Qinghu mountain range!

“Unfortunately, the participation of the Black Tortoise family, who is proficient in Formation, has been lost. The so-called Four Divine Beasts Formation, which reaches the Paragon Level, is just a stubble that’s all!”

With Tower Spirit full of scornful taunting sounds, dozens of shallow purple energies hit the deadly weak spot of the Formation defense in succession, which made the Four Divine Beasts Formation, which was difficult to arrange, instantly fall apart, and also guarded the eighteenth of the family. A half-death Paragon powerhouse, forcibly withstanding the backlash of the Formula collapse, the fleshhy body and Divine Soul suffered an unimaginable blow. Mobile terminal

“Siqi, these people have given it to you. Be sure to kill it without leaving!” Pointing at the breath all falling to the powerhouse of the guardian family of Paragon Realm, Tower Spirit was directed to Yu Siqi.

I know that the person who just ordered himself to shoot is the Purple Spirit Paragon who guards and accompanies his younger brother. At the same time, turning on the inheritance memory of the second-generation Tai Paragon, let her truly understand the origin and power of the Purple Spirit Paragon.

Therefore, after Yu Siqi expression was a respectful nodded response, he directly took out Extinguishing Immortal Sword and killed it.

I believe that Yu Siqi can deal with the Tower Spirit of the guardian family powerhouse, and look directly at the dozens of powerhouses left in front of her eyes, with a hint of provocation.

“Who’s the next turn?”

After a glance at each other, the powerhouse of the top ten powerhouses looked at each other, and a paragon Peak powerhouse from Loose Cultivator Alliance led eight associates to come out.

Subsequently, the strongest semi-robber Paragon powerhouse took out a magical Artifact with a color and a mysterious yellow from the independent space opened by itself.

“Innate Spirit Treasure!

After seeing the Magical Artifact taken out by the other party, Tower Spirit’s eyes flashed a surprise expression saying the origin of Magical Artifact.

“Yu Haoran, the Hunyuan Set Soul Umbrella is one of the few top magic weapons that Innate Spirit Treasure can use to trap the Paragon powerhouse. It is also one of the few Innate Spirit Treasures that I have killed Artifact Spirit.”

“Tower Spirit, can you regain the Hunyuan Dinghun Umbrella again?” Yu Haoran asked with anticipation.

“No problem!” Tower Spirit responded with a nodded smile, knowing that Yu Haoran wanted to grab the Yuanyuan Dinghun Umbrella.

“It is rumored that Prince Consort not only possesses unparalleled cultivation innate talent and potential, but also has the ability to know everything and know everything.”

Seeing Yu Haoran at a glance, he could recognize the true origin of the umbrella-like Magical Artifact. The strength from the Loose Cultivator Alliance was the most powerful powerhouse, and his eyes showed a hint of praise.

“It seems that the rumors are true now!”

“Over the prize!”

After the Tower Spirit expression responded indifferently, the five fingers of the right hand placed on the sleeves began to condense the marks quietly, and used the space-time energy of the tower of the ontology domain to silently integrate the condensed marks into the mixed Yuan umbrella.

“Prince Consort, Long-Armed Divine Ape is a perverse and arrogant person who acts in a lawless manner of the law and of natural morality.

“If we allow the gibbons to return to their ancestors, it will bring an unimaginable disaster to Heavenly Profound Continent.”

Loose Cultivator, who holds the umbrella of mixed souls, has the most powerhouse not at all, but he is bitter in telling the truth. He hopes that Yu Haoran will not continue his asylum and even take the initiative to kill the gibbons.

“Let’s do it!” Don’t bother to listen to the other side’s nonsense, Tower Spirit interrupts the other side impatiently, and then expresses lightly instructed.

“Since Prince Consort is so stubborn, don’t blame me for being ruthless!”

Seeing his bitter persuasion, not only did he not tell Yu Haoran to voluntarily give up the dark, but instead urged the other party to impatiently urged him. Loose Cultivator immediately felt very annoyed, the most powerful powerhouse. After expressing the threat of indifference, he directly threw the mixed Yuan umbrella.

