In the resident of the Long Family!

After smashing the formidable power weakened to the powerful sword energy of Paragon Grade 7 Peak, the Blood Void Beast instantly returned to Yu Haoran’s shoulder, then reminded weakly.

“Yu Haoran, in order to be able to crush the sword energy as quickly as possible, I used a bit of the power of the Space Rule. As a result, my body is now in a weak state, and it takes at least about ten minutes before I can shoot again.”

“Senior should not be required to continue shooting in a short period of time, and the Blood Deficiency Senior can recover with peace of mind.” It is clear that the price paid by the Blood Deficiency Beast to quickly crush the powerful sword energy of the same strength, so Yu Haoran quickly relieved, and Signaled.

In less than two seconds when the blood-virtual beast crushed the sharp sword energy, a blood-red Blade Qi that almost dyed half of the sky, chopped at the speed of constantly smashing the void, to Paragon, who was hitting the Immortal Divinity Realm realm.

Paragon, who is at the critical moment of the realm shock, cannot easily be disturbed.

Therefore, Tower Spirit quickly left the sea-conscious space with the tower of space-time, and reminded Yu Haoran.

“Be safe!” Yu Haoran warned repeatedly.

“I know!”

Nodded Tower Spirit took a deep breath in response to Yu Haoran’s instructions. It disappeared in the same place as the Blood Deficiency Beast, and then appeared at a distance of 1000 meters from the Blood Red Blade Qi.

Immediately afterwards, the Tower Spirit returned to the time and space domain tower of the ontology, and then controlled the ontology directly facing the blood red Blade Qi.


When the airspace tower collided with the blood-red Blade Qi, the void in the mountain range suddenly sounded a roar that shook the entire Heavenly Profound Continent.

Along with the roar of shaking the entire Heavenly Profound Continent, the space-time tower was shaken back 100 meters directly.

Hou Ke Qiu Yuan ghost ship warfare warfare indicated

After Hou Ke Qiu Yuan’s ghost warfare warfare operation showed that the formidable power was weakened to the severe sword energy of Paragon Grade 7 Peak, the Blood Demon Beast instantly returned to Yu Haoran’s shoulder, and then reminded weakly.

The blood-red Blade Qi was shattered directly.

In Tower Spirit, the Tower of Time and Space is controlled to return to the ground. An Iron Fist, like a mountain, is bombarding the tower in time and space at a speed that spans time and space.


Along with the roar that also shakes the entire Heavenly Profound Continent, Iron Fist like a mountain was shaken off several hundred meters.

Enthusiastic, unsuccessful, cool Sun Shu Moyang receives inspections

The space-time tower was bombed directly to the ground.

“Space Seal!”

Looking at the space-time tower that hit the ground like a meteor, Yu Haoran immediately took out a bowl-sized space spar.

While devouring the pure space energy of the space spar, it is fully exerting the seal formation of the space strength of Law, thereby slowing down the falling speed of the space-time tower.

Fortunately, the delay of the seal of space, and the Tower Spirit that suffered too much damage at not all, finally, when there are less than ten meters from the ground, the space-time tower stops the trend of falling.

“Tower Spirit, let me do it!”

After seeing that Tower Spirit controlled the space-time tower and rushed to the mountain range void, Yu Haoran reached out and held down a corner of the space-time tower. Then, expression grave took the initiative.

“Yu Haoran, the formidable power of boxing fists also reaches Paragon Grade 9 Peak, which is not what you can handle at all.”

Back ground science is not invincible

When he heard that Yu Haoran was going to deal with Iron Fist alone, Tower Spirit briefly introduced Iron Fist for midable power, and then shook his head to reject his request.

“Tower Spirit, what kind of person is I Yu Haoran, don’t you know!”


Facing the resolute rejection of Tower Spirit, Yu Haoran reminded himself with strong confidence.

“When did you see me do the stupid self-death? Isn’t every action the result of my deliberations!”

Hou Ke, the enemy, learns the moon


Faced with Yu Haoran’s confident reminder, Tower Spirit suddenly didn’t know what to refute.

After all, his reminder did not have any bragging elements.

However, I think that the Paragon Realm world is very different from the realm in the past. In order to avoid unpredictable accidents for Yu Haoran, Tower Spirit does not oppose him to deal with Iron Fist alone, but requires the return of the space and time domain tower to return to the sea. In order to be able to help at critical moments.

In this regard, Yu Haoran can neither object nor object, only nodded default.

After the Tower Spirit brought the space-time tower back to the sea space, Yu Haoran directly displayed the Space Law martial skill, which instantly shifted, and appeared instantly at a distance from Iron Fist ten meters.

But then, the space-moving law of the moment was martial skill, which made him immediately back to the position of 300 meters, and looked at Iron Fist with a fearless expression.

Originally, he was able to use the space of the Law to deal with the blood-loss beast with great loss of strength, making him think that he has the strength to fight against the Paragon Realm world.

But when he was ten meters away from Iron Fist, Iron Fist inadvertently exaggerated the horror and almost collapsed his fleshhy body and sea-conscious space.

At the same time, it made him completely useless against Iron Fist.

However, since Haikou has been boasted in front of Tower Spirit and the Blood Void Beast, if he retreats without a fight, it will not only lower his position in the Blood Void Beast Heart, but also make his own state of mind appear a weak spot.

Taking advantage of the speed of instantaneous movement to attract Iron Fist attacks, Yu Haoran quickly turned his brain to think about solutions.

Incorporate six wishful clocks from Primal Chaos Seal, with the formidable power of Paragon low grade defense Magical Artifact.

If combined with the four innate Five Elements Formation flags, the defense formidable power can at least increase to the level of Paragon’s Magical Artifact.

If you are cooperating with the ancestral witch fleshhy body of the Paragon Realm, you should be able to withstand the blow from Iron Fist.

But passive defense is always the performance of the weak. If you want to truly solve the crisis of Iron Fist, you must find ways to increase the formidable power of your attack.

Destiny stone tablet records the secret technique to improve strength. Although there are many secret techniques, none of them can directly use the Emperor Grade 9 Peak’s cultivation base to directly possess the strength of the two gods against the real gods of Valkyrie and Paragon.

After thinking about it, in the end, I didn’t find any way to directly break through Iron Fist.

In desperation, Yu Haoran can only use the stupidest method, which is to use the limit speed of the instantaneous movement to slowly consume the energy of Iron Fist, which can not restore his strength, and can eventually weaken to the extent that he is broken by himself.

Dodge again and again, OK!

Dodging three times or four times has gradually caused Iron Fist’s suspicion!

After the fifth time using the instantaneous Space Law martial skill to easily escape the pursuit of Iron Fist, Iron Fist abruptly stopped the momentum of continued pursuit, and then turned the gun head to go to Paragon.

“The waste of greed and fear of death, if you have the courage, continue to fight with me for three hundred rounds!”

Immediately stopping the momentarily moving Space Law martial skill, Yu Haoran looked at Iron Fist with a contemptuous look, and used the humiliation of harsh words to provoke.

Suddenly stopped the momentum of rushing forward, re-turned Iron Fist of the gun head, and immediately sent out a swift murderous aura that easily shattered the barriers of the void, and then rushed to Yu Haoran in a lightning flash.

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