Qinghu mountain range!

Seeing the top-level Innate Spirit Treasure Qianku from the ancient Divine Race’s most powerhouse, there was a slight difference in the eyes of the most ancient powerhouse of the ancient Clan, and the heart couldn’t help being sneaked.

Because he knew that the other party wanted to take advantage of Qian Kuntu’s strong restraint and take the initiative after joining hands with each other.

But how can the ancient Hades powerhouse of proud and arrogant be willing to give in to others’ leadership and command.

Therefore, when the most ancient powerhouse in the ancient Ming family put away the differences in their eyes, they took a confident smile on their face and took out a dazzling rays of light from the independent space, shaped like a big bucket of Magical Artifact.

“Innate Spirit Treasure has the strongest Divine Soul attack of the mixed Yuan gold bucket!” Shouted out of sudden mutation of the face of the most powerhouse of the ancient Divine Race when he saw the golden bucket Magical Artifact taken out from the ancient powerhouse of the ancient Hades.


Nodded confirmed at the same time, the ancient Ming powerhouse asked with a chuckle.

“Shenxuan Elder, who will give orders next?”


Facing the questioning of the most powerful powerhouse of the ancient Ming people, Shen Xuan Elder smiled awkwardly and pointed at Qian Kuntu in his hand to explain.

“A Xinjing, Elder, the master of Qiankuntu, the master of fighting in Jinyuan, is the cooperation between one attack and one defense. I don’t think we should need anyone to give orders!”

Regardless of the ancient Monster Race or the ancient Fiendgod tribe, the relationship between the ancient Hades and them, although it cannot be said that they are absolutely hostile, they have been guarding each other.

Even if Shen Xuan Elder was willing to defer to obey the order, A Xinjing didn’t dare to truly believe the other party.

Therefore, in the face of the interpretation given by Shen Xuan Elder, A Xinjing smiled and proposed.

“In this case, until the end of the thunderstorm Thunder Punishment, your Divine Race powerhouse is responsible for trapping Yu Haoran and the gibbons using the map, and our Hades powerhouse is using the chaotic golden bucket to directly kill Yu Haoran and The soul of a gibbons. “


Shen Xuan Elder immediately nodded to agree with the proposal of Xinxin, the most powerful house of the Ming people.

One hour!

The golden thunderstorm that dropped from Thunder Punishment lasted for an entire hour, before it could be regarded as a weakening trend. This also made everyone on the scene truly appreciate the horror of legendary spirit robberies.

At the center of Thunder Punishment, the gibbons that are about to cross Thunder Punishment, not only have a body of nine thousand Nine Hundred Ninety Ninth, but also the light purple hair has been replaced by dark purple hair.

The only hair left on his forehead has not been completely transformed.

At the same time, from him within the body, there was a vague loss of ominous beast.

Looking up at the decreasing amount of golden thunderbolts in the black black clouds, the gibbons stretched their arms and exerted their full strength to devour **, striving to use the last Thunder Punishment thunderbolt energy to achieve the final transformation of Bloodline’s ancestors.

Located 1000 meters away from the center of Thunder Punishment, Yu Haoran sitting on a curved knee volley, not only the height of the ancestral witch’s body is close to the XNUMX Nine Hundred Ninety Ninth meters in the Paragon Realm realm, but also originally had dark yellow skin Has been completely replaced by bronze, giving a sense of returning to the true weight.

Of course, what really made him feel to be wild with joy was not the change of the ancestral witch’s fleshhy body, but the fleshhy body grade, mood cultivation base, and Soul Power that assisted Realm without touching the bottleneck of cultivation base and inspiring Thunder Punishment. In all cases, they were successfully promoted to Valkyrie Grade 9 Peak.

Next, he only needs to use the remaining chaotic Spiritual Qi to raise his divide force to Valkyrie Grade 9 Peak, and then he can formally impact the Valkyrie cultivation base and completely make up for the overdrawn lifespan and potential for losses.

Looking up to see the decreasing amount of golden thunderbolts in the dark black clouds, after Yu Haoran disperses the transformation of the ancestral witch, he also spreads his arms with full force and devours **, and strives to use the last Thunder Punishment thunderbolt energy to let the three auxiliary The realm’s grade truly reaches the Peak limit, and is fully prepared for the next realm that impacts Valkyrie’s tenth grade.

Whether it is the gibbons that are about to complete the transformation and return to ancestors, or Yu Haoran, who has the perfect strength to attack the ten goddess of Valkyrie, the amount and speed of Thunder Punishment thunder that devours ** has reached an unimaginable level of terror.

Therefore, the golden thunderbolt flying in the sky was thoroughly devoured by a man and a beast in the blink of an eye, and it also allowed Yu Haoran and the gibbons to be completely exposed to everyone’s sight.


Shen Xuan Elder, who had been secretly prepared for a long time, saw Yu Haoran and the gibbons, and was immediately instructed by the same family of eight and a half hordes of Paragon Realm.

“Get ready!”

At the same time, A Xinjing immediately lifted up the mixed Yuan Jindou in his hand. The exit of the gold bucket was directly directed at Yu Haoran and the gibbons, and he signaled to his fellows in the Paragon Realm world. .

Although the golden thunderbolt dropped by Thunder Punishment can greatly enhance the strength of Divine Soul, it can also seriously threaten the safety of Divine Soul.

Therefore, after Yu Haoran entered the envelope of Thunder Punishment, Tower Spirit not only continued to use the divine mind to be alert to the surroundings, but also actively returned to the tower of the ontology domain.

This caused Yu Haoran and the gibbons to react when the Qiankun map driven by Shen Xuan Elder reached the top of his head.

Seeing the speed covered by the Qiankun map, it was too late for Tower Spirit to regain control of the fleshhy body to resist and counterattack. Yu Haoran did not have the slightest hesitation and hesitation, and immediately mobilized the space strength of law that he had just realized, and then used the law of space teleportation martial Skill, to avoid the danger map.

However, the slow-acting gibbons was anchored by Qian Kuntu to forcibly.

Fortunately, Yu Haoran, who escaped in time, quickly completed the exchange of control of fleshy body with Tower Spirit. Tower Spirit, who was in anger, immediately used the terrifying power of the Paragon Realm to directly kill the nine and a half robbers of the ancient Divine Race. Paragon powerhouse.

Yu Haoran successfully escaped the shackles of Qian Kuntu, which indicates that the plan to kill the gibbons has been defeated.

Knowing that it wasn’t Yu Haoran’s opponent, A Xinjing, when he quickly retracted the golden doom, he tore the void in front of him, and he was instructed by the four kinsmen behind him.


Quickly slayed the Tower Spirit of nine ancient Divine Race powerhouses, not at all to stop the five ancient Hades powerhouses from escaping, only the ten fingers quickly gathered the remnants of the Magical Artifact left in the golden doom, and a glimmer of nostalgic gods appeared in his eyes.

“Tower Spirit, first put away the picture of the trapped trapped gibbons!” Seeing Tower Spirit in memory, and seeing the dark black clouds in the void above the mountain range, a gap has opened, and the sea-like milky energy is coming As the scour came down, Yu Haoran quickly reminded.

The Tower Spirit awake from the memories, the right hand quickly condensed a special mark into the Qiankun map, and then beckoned against the Qiankun map above the gibbons’ head, and the Qiankun map flew obediently into his hands. … “”.

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