Destined Martial God

Chapter 1941: The towering spirit shows power (on)

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In the Qinghu Mountains!


The gold armor thunder **** who was hit by the milky white energy instantly bombed the huge body into countless thunder and lightning, and then the countless thunder and lightning covered the whole mountain like a thunderstorm, landed quickly, and merged into the ground of the mountain.

Originally due to the terrible impact of the fierce beasts and the purple sword gas, countless trees and exotic flowers were destroyed and reborn, and the entire Qinghu Mountains instantly revived and flourished.

The only regret is that even if there is a huge essence of life in the thunderstorm, it will not be able to bring those dead beasts back to life.

After all, the death of strange beasts has already involved the soul, not the simple essence of life, which can enable them to live from death again.

Neither the gibbons in mid-air nor the half-robber supreme powerhouses in the void at the edge of the mountains looked at Yu Hao with a curious glance, then sank directly into the restored Qinghu Lake.

"Ta Ling, it seems that the Qinghu Mountain Range can completely replace the Blood Mist Mountain Range, and is officially promoted to one of the ten new forbidden places in the Tianxuan Continent." The power of rules given by the rules can be easily resisted, Yu Haoran sighed with a complex look.


There was a lingering anxiety in his eyes, and he nodded in agreement with Yu Haoran's sigh.

However, thinking that Hao Ran would then control the return of Baima Mansion to the Baichi Gate in the southern region, the worried look in his eyes was easily replaced in an instant.

With the complete destruction of the Jinjia Thunder God by the ferocious beast, it also means that the gibbons have successfully passed the thundering thunder penalty. Therefore, after receiving the eye reminder from Yu Haoran, the gibbons directly bent their knees. Sit down and wait for the reward of God's robbery and punishment.

At the same time, dozens of powerful men in the void at the edge of the mountains rushed towards the gibbons sitting in the air with their knees bent.

"Are you looking for death!" Yu Haoran appeared directly in front of the gibbous ape, threatening the power of the rules of flashing dual and speed dual systems directly.

At the same time, Yu Siqi, Qingfeng and others also hurriedly stood behind Yu Haoran, their expressions were so dignified, their eyes were full of vigilance watching dozens of semi-robbers who were rushing fast.

"Yu Haoran, if you let it go now, our previous grudges and resentments can be cancelled, and we can build an alliance of mutual advancement and retreat, and then join forces to compete for the front line opportunities in the countless calamities, and even in the future. Partition the new continent created by the Son of Destiny. "

A proposal from the Jingshi organization, the Supreme Peak of the Three Robbers, is full of weird smiles, or tempting.

"A trifling ant who is in the highest state of sanctuary, what qualifications do you have to discuss the alliance with Ben Ma, how would Ben Ma care about the grudges with your Jingshi organization?" Preparation, Yu Haoran's disdainful sarcasm appeared in the eyes.

"Abominable boy, you are looking for death!"

After hearing Yu Haoran's sarcasm, the Supreme Master of Sanzhao yelled angrily, and then signaled to the four companions of the Jingshi organization.

Subsequently, five strong men in the Three Realms of the Supreme Realm took out a banner that reached the peak level of the Divine Realm, and rushed to Haoran quickly.

"You suspend law enforcement for your seniors!"

After turning his head to the breeze and Yu Siqi's admonition, Yu Haoran voluntarily greeted him, and also gave control of the physical body to Taling.

"Five shocks and five elements!"

Allowing the formation of the arrangement of the five three-magnificence supreme powers of the Jingshi organization to cover himself, Tallinn just glanced to recognize the origin of the formation of the other party.

"The second avatar, the five-earth five-element array is a combination of offense and defense, but the biggest difference from other formations is that the five-earth five-element array does not have the so-called unique position, and the five strong hands holding the banner All are the cornerstones of formation. "

Seeing the origin of the formation method of the five triple robbers, Taling directly summoned the second avatar who was preparing to strike the realm of the battlefield. While introducing the principles of the five shocks and five elements, he took the shot by himself. Teach him how to break the battle.

"The way to crack the five-earth five-element array is very simple. It is to rely on its powerful strength and attack the five cornerstones of the formation at the same time, so that the formation cannot concentrate all its strength on one point."


With the five fingers stretched out by the towering spirit, five light purple energies popped up, hitting the five triple lords who are fast in the fast movement, and the concussive force condensed by the five shocks and five elements array method, Stopped less than a centimeter away.

Immediately afterwards, the horrifying force of shock suddenly turned the gun, directly counterattacked the array, and had already suffered the five triple robbers.

"Remove the formation right away!" The strongest three robbers, the strongest, shouted loudly at the four companions when he saw the concussive force of the formation began to backfire.

But compared to the extreme speed at which the force of concussive formation backfired, their speed of removing the matrix seemed much slower.

In the end, the bodies and spirits of the five slayers of the Supreme Supreme Realm were directly smashed by shock, and it also caused the World Organization that has passed on for countless years to suffer such heavy losses for the first time.

After all, the five powerhouses in the Three Realm of Supreme Mastermind are almost a top lineage family, or the strongest strength of the top sects.


Just as the Five Supreme Masters of the Jingshi organization died tragically in the five-earth five-element array formed by themselves, the eighteen and a half Supreme Masters from the Qinglong family, the White Tiger family, and the Suzaku family had no fear at all. .

From the Qinglong family, the three peaks of the Supreme Supreme, greeted 17 other companions, and quickly dispersed around the towering spirit.

Subsequently, they each took out a banner at the peak level of the **** realm, and began to arrange the four gods beast formations that the family depends on to survive around the tower spirit.

"Yu Haoran, although you have previously obtained the banner of the Four Gods Beast Formation from the Four Elephant Sects, and you have personally arranged the formation of the Four Gods Beast Formation, but compared to the guardian family who actually created this formation, The formation of the formation is completely small, and it is not worth mentioning at all. "

While watching the guardian family ’s eighteen-and-a-half lord supreme strongs arrange the formation, Ta Ling gave Yu Haoran and the second avatar a detailed introduction to the core principles of the construction of the four gods beast formation and the highest strength.

"In ancient times, the four dragons, Blue Dragon, White Tiger, Suzaku, and Xuanwu, who have just been promoted to the Supreme Realm, have used the Four Gods beast formation to trap and kill the Golden Dragon who has reached the peak of the Supreme Seventh Rank. The Dragon King cannot help them. "

Speaking of which, a scornful look flashed in Ta Ling's eyes, and his fingers quickly popped up dozens of light purple energy.

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