Qinghu mountain range!

Hearing Yu Haoran’s specific reasons for not killing Nalan purple marriage and black Divine Dragon and the others, Tower Spirit immediately mobilized the gods of Paragon Grade 3 Peak Realm, and cooperated with the aid of space-time energy and Primal Chaos Seal. Quickly reach the mountain range where Hundred Chi Sect is located.

Then, the powerful god thought carefully checked the whole mountain range from the inside to the outside, from the bottom to the bottom, and from front to back.

But the end result of the inspection was nothing!

However, considering the identity of Yu Haoran’s destiny and the destiny stone tablet with the power of destiny rules, Tower Spirit did not have any anomalies in the mountain range where Hundred Chi Sect is located, but chose to believe his feelings.

Therefore, Tower Spirit immediately returned control of the fleshhy body, and then asked him to negotiate with Nalan Purple Wedding and black Divine Dragon and the others.

“break for me !”

When Yu Haoran had just taken control of the fleshy body, Yu Siqi’s soft whistle suddenly came to his ears.

Accompanied by a simple frivolity, Yu Siqi’s horrific ascension directly shakes the solidified mountain range void of Tower Spirit, allowing the frozen space to loosen briefly.

This also makes the eyes of black giant dragon and A Yihao show a touch of expression.

However, when they saw the expression of Yu Haoran faint smile, the fear that came out of their hearts immediately extinguished the idea of ​​taking the opportunity to escape, and then stayed honestly in place.

When the climbing breath reached Peak, Yu Siqi, who opened his eyes slowly, looked back towards Yu Haoran of Martial Ancestor Grade 9 while recovering the powerful momentum that emanated from the realm breakthrough, and barely returned to Yu Haoran of Martial Ancestor Grade XNUMX. Touched and blame expression.

Just now when the reward of Immortal Tribulation Thunder Punishment was used to impact the Valkyrie realm, it also completely opened the memory inheritance of the two paragons in ancient and ancient times.

The ball hated Ke Qiugang and received Sun Guiji alone

While accepting the cultivation insights of Valkyrie Realm and Paragon Realm, she also knew the hatred that the second-generation Tai Paragon had made, and she was very clear about the determination of those enemies to kill themselves.

Moreover, when she realm breakthrough just now, she didn’t know anything about the outside world, and she knew what Yu Haoran had done for herself.

“Sister, don’t think too much, don’t say too much, quickly use these medicine pill to consolidate and become familiar with the realm after the breakthrough.”

Seeing the touching and self-blame from Yu Siqi’s eyes, there is a clear trend to get rid of the realm. Yu Haoran was very relieved, and quickly took out a dozen of the top medicine pills used to consolidate the realm. The means were delivered to her, laughing while warned repeatedly.

Reaching out to receive the medicine pill from Yu Haoran, Yu Siqi’s eyes were nodded with a layer of rain and mist.

After the inheritance, her eyes turned to the black Divine Dragon of the ancient Monster Race, the god son of the ancient Divine Race, the magic devil of the ancient Demon Race, the ancient son of the puppet Ayahao, and the worry-free valley. Nalan Purple Marriage and Nalan Yishuang showed their expressions as indifferent as Heavenly Dao rules.

The enemy hates the enemy

The people who were stared at by Yu Siqi’s indifferent eyes couldn’t help feeling a chill in their hearts. In particular, the black Divine Dragon, who had had direct contact with the first generation of Paragon, was full of endless fear.

After glancing across the crowd, Yu Siqi’s eyes turned to the South Region, East Region, West Region, and Central Region one after another, and after a flash of resolute murderous aura, he slowly closed his eyes and sat down.

After spitting out the Relic rosary under the tip of her tongue, she began to use the medicine pill presented by Yu Haoran to consolidate and become familiar with the realm after the breakthrough.

After looking back at Yu Siqi, Yu Haoran looked at the crowds standing side by side. The smile on his face was immediately replaced by the gloom, and his voice asked coldly.

“Do you want to die or live?”

“Of course I want to live!” As the only Ah Hao who had a relationship with Yu Haoran on the scene, the immature face immediately appeared a smile to please and responded instead of everyone.

“If you want to live, you must agree to my two demands.” Not at all Yu Haoran’s gloomy complexion changed a little because of Ao Hao’s flattering smile, and he still said indifferently.

“Master Prince Consort, you said!” A Yihao hurriedly signaled.

“Immediately cancel the contractual relationship with the hell god dog, and leave it, then you can safely leave here!”

Reaching out for the black puppies of Ai Haohuai, Yu Haoran uttered requirements specifically for him.

Qiu Gang Fang Qing Mo Mo Ke


Without the slightest hesitation, A Yihao directly shook his head and refused.

“Prince Consort, Hell God Dog is an accompany beast of my Underworld Imperial Family’s descendants, a partner and brother who grew up with me from an early age, and the strongest help I will have in the future in Paragon Realm. I will never give up Partners and brother. “

“That being the case, then return to Death God’s arms with the Hell Dog!”

When Hao Hao flatly refused to leave the Hell God Dog’s request, Yu Haoran slowly raised his arm to give the other side the final sentence.

Of course, in the absence of Tower Spirit controlling the fleshhy body, the fate just now is just a means of scaring.

However, Yu Haoran believes that A Yihao, who is greedy for fear of death, will eventually agree to the request he just made.

And things went just as he guessed.

When his outstretched finger was just aimed at Ao Hao, his eyes showed endless fear expression, and Ao Hao quickly went out loudly.

“Master Prince Consort, stop, I promise!”

When he heard that Ayao Hao agreed to cancel the contract of beast pet, he crawled in the eyes of the hell god dog in his arms, showing a bleak expression.

“Jun Jie is known for his time affairs. It seems that His Royal Highness is indeed a reasonable person!” Yu Haoran slowly lowered his arms when he heard Ah Ye Hao’s request to hand over the hell god dog, and his face smiled with satisfaction. Praised.

Ignoring Yu Haoran’s compliment, Ah Min Hao looked down at Huai’s black puppy with a strong expression of perseverance.

Three seconds later, after the reluctant expression was resolutely replaced, A Yihao bit his tongue and spit out a blood essence, and then began to exhibit the secret art of canceling the beast pet contract.


With the drunken sound of Ai Hao, a blood-red mark floated from the forehead of the hell god dog, and it broke directly from time to time.

At the moment the blood-red mark broke, the body of the black puppy quickly became large, and soon became a giant ferocious dog with a height of more than 100 meters and a length of nearly 300 meters.


Eyes revealed a reluctant look at A Yihao, watching the red mark broken in half, the hell god dog Yang Tian made a continuous whine.


Looking at the perseverance of the Hell God Dog’s eyes, listening to the groaning sound of the Hell God Dog, A Yihao slowly closed his eyes, then reached out and pointed at the broken mark, and lightly shouted.

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