Peaks and powerhouses in the semi-robber Paragon Realm world gathered together. Lake mountain range.

As a result, not only could the real god breakthrough of relatives and friends around Yu Haoran not be prevented, but he was almost overwhelmed by Yu Haoran’s army using a special secret technique.

Heart Demon Paragon Yu Ran recounted the changes in the Yu Qing Lake mountain range, which shocked the Emperor Qin at the same time, and it was difficult to accept what was just described in the demonic path.

In order to be able to impact Martial Venerable and Emperor Wu ’s realm in a short time, he did not hesitate to practice the taboo secret technique of Heavenly Profound Continent, devouring the flesh essence and cultivation perception of powerhouse.

Even so, it took more than a year to raise the cultivation base and strength to the realm of Wudi Grade 9 Peak.

And Yu Haoran!

When starting the battles in the central and eastern realms, his cultivation base was just Martial Saint Grade 9 Peak Realm.

Nowadays, he not only owns the cultivation base of Wudi Grade 9 Peak, but also has the strength to be able to easily kill Wu Shen Grade 9 Peak and half-robbed the Paragon powerhouse. How can this not make Qin Emperor extremely shocked.

it is good!

Since his debut, Yu Haoran has always shown the innate talent and potential that even evil spirits can’t match, as well as the shocking realm breakthrough speed, to the extent that he can barely accept his cultivation base and strength improvement.

But Wu Zhengjun beside him!

When starting the battle in the central and eastern regions, Wu Zhengjun only used the Hidden Dragon List battle in the southern and central regions to forcibly raise the cultivation base to the realm of Martial Venerable Grade 5 Peak.

Today, Wu Zhengjun not only successfully broke through the Valkyrie realm, but also reached the cultivation base of Valkyrie Grade 4 Early-Stage in one fell swoop. How can Qin Emperor accept this kind of strong contrast?

“I can see with my own eyes, how can I be uncertain!” Heart Demon Paragon, who understood that Qin could not accept the shock caused by this fact, further nodded confirmed.

“Magic, based on your experience and strength, can you guess whether Yu Haoran is the reincarnation of the Paragon powerhouse or really the illegal child of Heavenly Dao’s rules?”

Heart Demon Paragon’s solemnly vowed confirmation, at the same time that Qin Emperor had to accept the reality, he immediately became suspicious of Yu Haoran’s true history.


Facing the doubts and speculations of Emperor Qin, Heart Demon Paragon Yu shook his head and denied it immediately.

“Since the beginning of Heaven and Earth, the Six Paths of Samsara has not completely taken shape, and no one in this world has been able to reincarnate successfully, even the semi-immortal powerhouses who have the power to control the rules.”

“As for the Heavenly Dao rule’s illegitimate child, that is simply an envious and envious hate joke. There is no fixed body Heavenly Dao rule. How can it give birth to its own Bloodline descendants!”

“Magic, do you say that Prince Consort will willingly help me!”

Knowing that his suspicion was completely cranky, Qin Emperor slowly closed his eyes and tried to calm his inner shock.

After the emotion reluctantly calmed down, Emperor Qin suddenly thought that when Yu Haoran asked for himself one year ago, in order to avoid causing his heart to want to swallow the other person, he finally approached Yu Haoran’s departure from Pinggu City by turning his face into a blind face. Suddenly, he was worried that he would not help himself against the seven Valkyrie powerhouses of the Zhou family.

“Holy, you can rest assured, Prince Prince Consort is a smart man. He has used the strangeness of the promotion base of culture and military officials to see the taboo secret technique you are practicing now. At the same time, he should also be able to guess that you turned your face The real reason. “

In the face of Emperor Qin’s concerns, Heart Demon Paragon Yu is full of confidence in Yu Haoran’s character.

“Morzun, do you say that He came to visit in person, or sent Marshal Meng to invite?”

Heart Demon Paragon Yuran’s confidence in Yu Haoran’s character made Qin Emperor temporarily relieve his inner worry, and then began to consider how he could ask Yu Haoran to take the candidates and methods to capture the Zhou family.

“Send Meng Zhengkai!” After a careful consideration, the Heart Demon Paragon rain was suggested.

After all, the character is the character, the confidence is the confidence. He is very clear in his heart that a person who values ​​feelings like Yu Haoran, has an instinctive aversion and aversion to the taboo secret technique that can devour the essence of martial artist fleshy body and cultivation. .

Heart Demon Paragon Yu suddenly worried that if Yu Haoran wanted to eliminate the side effects of the taboo secret technique for Emperor Qin, it would inevitably affect his only trace of Remnant Soul, and also destroy his only chance for rebirth.

Therefore, he not only asked Meng Zhengkai to invite Yu Haoran, but also tried his best to prevent the other side from meeting with Emperor Qin, so as to avoid a situation beyond his control.


First send Meng Zhengkai to test Yu Haoran to see if he supports or strongly opposes his secret taboo secret technique, and then decides how to get along with each other in the future.

Therefore, Qin Emperor, who had also been carefully considered, agreed with Heart Demon Paragon’s suggestion.


Time has always passed by accident!

Standing under the White Tiger statue in the square of the front yard of Prince Consort’s residence, watching the neatly red thousand soldiers standing neatly on the square will be strong, Yu Haoran’s eyes reveal a god of satisfaction and comfort.

At the time, when the hunted thousand army of the North Road was taken away from Emperor Qin Emperor, the strongest Lan Rong was only Martial Saint realm, the weakest hundreds of elite soldiers, only the cultivation base of the warrior Grade 9 Peak.

Today, in just over a year, not only Commander and General ’s cultivation base, such as Lan Rong, are about to break through the Emperor Wu realm, but even the hundreds of elite soldiers with the lowest cultivation base have reached the Martial Sovereign realm.

At the same time, they are proficient in the formation and combination skills, they already have the strength to challenge the Emperor Supreme expert.

“Reporting to Prince Consort, all the XNUMX officers and men of the North Army have arrived. Please check with Prince Consort!” Head to Yu Haoran and report on sinking on one knee. … “”.

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