Qinghu mountain range!

Yu Haoran relies on the black smoke condensed by the Twelve Capitals God Formation to avoid the induction of Thunder Punishment as far as possible to avoid the loosening of the cultivation base, and the Fleshhy body has been successfully upgraded to Valkyrie Grade 9 Early-Stage, and Continue to sprint towards higher realm.

But at this time, he suddenly heard that Tower Spirit mentioned that Thunder Punishment, the robber of the gibbons, had suffered a change, and the inheritance of the destiny stone tablet reminded him immediately of the legendary robber.

According to the records of the destiny stone tablet, although the shapes of the thief Thunder Punishment are various, they all have a common feature. That is, Thunder Punishment has a long duration and a wide range of effects.

More importantly, spiritual robberies are the only one after another godly detachment controlled by the Heavenly Dao rules, and also the only one after another that others can intervene in. Thunder Punishment.

Therefore, after hearing the reminder from Tower Spirit, Yu Haoran was shocked and immediately devoted himself to devouring the black smoke condensed by the formation with the wind and clouds.

This not only allowed his fleshhy body grade to quickly advance to Valkyrie Grade 9 and High, but also caused the ancient twelve Monster Race half-robbers of the Paragon powerhouse to ancestor blood essence quickly disappeared.

When all the ancestors’ blood essence was completely consumed, the formulation that continued to condense the black smoke was lost, which not only allowed Yu Haoran’s silhouette to appear in front of everyone, but also caused the XNUMX Monster Race semi-robbers Paragon powerhouse to also show the turn pale with fright. Trace.

Quickly complete the exchange of control of the fleshhy body, regain control of the tower spirit of the fleshhy body, and immediately use the strength of the Paragon Realm world to easily kill the XNUMX Divine Souls of the Monster Race Divine Beast, and take it home to arrange the twelve gods. Formation flag, and the huge body of Divine Beast with twelve heads.

Subsequently, Yu Haoran immediately took control of the fleshhy body, and then turned to look at the golden thunder and lightning strikes.

Looking at Thunder Punishment in front of him, exactly as recorded in the destiny stone tablet, he quickly used the divine thought to notify Yu Siqi and Qingfeng and the others so that they would continue to step back a distance.

Then, after taking a deep breath, he rushed directly into the thunderstorm.

Although the thunderstorm-like golden thunderbolt is only as thin as the hair, the formidable power formed by each golden thunderstrike has reached the realm of the Emperor Grade 9 Peak.

Not to mention the Spiritual God powerhouse of Valkyrie Realm. True Paragon is non-existent. In the face of the constant attack of numerous Emperor Grade 9 Peak powerhouse, I am afraid that it will not be able to persist forever.

Not to mention the gibbons with Valkyrie Grade 4 Early-Stage.

Therefore, Yu Haoran, who quickly rushed into the sky and lightning, relying on the strong defense of the ancestral fleshy body, forcibly withstands numerous golden lightning strikes, and also quickly found the silhouette of the gibbons.

In the end, at the heart of Thunder Punishment, he saw the gibbons that had a body height of more than 5000 metres and exuded strength to the Valkyrie Grade 5 Peak.

Kung Fu hates the ghost and the ghost and the ghost meets the Sun Chou

“Little friend, how did you break into my God Thunder Punishment?”

Feeling the approach of the Spiritual Qi, the gibbons abruptly repelled a large amount of golden thunder and lightning, while expression turned back and watched vigilantly, and then saw Yu Haoran who kept the ancestral witch’s fleshy body.

“Senior, if you want to survive the robberies that will make you completely return to your ancestors, you can’t do it simply by fighting back the thunder and lightning.”

Seeing not at all the gibbons that suffered any damage from Thunder Punishment, Yu Haoran secretly sighed, and quickly used the mind to condense the secret technique devoured by the complete volume.

Immediately after, he used the momentary transfer of the space strength of law to send the condensed secret technique into the eyebrows of the gibbons, and informed him in detail of the origin and efficacy of the swallow.

