3rd-layer in Treasure House of Qing Long Family!

Jie Yuanke is not a cool ship and learns how to pick up the moon.

For the heartfelt praise of Xuexu Beast, I have already seen the Tower Spirit of Yu Haoran’s various evildoers, but just chuckled and said nothing.

However, when he felt the specular white mist held by Yu Haoran’s palm, there was a faint breath of the energy of the two spells, and his eyes immediately expressed the expression of surprise and expectation.

Kedi Budoku is the only lone star of Sun Institute

“Yi! ”

The blood virtual beast, who also felt the surge of magical energy, wanted to watch Yu Haoran’s means of guiding and sealing the magical energy up close, but was shocked by the changes in the space barriers.

“Blood Deficiency Beast, what’s wrong?”

Whether it is the hundreds of warriors and half-robbed Paragon powerhouse guarding the family, or the hundreds of warriors and half-robbed Paragon powerhouse of the Tianmeng League, with the strength possessed by him and the bloody beast, they can be cleaned with no difficulty.

But at this moment is the crucial moment to break the formation of the bronze coffin seal, which must not be tolerated by any interference, so after hearing the surprised voice of the bloody beast, Tower Spirit immediately asked nervously.

“Tower Spirit, the guardian family suddenly stopped attacking the barriers of space.” The blood virtual beast slightly frowns replied.

Blood Spirit’s reply made Tower Spirit even more nervous. Because he was worried that the ancestors of the Qing Long Family would have other means to enter the treasure house 3rd-layer.

“No, they are leaving with the help of Transmission Formation!”

The sudden shock of the bronze coffin and the Formation laid out by Tower Spirit, although the space barrier of the 3rd-layer of the treasure house is hard, is no less than the paragon-level defense Magical Artifact, but for the bloody beast that can use the Space Rule energy , He was still able to clearly capture the spatial fluctuations when Transmission Formation was opened.

“What the hell is going on? Why did they leave suddenly?”

Guarding the family’s numerous powerhouse unfathomable mystery’s move left Tower Spirit also unable to bear the frowning speculation.

“No guess!”

When Blood Demon Beast and Tower Spirit guessed why the powerhouses of the Guardian Family suddenly left the treasure house, Yu Haoran, who successfully sealed the energy of the two spells in the mirror white mist, got up and left the bronze coffin.

“Hundreds of powerhouses guarding the family were forced to leave the treasure house, and also directly left the mountain range where the Qing Long Family belonged.”

“The reason for forcing them to leave was because of the many powerhouses in Tianmeng that were successfully provoked by the blue family Paragon Peak powerhouse.

“Yu Haoran, how did you know?” After hearing Ha Haanan’s explanation of the reasons for the departure of many powerhouses in the guardian family, a bloody beast’s eyes asked with a doubt.

“Yu Haoran, is there any magic power to clean up the Seal Formation?” Tower Spirit asked with a look of expectation.

“The energy of the three spells has been successfully cleared by me!” Yu Haoran replied with a smile, pointing to the mirror held in the palm of the right hand.

Then he turned to explain to the blood-empty beast.

“Because at most 20% of the time, Treasury’s 3rd-layer space barriers will continue to be attacked.”

“Did you see it during the Realm breakthrough?”

Yu Haoran’s self-confident explanation made Tower Spirit immediately think of his previous realm breakthroughs, and he would see things he could not predict.

nodded, Yu Haoran turned his head to look at the bronze coffin, expression grave facing Tower Spirit instructed.

“Tower Spirit, remove the seal in the bronze coffin as soon as possible, and let the repressed Senior emerge from the trap as soon as possible, because we will encounter an unimaginable crisis next.”

“I know!”

Definitely, when Shudao was promoted to the Emperor Realm, he saw a picture of the future through the inferential deduction of Fuxi Bagua diagram.

Therefore, Tower Spirit did not question the source of the crisis, but instead, Ma used the blood arrangement that had been laid out to break the formation, and began to break the seal formation that lost the magic energy.

“Xuexu Beast, what is the ultimate strength you can play now?” Without paying attention to Tower Spirit’s cracking of the seal formation of the bronze coffin, Yu Haoran turned his head and asked him.

“The strength of Paragon Grade 9 Peak!” Without any hesitation, the Blood Void Beast replied truthfully.

“If you are facing the same realm opponents, how many can you kill? How many are you defeated? How many do you hold?” Seeing that the Blood Void Beast did not intentionally conceal his strength, Yu Haoran secretly relieved while continuing to pursue .

After hearing Yu Haoran’s question, Xuexu Beast immediately expressed solemnly reminded.

“Although the power gap between Paragon Grade 1 and Grade 9 Peak is as different as heaven and earth, the power gap between the same realm is rather small, because the strongest means in the Paragon Realm world are rule power.”

“And being able to advance to the non-existence of the Paragon Realm world, which one is not the wicked with the top innate talent, and which powerhouse has the best rule power.”

“So, I can only hold up to two opponents of the same realm at the same time, and I can beat at most one opponent of the same realm.”

The tone was lightly stopped, and the Blood Demon Beast pointed at Tower Spirit, who was breaking the bronze coffin seal Formation, bitterly said with a smile.

“Unless I can work with Zi Ling to fight against the enemy, I have five to 70% certainty to kill an equivalent realm opponent.”

The interpretation of the blood-deficiency beast allowed Yu Haoran’s calm expression to gradually condense, and his eyes showed a hint of hesitation.

“Yu Haoran, what the hell is going on? What kind of unthinkable crisis are we going to encounter next?” Yu Haoran had a problem that seemed to be unfathomable mystery just now, but the blood-virtual beast gradually realized the seriousness of the problem, he Asked with a somber expression on his face.

He waved his hand to signal that the Blood Demon Beast should not speak for a while. Yu Haoran sat down with his knees bent, and then used telepathy to contact the two Avatars who went to the White Tiger and Vermilion Bird families.

When he learned that the White Tiger family and the Vermilion Bird family did not know what method to use to transfer the mountain range in which the family was located in advance, he immediately thought of the Paragon Old family of the Qing Long Family who quietly dived back to Heavenly Profound Continent more than a month ago. Ancestor.

Looking back at the successful breakthrough of the Shudao Emperor Realm, he saw the horror projections of Azure Dragon, White Tiger, Vermilion Bird, and Black Tortoise in the future. He thought of the Paragon Magical Artifact used by some Paragon powerhouses in ancient and ancient times. Facing the first Avatar instructed.

“Brother Hao, immediately take my elder sister back to Prince Consort’s residence in Fengrun City.”

“I know!”

The first Avatar who was returning to the mountain range where the Qing Long Family clan was speeding up responded, and immediately took Yu Siqi to the Prince Consort mansion in Fengrun City by tearing the void.

“Ran, you immediately took the Gibbon Senior to the Bone City, one of the Ten Great Forbidden Lands of Heavenly Profound Continent, and waited for my order.”


After also returning to the 20th percentile of the mountain range where the Qing Long Family clan was speeding up, he turned his head and briefly explained to the gibbons, and then used the method of tearing the void to go to Bone City.


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