Subsequently, he directly united the eight companions behind him, and simultaneously output the divine force and Soul Power to quickly open the umbrella face of the Hunyuan Dingsoul Umbrella, which also completely inspired the formidable power of Innate Spirit Treasure.

Looking up at the fully-unfolded Xunyuan Dinghun Umbrella, Tower Spirit neither attacked nor dodged, and let the special energy of the Xunyuan Dingmu umbrella trap itself.


Revenge after the ball is not blocked

After seeing Yu Haoran trapped in the Yuanyuan Dinghun Umbrella, Ren Yuzhen with a surprise expression flashed in his eyes, and immediately commanded to the eight companions behind him.

In the back of the ball, no enemies are blocked, and the enemy alone rises to look at the fully-developed Soul Parade Soul Umbrella. Tower Spirit neither attacks nor dodges, leaving the Soul Parade Soul Umbrella to be stimulated by special energy. Live yourself.

When the nine and a half paragon powerhouses of the Loose Cultivator Alliance were ready to join forces to perform the strongest attack, the Tower Spirit had no movement at all, and a strange smile appeared on his face, while reaching out to the assassin above his head. A finger pointing at the soul umbrella.

Originally aimed at Tower Spirit’s Xunyuan set soul umbrella, suddenly turned the umbrella’s mouth to nine people such as Ren Yuzhen, and the special energy used for trapping instantly enveloped the nine people such as Ren Yuzhen.

“What’s the matter?” Ren Yuzhen shouted incredulously when he saw the Innate Spirit Treasure that was supposed to deal with Yu Haoran’s Innate Spirit Treasure, and suddenly turned his gun against himself.

After the investigation, the innocent post ghosts were lonely and cold.

Unfortunately, those top powerhouses who wanted to answer him didn’t know what was going on, and Tower Spirit, who knew what was going on, couldn’t tell him kindly.

Therefore, the re-closed umbrella surface directly took the incredible and struggling Ren Yuzhen nine people to retrieve the umbrella, and then the Xuanyuan Ding umbrella slowly fell in the hands of Tower Spirit.

“Zi …!”

Seeing Yu Haoran raising his hand, he could easily take control of the Innate Spirit Treasure, and the remaining sixty and a half paragon powerhouses on the scene couldn’t help being sucked in a breath of cold air. A flash of dread expression.

In particular, I am also preparing to use the Magical Artifact of the Innate Spirit Treasure level to deal with the ancient Divine Race of Yu Haoran, the ancient Hades and the powerhouses of the three inheritance families. The eyes are even more hesitant to express, thinking about whether to give up cutting immediately. The plan to kill the gibbons, first temporarily escape the Qinghu mountain range.

“Who’s the next turn!” After returning the Hun Yuan Ding Soul Umbrella to Yu Haoran, who knew the sea space, and taught him the secret technique of refining Innate Spirit Treasure, Tower Spirit expression continued to ask indifferently.

In the face of Yu Haoran’s provocation, hesitant expression was revealed in the eyes of most of the top powerhouses.

Only the twelve Divine Beasts from the ancient Monster Race rushed towards Yu Haoran with their eyes showing intense Murderous aura, and at the same time took out a formation flag engraved with the portraits of the twelve strongest ancient ancestors.

Sun hatred unscrupulously to take over the censorship

“Yu Haoran, I’m afraid I need you to join forces to easily break through the twelve capitals of the ancient Monster Race.”

Seeing the twelve Divine Beasts who swallowed the formation flag, while the body continued to grow larger, the body emits endless black smoke, and a strange smile suddenly appeared on the face of Tower Spirit.

As the Formation Realm, the Tower Spirit also reaches the Paragon Peak Realm. No matter whether it is ancient and ancient, or ancient and modern, the Formation created him. He can feel scared and helpless. There are very few formations, as few as a slap can be counted. .

And the twelve capitals of the gods Formula, which is arranged by the ancient ancient ancestor witch Bloodline, is just one of the few formulas.

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