In the residence of the Qing Long Family, the treasure house 1st Layer!

Kekeke hate and get cold

According to the remaining time of the three of Ao Mingrui’s breath, Lan Zongwei knew that unless the other party used a large Transmission Formation, it would be impossible for so many people to easily leave the treasure house in a short period of time. !

At the same time, combined with the dozens of first-order Divine Vein hidden in the mountain range where the Qing Long Family resident is located, he also does not believe that Ao Mingrui will easily give up the resident for many years.

Therefore, Lan Zongwei believe oneself infallible reminds everyone and is directly ordered.

“All powerhouses who are proficient in Formula, immediately look for the way to the 2nd Layer of the treasure house.”

The enemy and the enemy, the enemy and the enemy

“it’s here!”

As soon as Lan Zongwei’s commanded voice fell, a powerhouse in the Paragon Realm Realm had already discovered the Transmission Formation in the corner of the hall.

“Hurry up and break the defense Formation, and then find a way to start the Transmission Formation!” Shin appeared in front of the Transmission Formation, and after just a few glances, Lan Zongwei directed to the Powerhouse of several Formation Dao arrays.

“Give us 20% of the time!”

After careful inspection, the powerhouse of a real emperor Peak Realm gave the time needed to crack the defense formation.


20% of the time, the powerhouse who wants to protect the family will not leave the treasure house space, so Lan Zongwei can accept the time it takes to crack the Formula.

“Zong Wei Senior, but if you want to start the Transmission Formation, you need at least three fifth-order low-grade space spar.” After reminding, the Emperor Peak Powerhouse not at all cracked the Defense Formation, but continued the slightly frowns. Reminded.

“You don’t need to worry about the spar of space. You only need to crack the Defense Formula as soon as possible, so that we can enter the treasure house 2nd Layer as soon as possible.” Lan Zongwei waved his hand.

nodded, the Emperor Peak powerhouse and several other colleagues shot at the same time, and it took only one minute and 40 seconds to successfully crack the defense formation that guards the Transmission Formation.


Immediately after the Defense Formula was cracked, Lan Zongwei immediately took out three fifth-order space spar and threw it to the Emperor Peak powerhouse.


Without any hesitation, press the spar of space into the Transmission Formation and turn on the Transmission Formation by means of condensation marks.

The enemy ’s sciences and the cool science

Treasure 2nd Layer!

The enemy ’s science, cool science, and Mo Yangbi showed early “Give us 20% of the time!”

“Zong Wei Senior, it seems that Ao Mingrui and the others have completely destroyed the Transmission Formation when they left. We cannot directly enter the 3rd-layer of the treasure house through Transmission Formation.” Looking at the wreckage left after the collapse of the Transmission Formation in front of me, Formation Dao Peak powerhouse expression grave reminded.

“Apart from the means of Transmission Formation, do you have any other way to enter the 3rd-layer of the treasure house?” Lan Zongwei, whose face was gloomy and watery, asked in an angry voice.


Cautiously glanced at the gloomy Huang Zonghua, Emperor Peak Powerhouse stepped back a few steps, and pointed at the space barrier above his head.

“As long as we can break the defense of space barriers, we can also enter the 3rd-layer of the treasure house.”

“Everyone obey!”

After hearing the method provided by Zhendi Peak powerhouse, Lan Zongwei continued to be somberly instructed.

“Strike the space barrier of the 2nd Layer of the Treasury and rush into the 3rd-layer of the Treasure in the last time.”


mountain range edge position!

“Palace, do you think we are entering the residence of the Qing Long Family?”

Ji Mingjun, Valkyrie Grade 6 Peak powerhouse from Void Jade Palace, has been using the gods to lock down the Valkyrie and half-robber Paragon powerhouse who attacked the defense formation of the Qing Long Family clan.

When he saw those powerhouses successfully defeated the defense formation of the station, his eyes showed a trace of expression.

Seeing Lan Zongwei’s decisive rejection of Ao Mingrui’s request to meet with the Alliance Leader, the expression of eye movement was replaced by dissatisfaction.

When seeing hundreds of Valkyrie and Paragon’s powerhouse rushing into the 1st Layer of the treasure house, the expression of dissatisfaction was replaced by greed and longing, and turned to propose to Ji Xing.

“Do not!”

After shaking his head to reject Ji Mingjun’s proposal, Ji Xing turned his head and directed at the Miyau Powerhouse, another Valkyrie Grade 6 Early-Stage.

“Xiang Rong Old Ancestor, please contact the Void Jade Palace and the powerhouse of the affiliates secretly, and let them quietly return to the Void Jade Palace without opening up the attention of other forces, and open the defense formation of the Void Jade Palace.”

“Subordinates obey!” The Valkyrie powerhouse, known as Xiang Rong Old Ancestor, closed his eyes and used the thoughts to start notifying Void Jade Palace and the powerhouse attached to Void Jade Palace.

Sun Yuan Qiu Qiu Cool Secret Technique Secret Sun

Sun Yuan, Qiu Qiu, and the solitary skill Secret Sun Qing Long Family clan, the treasure house 1st Layer!

Not only did he disagree with entering the resident treasure house to snatch countless rare treasures, but instead gave up his forthcoming victory, Ji Xing’s command just made Ji Mingjun very puzzled.

“This is the command of Shao Ri Dao Jun!” Ji Xing expression replied indifferently after glancing at Ji Mingjun dissatisfied.


Treasury 3rd-layer!

Primal Chaos Seal is not only the foundation of the innate Supreme Treasure, but also the treasure of chaos!

If you want to use the inferior numerology of Fuxi’s gossip chart to calculate the whereabouts of XNUMX Primal Chaos Seal records, it is a horrible way to consume the energy of the spell.

It is precisely under the calculation of the horrible energy consumption of this technique that Yu Haoran gradually gets rid of the danger of backlash.

At the same time, it is precisely because of the desperate calculation of the specific whereabouts of Primal Chaos Seal that his understanding of Fuxi’s gossip chart has become more and more thorough.

Eventually, the moment before the magic power of the same root with different branches completely disappeared, his practice realm was successfully promoted to the real emperor.

Sun Budi’s revenge on Chamo solitary show off

At the moment when the realm was upgraded to the emperor, he not only successfully calculated the specific locations of the twelve Primal Chaos Seals, but also found out how to seal the energy left by the other two spell spell powerhouses.

Sun Budi’s hatred of the Qamo Moxian was at the moment when the Defense Formula was cracked. Lan Zongwei immediately took out three fifth-order space spar and threw it to the Emperor Peak powerhouse.

At the same time, he used the breakthrough of the Taoist Emperor Realm to see a picture of the future.

Opening his eyes slowly, after taking a deep breath, Yu Haoran’s ten-finger rapid coagulation marks, and then used eighteen marks to fuse into a mirror, a mirror covered with white mist.


After the mirror was completely formed, Yu Haoran reached out his right hand and pressed it on the mirror, then mobilized the magic energy of the Emperor Realm to enter the mirror white fog, and it was lightly shouted.

With a soft drink, the two-way energy of the Bronze Coffin Seal Formation, as if it were a starving wolf, desperately escaped the shackles of the Seal Formation, and poured into the white mist of the mirror.

Yu Haoran’s soft sip immediately alarmed the Blood Void Beast that was improving the formidable power of the Treasury’s space barriers, and the Tower Spirit who was using the Blood Burning Void Condensate to break the seal Formation energy.


Seeing Yu Haoran’s successful promotion to the Taoist Emperor by using the magical energy of cracking the Seal Formation, even the knowledgeable Blood Demon Beast couldn’t help but applaud.

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