Reaching out and holding Princess’s long hair, she dragged her directly to the tablet in front of the table, then pressed her head to forcibly slap the parents’ tablet with nine clicks, and the hand’s sharp knife pierced Princess’s heart directly.

“Her Highness the Princess, Min Liang Gao No. XNUMX was the most happy person in this world at the moment he was married by the Holy Ghost.”

Let the sharp knife be inserted into Princess’s heart, then hold her in her arms, and Cui Minliang fell directly to the ground, her eyes filled with tenderness.

“Minliang was born in a poor family and didn’t have much ambition. I just hope that I can honor the elderly parents. I just want to love the old people. I just hope that the child will be good. But my hope, my desire, and my luxury are given by you destroyed.”

Seeing Princess gradually blurred, life is about to end to Princess, Cui Minliang hugged her tightly, expecting with tears in her eyes.

The enemy hated Lengyang after being merciless in the distance

“Remnant, don’t be afraid. Minliang will come to you soon. At that time, you and I will renew your husband and wife relationship in Yin Sector and respect the filial piety of our parents.”

When the guards of Princess House forcibly smashed open the door, Cui Minliang inserted the drawn sharp knife directly into his heart, and then lay in the pool of blood with Princess.

“Remnant, wait for me!”

At the moment Cui Minliang committed suicide, Yu Haoran suddenly woke up from the state of epiphany and found himself back in the practice room at the Prince Consort mansion.

“How about Yu Haoran?”

Yu Haoran suddenly appeared in the practice room and immediately shocked the Tower Spirit and the Blood Void Beast who were practicing.

After quickly removing the formation that transformed the chaotic Spiritual Qi, Tower Spirit asked with endless expectations.

“oh! ”

Facing Tower Spirit’s questioning, Yu Haoran sighed slightly, and expressed a complicated sigh.

“The cause of love is extinction, and all kindness and resentment, Seven Emotions and Six Desires, the truth of the trapped fruit is really unfathomable!”

After sighing, he directly took out a second-order spirit vein harvested from the 1st Layer of the Qing Long Family family treasure house directly from the storage ring space, and then slowly closed his eyes to enter the cultivation and perception.

“Purple spirit, what did Yu Haoran mean? Just how secrets of heaven shaking earth shattering are hidden in the portrait?” He really couldn’t understand the blood-empty beast Yu Yuoror just sighed, and asked impatiently.

“Sure enough, as expected, the portrait really hides such a Supreme Treasure!” The Tower Spirit, who was still excited, muttered excitedly while walking back and forth in the practice room, ignoring the questioning of the blood virtual beast Whispered.

“Zi Ling, if you don’t explain it to me in detail, don’t blame my blood deficiency and turn my face and follow you.”

Consecutive contempt by Tower Spirit for two consecutive times, this made the Blood Deficiency Beast very depressed and dissatisfied.

In order to be able to know the hidden secret of the portrait as soon as possible, and also to understand the reason that Yu Haoran was unfathomable mystery just now, he spared no effort to threaten Tower Spirit by using force.

“Blood deficiencies, this portrait collected by the 2nd Layer of the Qing Long Family Family Treasury, hides nothing terribly secret, but the power of the rule of fruitlessness that has disappeared for countless years.”

After taking a deep breath, trying to calm down the inner emotional emotions, Tower Spirit began to deconstruct the blood beast in detail.

“Yu Haoran just sighed because he has successfully found an opportunity to understand the strength of Law.”

“Zi …!”

After the revenge, the cool ship hated Moyang Leng Fanyu

While sucked in a breath of cold air, the Blood Deficiency Beast asked unbelievably.

“Purple, is it a legendary power that can restrain the rules of destiny?”

“You say it!”

In the face of bloody beasts being questioned like idiots, Tower Spirit replied with a dissatisfied question, and then flashed back to Yu Haoran’s book within the body.

Later, he continued to use the chaotic Spiritual Qi transformed by innate spar to speed up the recovery of the Ontology Tower and the body of Divine Soul, and recalled all the fragments of memory of Artifact Spirit, looking for the cultivation insight of the Immortal Divinity Realm.

“How can this be!”

Without paying attention to Tower Spirit’s final evaluation of the idiot, the blood-virtual beast expression murmured without shock.

“The destiny son who controls the destiny stone tablet can actually realize the strength of law that restrains the rules of destiny. Is it because I just heard it wrong, or is this world completely crazy.”


As the fifth rank of the tenth rule, the difficulty of the strength of Law, the same as the spatial strength of Law, cannot be directly felt and controlled, and it is necessary to realize thirteen auxiliary strengths of law in advance.

Thirteen auxiliary strengths of law are joy, anger, sorrow, fear, love, evil, and desire that represent the seven emotions of the soul, and sight, hearing, incense, taste, touch, and intention that represent the six fleshhy bodies. .

Portrait of Cui Minliang’s ups and downs life experience, let Yu Haoran clearly understand and appreciate the seven emotions of the soul, and also let him successfully realize the seven kinds of strength of the seven auxiliary in less than one day and one night Law.

Enemy’s Enemy Kills the Moon Early

The six types of strength of the induction of the fleshhy body, the law of seeing, the law of hearing, the law of touching, and the law of intention, were also successfully realized within the following day.

Only the perception of the law of incense and the law of taste has no clue until now.

However, most of the experience of assisting the strength of Law requires a certain chance, and penance not only fails to succeed, but also wastes more time.

Therefore, after voluntarily ending the perception of the remaining two types of strength of Law, Yu Haoran got up and left the practice room, and then used the divine thought to congregate everyone to the pavilion of the courtyard for a narrative.

Qin Lingfei and Jian Jian, who had just returned from their adventures, had no traces, and their realm sentiment smoothly reached Wudi Grade 9.

Next, you only need to meditate in closed-door cultivation for a period of time, then you can raise the cultivation base to the Emperor Wudi Grade 9 Peak, and then with the help of ginseng fruit and several Divine Pills that assist in realm breakthrough, you can directly hit Eternal Undying’s Valkyrie realm.

Yun Xiang, Fang Man and Xiang Muling also successfully completed their realm breakthrough plan.

As for Qingfeng, Yu Siqi, Wu Zhengjun, Lu Yuan, Red Tired Beast, and Gibbon, they used this time to completely consolidate and adapt to the realm after the breakthrough, and can use their Peak Realm strength.

Looking at the growing strength of Prince Consort, Yu Haoran is reassured and satisfied.

“Prince Consort, why did you suddenly summon us?” Qin Lingfei pulled the sword directly to Yu Haoran’s side, and then asked, holding one hand.

Sun Buke visited Moyang from the distance


While holding Qin Lingfei and the jade hand with no trace of the sword into the pavilion, Yu Haoran smiled and said his plan.

“Where to move?” Qin Lingfei hurriedly asked.

“Southern Realm, Hundred Chi Sect!”

When Yu Haoran was planning to move Prince Consort House to Hundred Chi Sect in the Southern Territory, Yu Siqi, Jian Wujin, and Wu Zhengjun reacted calmly.

After all, they were used to the Hundred Chi Sect environment.

Earth science is not alone in learning Moyang ball cool

But for Qin Lingfei and Qingfeng and the others who have become accustomed to the sufficient environment of Spiritual Qi, it is obvious that he does not understand the reason for doing so.


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