In the resident of the Long Family!

Seeing Iron Fist’s impact speed increased at least three times, Yu Haoran didn’t dare to use the instant movement to dodge in advance, and asked Tower Spirit in the sea space to understand the degree of the opponent’s strength consumption. !

“Under the influence of shortness of breath and emotion, at the cost of irrecoverable energy overdrawn, in exchange for three times the attack speed, allowing Iron Fist to consume 10% of energy per second.”

“Today, Iron Fist’s attack power has been reduced to Paragon Grade 9 Early-Stage.”

After successfully avoiding Iron Fist’s attack, Sea Spirit’s Tower Spirit continued to remind.

“Weakened to Paragon Grade 8!”

Dodging Iron Fist again.

“Weakened to Paragon Grade 7 Early-Stage!”

A third time to escape Iron Fist’s attack.

“Weakened to Paragon Grade 4 Peak!”

When the fourth time to avoid Iron Fist’s attack, and the formidable power of Iron Fist’s attack weakened directly to Paragon Grade 1 Peak, Iron Fist, who had realized his mistakes, not only stopped chasing Yu Haoran, but also did not turn his gun. Against Paragon, he directly smashed the barriers of the mountain range void, intending to return to the endless void.

The enemy Keke Cool Sun ball

“Weak ants, Ben Prince Consort now gives you a chance to prove yourself.”

Seeing that Iron Fist had voluntarily given up his attack and returned to the Endless Void, Yu Haoran, who had secretly performed a secret technique to improve his strength, was about to fight back fiercely. How could he watch the other person leave.

The Space Law martial skill, which moved instantly, made him quickly appear in front of Iron Fist, and continued to provoke a pose of a peerless powerhouse.

“Ant, Ben Prince Consort is standing still now, as long as it can hurt me one cent, then I will arbitrate in front of you.”

Hearing Yu Haoran arrogant and conceited’s provocation, Iron Fist abruptly stopped and returned to the endless void, and then blasted at the act recklessly youth at the cost of burning all the energy.

Taking into account the power of the Paragon powerhouse to control the rules, Yu Haoran, while inspiring Ruyi Zhong’s strongest defense, also quickly mobilized the four innate Five Elements flag arrays, and inspired the defense of the ancestral witchy flyhy body.

The enemy is invincible


With the deafening roar, Iron Fist, who burned all his energy, completely disappeared into the void.

And Yu Haoran stood there completely motionless, with a calm expression as if he had not been attacked.

In fact, expression calm does not mean inner peace.

Yu Haoran was afraid at the moment, and at the same time, he felt thankless and thankful for his caution.

Although Ruyizhong cooperated with the defense of the four innate Five Elements Formation flags and the ancestral witch’s fleshhy body, the formidable power reached the Magical Artifact of Paragon’s defense, but in the face of Iron Fist’s last regular power, it almost caused the defense to collapse.

Fortunately, the ancestral witch fleshy body was born to be able to restrain the opponent’s use of rule power, so that he finally survived the crisis without any risk.

At the same time, through his own experience, he really saw the horror of the Paragon powerhouse, and finally realized the power of the rules.

This has unimaginable benefits for his next Valkyrie realm breakthrough.


Seeing his carefully prepared boxing method, not only did he not destroy the realm recovery of Xingtian Paragon, but he did not even hurt the weak ants that blocked Iron Fist’s attack. An angry curse came from the endless void.

“Weak ants do not need to be discouraged. In fact, your strength is pretty good, but you lack some combat experience.”

Hearing the cursing sound from the endless void, there was a kind of desperate desperation to suppress the anger, a sudden flash of light flashed through his mind, and Yu Haoran couldn’t resist the temptation of adventure.

“Let’s do this! You continue to attack, and I will personally point you to some combat experience based on the findings of the fighting process.”

After a long way, cool Sun Shumo

“Yu Haoran, don’t try to irritate the opponent, otherwise, the opponent will definitely kill him desperately!” Tower Spirit expression hurriedly reminded when Yu Haoran was planning to point to the opponent’s combat experience.

After all, as the Artifact Spirit of Paragon Peak Realm, Tower Spirit knows that Paragon does not exist. The most important thing is dignity and face.

Yu Haoran’s seemingly kind-hearted combat experience was actually a humiliation of Chiguo, which will spur the opponent’s murderous intention and make the other person kill all his concerns.

“Tower Spirit, rest assured, I have my own size!” Yu Haoran, confident, smiled and relieved.

“Pu …!”

Faced with the humiliation of Yu Haoran’s crackling face, hidden in the endless void of Paragon powerhouse, due to various restrictions, he finally spit out three mouthfuls of blood in anger, causing a lot of trauma to the mind.

“Yellow mouth child, stop me!” As the blood was spit in the Paragon powerhouse at Iron Fist, there was a majestic and powerful reprimand from the endless void.

At the same time, accompanied by a majestic and powerful reprimand, a hot Fire Dragon radiating from all over the body, approached Yu Haoran quickly across the barriers of time and space.

“Yu Haoran, leave it to me!” Reminded Tower Spirit who quickly returned to the space-time tower when he saw that the speed of the Fire Dragon rushing to the same level reached Paragon Grade 9 Peak.

“Tower Spirit, let me continue to consume Fire Dragon!”

Seeing the Paragon Peak powerhouse that was even spitting three a mouthful of blood by her forcibly, Yu Haoran more and more confirmed his inner conjecture, and planned to delay prosecution, Paragon resumed Immortal. Divinity Realm Realm time.

Because as long as the cultivation base of Xingtian Paragon can be restored to the Immortal Divinity Realm, under special restrictions, even if a few powerhouses of the Immortal Divinity Realm of the semi-robbers take the shot in person, Xingtian Paragon can barely cope.

“If Fire Dragon ignores my provocations and chooses to attack Xingtian Paragon directly, then you will deal with Fire Dragon yourself.”


It is also known that Yu Haoran used the advantages of provocation and speed to give Xingtian Paragon more time to recover his strength. Of course Tower Spirit will not oppose his plan.

“It’s a bit of strength!” Using the Space Law martial skill that moves momentarily, Yu Haoran pretended to be a firepower stance with a peerless powerhouse posture.


After making a deafening roar in the sky, Fire Dragon suddenly increased speed nearly five times, and quickly appeared in front of Yu Haoran at an infinitely close to the speed of instantaneous movement.

Fortunately, Yu Haoran, who had already prepared in advance, immediately performed the Space Law martial skill that was moving instantly.

Quickly distance yourself from each other before the horrific fire emanating from Fire Dragon destroys the fleshhy body and the sea-conscious space.


Seeing a five-fold increase in speed could not chase Yu Haoran, Fire Dragon continued to raise a deafening roar.

Invincible hatred to find out Mo Yueji cool finger

After roaring, the speed was almost doubled again, allowing Fire Dragon to directly lose speed without losing speed, and began to pursue Yu Haoran desperately.


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