After hearing the inverse effects of swallowing everything and swallowing everything, the gibbons’ eyes flashed a ecstasy, and immediately began to practice swallowing. With the help of the sky ’s golden lightning, they tested and enhanced the formidable power of swallowing.

Seeing that it only took less than a minute for the gibbons to successfully master the essence of engulfing, Yu Haoran was completely assured that he was directly away from the 1000 meters position of the heart of Thunder Punishment.

Spirit robbery is the test and disaster of Innate Lifeform to completely realize the physical and soul transformation!

Enemy Ball Does Not Seal Fang Yuanxing Fang Yuanxing

The enemy’s magic ball keeps close to his love, Fang Yuanxing feels the approach of the Spiritual Qi, while the gibbons abruptly repel a large number of golden thunder and lightning, while expressing a vigilant turn to wait and see, he then sees Yu Haoran who keeps the ancestral witchy hyshy body. .

Like a heavy rain, the golden thunderbolt contains pure energy specifically used to enhance the level of fleshhy body, and it also has the effect of assisting in improving mood awareness and Soul Power level.

Therefore, Yu Haoran relied on the strong defense of the ancestral witch’s fleshhy body to forcibly withstand the golden thunderbolt attack, while also devouring a large amount of golden energy.

With the pure lightning energy contained in golden lightning, while continuing to impact the level of fleshy body, it also began to consciously improve the state of mind and the realm of Soul Power to enhance its own accumulation and lay the foundation for the successful cultivation base that will impact the ten ranks of Valkyrie in the future.

Even the twelve capitals of the gods set by the ancient Monster Race couldn’t help Yu Haoran. This caused more than sixty and a half paragon powerhouses at the top of the scene to express their fearful expression.

Get to know the distant Gangku Cool alone by hate

Especially when I saw Yu Haoran daring to intervene in the robber Thunder Punishment of the gibbons, it made their fearful expression replaced by fear.

Get to know the distant gang cool and lonely hate. When all the ancestors’ blood essence is completely consumed, the formation of the black smoke that continues to condense is lost, which not only makes Yu Haoran’s silhouette appear in front of everyone, but also makes twelve Monster Races. The semi-robber Paragon powerhouse also showed signs of turn pale with fright.

The strength of several top powerhouses gave each other a glance at each other, and they found that the retreat ideas revealed by their respective eyes.

However, they have already fiercely offended Yu Haoran and the gibbons. Before seeing the result of the final spiritual robbery of Thunder Punishment, none of the semi-robbery Paragon powerhouse will willingly leave.

So, while they were ready to retreat at any time, they looked at the thunderstorm with anticipation, hoping that Yu Haoran and the gibbons could finally die in Thunder Punishment.

But what made them feel disappointed was that Thunder Punishment, which had been going on for nearly 40 minutes, not only did not disappear, but from the position of Thunder Punishment’s heart, two horrors like ominous beast came.


Fear eventually defeated the luck of the few inheritance families with the most powerhouse, turned to the clansman behind him, and immediately left the mountain range of Qinghu by tearing the void.


After another ten minutes, when I saw that Thunder Punishment still hasn’t dissipated, and that the spirit of Thunder Punishment is stronger, the strength of the powerhouse from Mysterious Dao Sect and the official family is the most powerful. Finally, Clansman left the youth cautiously. Lake mountain range.

At this moment, in the void on the Qinghu mountain range, there are only nine and a half Paragon powerhouses from the ancient Divine Race and five and one half Paragon powerhouses from the ancient Hades.

“Joining hands together?” The ancient Divine Race’s most powerful powerhouse with a somber complexion, turned to look at the most powerful house of the Ming, and asked with eager eyes.

“Join together!” Without the slightest hesitation, the ancient powerhouse of the ancient Ming people immediately agreed with nodded.

“Landscapes, Innate Spirit Treasure’s # XNUMX Bondage Magical Artifact.”

After getting the strongest consent from the ancient Hades, the most powerful house of the ancient Divine Race immediately took out a palm-sized picture with blue sky embroidered on the front and earth on the back.

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