Through the open window, Yu Haoran saw two young men on the east side of the street in fast-dressing clothes, one of them knocking a gong and the other playing a drum. Mobile terminal

“Let’s make a let, let’s make a let!”

Behind the two catchers was an elite soldier wearing armor with his hands flat.

At the same time, on the west side of the street, a group of more than a dozen young Young Master buddies wearing brocade jackets and folding fans in their eyes showed expressions of nervousness and longing, watching the fast-moving hunters and armored soldiers.

“Who are you called, Cui Minliang?” He quickly walked to the gongs of a dozen young Young Master brothers, and asked with a smile on his face.

“Niche Cui Minliang!”

The sound of questioning just after the gongs were caught, just over a dozen young Young Masters, the only young people in old linen clothes, expression came out of the crowd excitedly.

“Congratulations to the Young Master Cui and congratulations to the Young Master Cui. This time, you will be the first in the spring exam!”

The flattering smile was immediately replaced by a smirk. The year of the gong was fast. After handing the guy to his companion, he took out a Purple Gold copybook from his sleeve and handed it to Cui Minliang respectfully.

With trembling hands, he took the Purple Gold copybook, then slowly opened the copybook. After seeing the content of the copybook, Cui Minliang burst into tears and shouted to the sky.

“Father, mother, child is the top pick!”

“Cui Minliang takes over!” When Cui Minliang shouted to the sky, he passed directly over the two fast-captured elite soldiers, and unfolded the decree of his hand while proclaiming to Cui Minliang.

Although the content of the imperial edict is simple, the sensation brought the entire street into a silent state.

Keke local Sun Xuemo lonely Yangke

Prince Consort!

The content of the imperial decree is the sacred of the Datong Empire, and the most beloved bead Princess was assigned to Cui Minliang.

Enemy, Division, Love, Study, Cold, Cold Lord

The enemy, the enemy, the enemy, and the scholars are cold and cold. Whether it is Cui Minliang himself or the people around the street, facing this sudden transformation of life, he has shown a world of reactions.

The high champion, given to Prince Consort, seems to be Cui Minliang of low birth, but in just a few minutes, he completely realized the transformation of Heaven and Earth turning upside down in life.

Whether it is Cui Minliang himself or the people around the street, in the face of this sudden transformation of life, he has shown a variety of reactions in the world.

Sincerely, it seems that only Cui Minliang is alone, after all, he is the only beneficiary.

Envy and jealousy occupy the vast majority. After all, the beauty of flying branches into Phoenix is ​​the illusion that most people on the scene dream of.

There are also many people full of hatred.

Especially the young Young Masters who were standing behind Cui Minliang, congratulations, and the hate that came out of their eyes made them anxious to kill him with a knife.

Anger, sorrow, hate!

Looking at the different reactions of each person on the street, Yu Haoran, who was originally holding a theater mentality, gradually immersed himself in the feelings and feelings of different emotional reactions, and at the same time, a clear and aura of breath gradually rose from his body.

The enemy hated the enemy, and he was alone.

After finally restoring Cui Minliang’s emotional excitement, the picture in front of her suddenly changed when she took over the marriage decree from the armoured soldier.

The ordinary city was replaced by a luxurious mansion, and the noisy tavern was replaced by a warm and romantic cave with big red hi letters.

Looking at the room illuminated by the red candle, watching the bride sitting still on one of the phoenix beds, and Yu Haoran sitting next to the bride, there was a sudden vitality in the air.

Opening the bride’s red hijab and blowing out the burning red candle, it is both the new champion and the Cui Minliang of the Prince Consort. At this time, he has truly reached the peak of life.

As the screen turns, Cui Minliang, who is thin and thin, wears Jinhua clothing, but the gloom between the eyebrows shows that the life after the wedding is not satisfactory.

“Princess is inconvenient today, and I want Prince Consort to come someday!” A 40-year-old aunt, did not hide her contempt.

In this regard, although Cui Minliang’s eyes flashed a little expression of anger, but at last he turned away with a sigh.

Although he is in a state of epiphany, Yu Haoran still subconsciously glanced at the Prince Consort mansion.

The divine thought that had disappeared suddenly returned at this moment.

Through the walls and courtyard, he saw the beautiful Princess, lying with happiness on a handsome, handsome young man with a happy face.

And the young man looked towards Princess’ slightly protruding belly, his eyes exuding tenderness like water.

The divine thought that could be mobilized suddenly disappeared, and Yu Haoran found that he had come to a slightly worn out Inn, and saw Cui Minliang in the Inn room, kneeling in front of a pair of tablets.

Without listening to Cui Minliang’s muttering to himself, Yu Haoran’s mind suddenly appeared.

Grade 7 Pavilion editing, a month of Lulu barely can be used to support themselves, but also need to save clothing and diet to please the people of Prince Consort Government, so that you can see Princess and stay with Princess overnight.

In this case, he was incapable of helping the parents who had raised him hard, and who were far away in the mountain village, eventually causing the affected parents to starve to death.

“Bang! Bang! Bang …!”

Holding a house book that had been stained with blood, Cui Minliang slammed nine pairs of heads against a pair of tablets, and his eyes showed a crazy killing intent.

Get up and take out a yellowed book under the pillow, hide it carefully in the chest placket, and then turn away from Inn, go straight to the antique shop not far from Inn.

The precious orphan stolen from the Imperial Palace was exchanged for 3,000 taels of silver, XNUMX thousand of which were used to bury the dead parents. The remaining XNUMX thousand were bought through a few guards in Prince Consort House, and then quietly Sneak into Princess’s room.

Seeing Princess lying in bed asleep, and a handsome young man who was lying next to Princess in his own place, Cui Minliang burst into endless anger.

The enemy’s distant enemy is cool

Use the chair to arrive at the door of the house, walk quietly to the bed, then raise the sharp knife prepared in advance and insert it directly into the heart of the youth.


The great pain from the heart made the sleeping young man suddenly open his eyes.

Feeling the rapid loss of life, looking at the expressive Cui Minliang, the youth’s eyes showed endless regret.

After all, with his family background and appearance, there are still decades of glory and wealth, and countless beautiful and beautiful women waiting for grace.

Now, because of a momentary greed, he ended up with a young man who died prematurely. How can we not regret it?

Suddenly took out a lot of blood from the sharp knife and sprayed it directly on the still sleeping Princess’s face, which also made Princess gradually wake up.

When she saw Prince Consort standing in front of the bed and holding a sharp knife, she turned her head and glanced at the young man who was out of breath. The panic and sadness that suddenly appeared in her heart made her scream.

After the enemy is not square, the ball and the ball skills

In response to this, Cui Minliang not at all stopped, but just took the parents’ tablets from the package placed on the bed and put them on the table.

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