Qinghu mountain range!

“Bang! Bang! Bang …!”

With the side of Qinghu mountain range, the sound of hard objects constantly sounded, and everyone who was planning to escape through tearing the void found that the void of the entire Qinghu mountain range had been completely sealed, and it was impossible to use the method of tearing the void. escape.

The experienced people did not hesitate, and immediately mobilized the mysterious rule of assisting to increase the speed, and rushed to the periphery of the Qinghu mountain range at lightning speed.

But at this time, the indifferent voice of Yu Haoran’s regular power when he beheaded the seven powerhouses of the Guardian Family came from behind him.

Cold Ball Science

The ship’s cold-ball science team, who is based on the tactics of Fang Qiu, Qiu Fengqing, and the two beasts of the four who slammed into the hood suddenly blasted into the mountain range, and was directly re-bounced back to the Qinghu mountain range by the strong rebound force.

The enemy is not far away, and Ke Yang is alone.

“Death cut!”

Along with Tower Spirit’s frosty voice, Nalan Purple Marriage in Sanssouci Valley was eliminated on the site, the ancient Hades and the Hell God Dog, the divine son of the ancient Divine Race, and the demon monster of the ancient Demon Race. The black Divine Dragon of the ancient Monster Race did not encounter the martial skill attack created by the rules of destiny, and all the remaining people were hit by the rule force without exception.

By guarding the death of the family ’s seven and a half paragon powerhouses, all powerhouses who were struck by regular forces knew in their hearts that hard pleadings were useless at all.

If you want to survive, you can only help yourself.

Therefore, they sat down with their knees bent, and took out a large number of top-level medicine pill and rare treasures from the self-developed independent space, and began to fight against the regular power within the body.

“Bang! Bang! Bang …!”

The two beasts of four who had not been attacked by regular forces, when they rushed to the edge of Qinghu mountain range excitedly, forcibly hit a layer of invisible hood.

Accompanying the mountain range, the sound of a violent collision sounded, and the two beasts of the four who slammed into the hood were directly rebounded back to the Qing Lake mountain range by the strong rebound force.

“If you don’t want to be immediately attacked by the death-cutting martial skill, then come back to me obediently!”

When the four beasts of the four were dazzled by the strong rebound, Yu Haoran’s indifferent warning and threatening sound suddenly came to his ears.

Neither opponent nor escape, so after hearing the warnings and threats from Yu Haoran, the four two beasts eventually returned obediently to the Qinghu side, and then watched those who were killed by the martial skill cut by death.

The powerhouse of the seven Valkyrie Grade 9 Peak Realm was too late to take the top medicine pill just taken out, because it could not bear the damage of the death cut to the fleshhy body and Divine Soul, and it quickly turned into endless ashes, which were sprinkled on the mountain range and lake.

Sorry to hate Ke Buqi

The nine powerhouses in the Paragon Realm realm, although there is time to take the medicine pill taken out, but the medicine pill is not able to catch up with the strength of the strength improvement and recovery, and ultimately cuts the speed of hurting the fleshhy body and Divine Soul. In three to five seconds, they turned into endless ashes.

Only the young beauty from Wuyou Valley, with the help of the training base of the Paragon Early-Stage, powerful mysterious secret technique, and the assistance of a large number of top-level medicine pills, can temporarily confront the power of the rules.


But from her black and beautiful hair gradually began to pale, and the delicate white skin gradually dried up, the two beasts of the four knew very well that she couldn’t hold it for long.

“Prince Consort, when you broke through the realm of Pill Dao Pill Emperor and Formation Dao, you were responsible for monitoring the three destroyers of Heavenly Profound Continent. I once sent a killer to assassinate you. I was eventually brought to you by someone. Intercepted halfway. “

After seeing that the family elder could at any time take away the martial skills that can be condensed by the rules, Nalan Purple Wedding took a step forward and asked after a short consideration.

“So, I hope you can see Ziyin’s helping hand, forgive Yi Shuang Old Ancestor’s sin, and give her a life for atonement.”

After hearing Nalan’s request, Tower Spirit flashed a hesitant expression.

Because he can both see the truth of the facts that Nalan Purple Wedding just told, and know that the arrogant three extinct spirits can do this kind of thing.

However, the reason why Na Lanyi Shuang shot just now is because he obeyed Yu Haoran’s orders. Therefore, Tower Spirit still intends to seek his opinion on whether to forgive Nalan Yishuang in the end.

The post-operative science is not far away

When Tower Spirit wanted to speak for comments, Yu Haioran suddenly heard a voice from Yu Haioran.

“Okay!” Since Yu Haoran is willing to let Nalan Yishuang go, Tower Spirit certainly won’t have any nodded consent.

Then, he stretched out a finger to Nalan Yi and said softly.


With the spirit of Tower Spirit, a shallow purple energy flew out of Na Lan Yishuang’s within the body, and then re-isolated into the fingers of Tower Spirit.

“many thanks !”

The luck and joy of being reborn after the disaster made Nalan Yi too late to make up for the lost life strength and restore her old appearance. She quickly got up and thanked Yu Haoran.

In this regard, Tower Spirit was just indifferent nodded, and then set his sights on Yu Siqi, who was hitting Valkyrie Grade 9 Peak Realm, and asked Yu Haoran why he did not kill the two beasts for the time being.

Facing Tower Spirit’s questioning, Yu Haoran temporarily stopped Divine Soul’s healing, expressing a complex sigh.

“Tower Spirit, I want to return to the Hundred Chi Sect in the Southern Territory with the Prince Consort and the thousand thousand soldiers.”

Hate and learn not to hate the stars

Using the secret technique of the memory tablet of the destiny stone tablet, he briefly possessed the strength of the Paragon Peak Realm, and used the power of the fate rule of the stone tablet. He discovered that the entire Heavenly Profound Continent’s luck and the destiny of all living things have not only been It is in a state of slow flow, and the source of most of the confluence of air transportation and fate seems to come from the mountain range where Hundred Chi Sect is located in the southern region.

Think of the birthplace of the destiny stone tablet and the mortal soul rat, and think of the soaring * after reincarnation, all in the mountain range where Hundred Chi Sect is located.

Yu Haoran has a very strong feeling in his heart. I feel that whether I can complete the profound accumulation of Valkyrie Ten Pins and whether I can successfully advance to the non-existent Paragon Realm world, the key lies in the mountain range where Hundred Chi Sect and Hundred Chi Sect are located.

Even if it can successfully win the first line opportunity of immeasurable robbery in the future, and then use the first line opportunity to impact the hope of Immortal Divinity Realm, it seems that it is also in the mountain range where Hundred Chi Sect is located.

Therefore, when Tower Spirit was about to kill everyone at the scene, he actively requested that Tower Spirit temporarily let go of Nalan Purple Wedding in Sanssouci Valley, the black Divine Dragon of the ancient Monster Race, the god of the ancient Divine Race, and the ancient Demon Race devil.

Because he needs to threaten death to force these people to sign a contract with him that will never violate the mountain range where Hundred Chi Sect and Hundred Chi Sect are located, so as to ensure the security of the Hundred Chi Sect and Prince Consort mansion.

As for Hao Hao, who has temporarily let go of the ancient Hades, he wants to get the hell god dog he holds, to cooperate with Yuan Tu Divine Sword to display the memory of the destiny stone tablet, inheritance Sword Art.

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