Treasury 2-Layer in the residence of the Qing Long Family!

“Tower Spirit, how can the Four Seas Qiankun Bottle restrain all the souls of the Four Seas Sea Territory?”

After hearing Tower Spirit’s introduction to the hand jade bottle, the single thought flashed in my head, making Yu Haoran want to learn more about the efficacy of the Qianhai bottle.

“It’s very simple, as long as you point the mouth of the Sihai Qiankun bottle at Sihai Sea Territory, and then use the force of divine force and Soul Power to drive it, you can put all the creatures and seawater of Sihai Sea Territory into the jade bottle.”

Shrugged, Tower Spirit replied casually.

“By then, all the living beings trapped in the four bottles of the world will be dead or alive, all in your thoughts.”

“Tower Spirit, if you want to put away all the creatures in the Sea Territory, you should have certain strength limitations!” Yu Haoran asked, frowning slightly.

Sun is not the enemy of the enemy

If the Four Seas Qiankun Bottle really has such an anti-sky effect, then those top powerhouses in ancient times, it is simply impossible to give up refining the Four Seas Qiankun Diagram as their own chance of Magical Artifact.

After all, the area and strength of the Sea Territory in the ancient times were far stronger than the ancient continent.

If it is possible to dominate the Four Seas Sea Territory by virtue of the Four Seas Qiankun Bottles, then it is only a matter of time to further rule the entire ancient continent.

But it turned out!

Jedi Fang’s early independence after the battle

The enemy Koko has a keen hatred by the cold enemy ball ship

There has been a non-aggression agreement between each other.

“Restraint of equal strength!” Tower Spirit replied casually while checking in advance the fifth Magical Artifact that was about to escape the treasure house.

“oh! ”

After hearing Tower Spirit’s answer, Yu Haoran’s infinite expectation was instantly replaced by loss.

The enemy is not far behind

The enemy is far away from the enemy, and the enemy is cold. “It’s very simple. As long as you point the bottle mouth of the Four Seas Qiankun Bottle at the Four Seas Sea Territory, and then use the force of the divine force and Soul Power to drive, you will be able to bring all the four seas Sea Territory. All souls and seawater are in the jade bottle. “

After annihilating the idea that just came out of his mind, he couldn’t help sighing. He directly threw the world’s Qiankun bottle to the storage ring, which was used as the upgrading energy of Ruyi Bell, and turned his attention to the fifth Magical Artifact.

Seeing Yu Haoran’s willingness to treat jade bottle Magical Artifact casually, the bloody beast standing on his shoulder, his eyes flashed a hesitant expression.

As the source of blood, Innate Lifeform, he faintly feels a very pure Life Essence breath from the jade bottle.

Although this breath of Life Essence is of no use to him, it can at least assist Yu Haoran’s fleshhy body grade to successfully advance to Paragon Realm.

However, when seeing Yu Haoran’s attention and being attracted by a slowly opened portrait, the blood-virtual beast finally sighed and said nothing.

“Tower Spirit, what is this?”

Slowly open the portrait you just picked up. When you see that the painting is just the most ordinary and simple blue sky and white clouds, Yu Haoran first carefully checked it with the thought of God.

After not seeing anything unusual, I quickly checked the memory inheritance of the Destiny stone tablet.

After confirming that the memory inheritance does not have any records of the portrait in front of him, he can only continue to resort to the Tower Spirit who knows sea and air.


Tower Spirit, who took the lead in checking the portrait, found that the painting was only blue sky and white, and had already used the thoughts of Paragon Grade 3 Peak from the inside to the outside, from the beginning of the painting to the overall layout, and the residual pen and ink on the screen was full. Checked three times.

But the result was still nothing.

If it wasn’t for this painting possessing a package of divine thoughts to break free of him, and possessing the formidable power that torn the treasure trove space consolidated by Formation, Tower Spirit even suspects that this is just a common portrait.

Therefore, in the face of Yu Haoran’s interrogation, Tower Spirit didn’t know how to answer for a moment.

“Tower Spirit, what’s wrong?” Tower Spirit’s long-time response didn’t help Yu Haoran’s frowning questioning.

“Yu Haoran, forgive me, I can’t see any origin of this painting, and its effectiveness!”

After much consideration, Tower Spirit finally decided to tell the truth.

As for the final treatment of this painting, it is up to Yu Haoran to decide for himself!

Not far away after the surgery by Noroco

There are countless treasures in the world, and it is impossible for any soul to know them all.

Therefore, after hearing Tower Spirit’s explanation, Yu Haoran was not too disappointed, and when he planned to put the portrait of his hand into the space of the domain tower for a while, a bloody beast reminder sounded suddenly.

“Yu Haoran, this painting by your hand was discovered by Azure Dragon Paragon in a tiankeng in ancient times.”

Looking at Yu Haoran’s half-rolled portrait, Xuexu Beast frowned and reminded.

“Although no Paragon powerhouse could see the specific origin of the painting and any effects it possessed, but according to the proficient Black Tortoise Divine Beast, it is said that this painting is likely to hide the couple. A big secret of Heaven and Earth. “

“At the same time, according to the speculation of Black Tortoise Divine Beast, when Heaven and Earth is about to encounter the biggest calamity since Chaos opened up Heaven and Earth, and it is also the massive calamity that destroys the Heavens and extinguish the Earth, Between Heaven and Earth will He is a son of fate who brings together all the fate of ancient, ancient and modern times. “

Sun Budi Chou Du Sun Qiu Mo Gu Yue Youku

Revenge or Independence Follow-up Examination by Cold Fingers

“The son of destiny can use his breath of destiny to open the shocking secret hidden in this painting.”

“I’m sorry, but I’m not alone.” At the same time, the accidental damage caused the four guardian families to forget the existence of this painting. “

“So that’s why the Azure Dragon Paragon left this portrait alone as he traveled to the endless void.”

As a reminder, the Blood Deficiency Beast could not help but sighed, sighing with a bit of regret.

“But unfortunately, the XNUMXth Nine Hundred Ninety Ninth of the Qing Long Family, White Tiger, Vermilion Bird, and Black Tortoise became patriarchs. They were destroyed during the ancient times and they were accidentally killed. The guardian family has long forgotten the existence of this painting. “

“Otherwise, they would have been able to let the Child of Destiny of Void Jade Palace uncover the secret of the portrait XNUMX years ago.”

After hearing Xuexue’s description of the portrait and the ancient Black Tortoise Divine Beast, Yu Haoran’s expression was not changed in the slightest, but his inner emotion was shocked like a stormy sea.

Tower Spirit, who was equally shocked, immediately urged Yu Haoran to quickly use the breath of fate to open the secret of the hand portrait.

After all, the identity of Yu Haoran’s son of destiny is not a secret to the loved ones around him, even if it is known in advance by the blood beast.


Yu Haoran, who was also anxious to know the secret of painting, immediately awakened the fate of heart space after hearing the urging from Tower Spirit.

But as he guided the breath of fate to leave the space of the heart, the four names of faint light suddenly appeared on the top of the fate stone tablet, making him immediately stop using the breath of fate to open the portrait.

Because the four names of the destiny stone tablet just brightened, they are Azure Dragon, White Tiger, Vermilion Bird, and Black Tortoise. Yu Haoran seriously doubts the Divine Beast of the four Paragon Peak Realm. I am afraid that they have left a surveillance method in the portrait. .

As a result, the true identity of the destiny’s son can be determined through surveillance.

Second, you can also learn about the amazing secrets of the portrait through surveillance.

Post-mortem Ship Enthusiastic Enemy Study


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