In the residence of the Qing Long Family, in the treasure house 2-Layer!

Facing Qingyun Sword Spirit’s begging for mercy, Yu Haoran was unmoved and looked cold, with an attitude that was about to take his life.

“Master Purple Spirit Paragon, although you and I were hostile to each other in the Spiritual Artifact battle at Heaven and Earth, I did not harm your companions and subordinates from beginning to end, so I did n’t talk too much with you Hatred. “

Seeing the young human in front of him did not let go of his meaning at all, he looked down on the other side’s Qingyun sword Sword Spirit at all, and immediately asked for the target to Tower Spirit.

“I hope Lord Paragon can see that you and I are all born of chaos. Let’s take a small path!”

In the face of Sword Spirit, the Qingyun sword who begs for mercy, thinking of tens of thousands of Innate Spirit Treasure’s Artifact Spirit, he is one of the few innate Artifact Spirits who can survive several calamities. Tower Spirit flashed a hesitant glance in his eyes. Yu Haoran.

“Qing Yun, sorry!”

After seeing Yu Haoran’s indifferent expression, Tower Spirit’s eyes flashed apologetic expression, and immediately mobilized the thirty-two Primal Chaos Seal in the tower of the space-time domain of the ontology. With the absolute suppression of the quality of the innate Supreme Treasure, it began little by little Divine Soul’s body that destroyed Qingyun.

Tower Spirit’s move to solicit each other’s opinions, and the next move without hesitation, made Qingyun gradually realize the extraordinary relationship between Tower Spirit and the young human beings.

If I want to keep the foundation of the ontological restrictions that have been spent for many years, I must do everything possible to get the understanding of the young human beings.

Therefore, after putting down the idea of ​​Yu Haoran, Qing Yun immediately mobilized all his strength to resist Tower Spirit’s oppression, and bowed down on both knees directly, with a gesture of absolute knowledge allegiance.

“Sir, as long as you are willing to let the little one live, then the little one will not only pledge allegiance to you with the fire of the gods, but also be willing to surrender a trace of the origin of the Divine Soul body.”

After hearing Qing Yun’s statement of acknowledgement allegiance, Yu Haoran’s indifferent eyes flashed a hint of expression immediately.

The Artifact Spirit of Paragon Grade 5 Peak Realm, coupled with the Innate Spirit Treasure Qingyun sword, which has the ability to land, water, fire, wind and fantasy, I am afraid that at least the strength of Paragon Grade 7 Peak can be exerted.

If relatives and friends around you can be guarded and assisted by Sword Spirit Qingyun, then not only can security be greatly improved, but it can also help handle some of the more difficult things.

In this way, he can also have more time to improve the cultivation base and strength.

However, my heart is my heart!

Considering that Sword Spirit Qingyun possessed the ever-changing Illusion Technique, he was worried that his friends and relatives would be confused by the other side, and finally decided to follow Tower Spirit’s proposal.

“Yu Haoran, if you are worried that Qingyun will use the powerful Illusion Technique to deal with your friends, then you can directly ask for two copies of the source of Divine Soul, one copy of the Divine Soul source connected to Qingyun Sword, and the other one It’s in your own hands. “

Seeing that Yu Haoran was finally interested in the acknowledgment allegiance condition proposed by Qing Yun, Tower Spirit secretly relieved while whispering out the long-awaited countermeasures.

“In this case, even if Sword Spirit Qingyun wants to use Illusion Technique to control your friends, he also needs to avoid the Divine Soul origin in your hands.”

“Okay, just listen to you!”

After hearing Tower Spirit’s proposal, Yu Haoran finally decided to agree to the conditions of Sword Spirit Qingyun’s acknowledgement allegiance after weighing again and again.

“Qing Yun, if you want to keep your own life through the conditions of acknowledgement allegiance, in addition to swearing by the fire of the instrument god, you also need to come up with three copies of the origin of Divine Soul.”

However, he had more copies of the Divine Soul origin than Tower Spirit suggested, and he also wanted an extra guarantee.


The origin of Divine Soul is not only related to the life and death of his Divine Soul body, but also affects his strength.

A Divine Soul’s origin, in addition to being able to determine the safety of Divine Soul’s body, does not have much influence on his strength.

The origin of the two copies of Divine Soul, although it has a certain impact on his strength, is still within his acceptable range.

However, the origin of the three Divine Souls will not only cause a significant decline in his strength, but also affect his ability to perform Illusion Technique, thereby completely severing his hopes.

Therefore, in the face of the conditions proposed by Yu Haoran, Sword Spirit Qingyun seemed very hesitant.

“Tower Spirit, do it!”

If Sword Spirit Qing Yun agrees very readily, Yu Haoran is worried that the origin of Divine Soul cannot really limit the other party.

The dilemma he is showing now is enough to prove that he is just a cultivation base beyond the limit of the Qingyun Sword of the ontology, but still has not escaped the shackles of the body of Divine Soul.

At this moment, he really wanted to get the allegiance of Sword Spirit Qingyun, so he immediately continued to persecute the other party through Tower Spirit.

“it is good!”

With a little thought, I know why Yu Haoran asked for a Divine Soul origin. Tower Spirit deeply agreed with him that he should act cautiously and immediately increase the suppressed formidable power.

“Okay, I promise you!”

Suppressing the increase in formidable power, speeding up the collapse of Divine Soul’s body.

As Divine Soul’s body collapses faster, the inner fear of death increases.

In the end, the strong desire for survival, Sword Spirit Qingyun finally nodded to help, and took the initiative to extract three sources of Divine Soul within the body.

After reaching out to receive three Divine Soul origins from Qingyun, Yu Haoran directly sent one of the Divine Soul origins to Tower Spirit, and expressed solemnly instructed.

“Tower Spirit, I plan to give Qing Yunjian to Qing Senior Brother Yun, but I really don’t have much confidence in whether Qing Brother Brother Feng can have the Illusion Technique ability to defend Sword Spirit Qingyun. At the same time, I am not sure whether I can Illusion Technique, which is against Sword Spirit, also has no confidence. “

“So, you are the last guarantee to restrain the Sword Spirit Qingyun Illusion Technique.”

“Yu Haoran, rest assured! I promise that I will not let Qingyun use Illusion Technique to hurt you.” After reaching for a copy of Qingyun’s Divine Soul origin, Tower Spirit also solemnly expressed his assurance.

After putting away the remaining two original Divine Soul sources, Yu Haoran took the opportunity to put Qingyun Sword and Sword Spirit into a vacant storage ring, and then focused on the fourth Magical Artifact, a pill bottle similar to the medicine pill , But a slightly larger delicate jade bottle.

With the experience of Qingyun Sword and Sword Spirit Qingyun just now, Yu Haoran who regained his cautious character did not use the divine mind to look at it, but intended to let Tower Spirit directly force the jade bottle’s Artifact Spirit to understand jade The true origin of bottle.

“Yu Haoran, this jade bottle is called the Four Seas Qiankun Bottle. It was produced by the hand of the cloud neutron in the Middle Ages. It is a high grade magical artifact used to restrain the Dragon Race of the Four Seas.”

After glancing at the jade bottle, Tower Spirit didn’t need to use divine thought to check it, so that he could recognize the true origin of the jade bottle at a glance.

“Since the Qianhai Qiankun bottle only has the function of restraining water life spirit within the painting, not many people are willing to refining it into Magical Artifact, and there is no hope of promotion and birth of Artifact Spirit.”



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