Zhongli Family, in the hall!

Not far away from the post

Looking at the intense desire that came out of the eyes of Chiren Beast and the gibbons, and listening to the introduction of the three monster statues by Yu Beibei, Yu Haoran gradually guessed the real intention and means of Zhong Limingjing’s gift. Mobile terminal

I’m afraid he wants to further consolidate the relationship between him and his relatives and friends around him, so as to open up countless robberies in the future and get his full protection.

Although Zhong Liming’s intention and method is to plot against himself, both the starting point and the final result are good, and at the same time it can prevent the other party from contacting the Paragon ancestors who are far away in the void in a short time.

Therefore, he neither directly said the other party’s intentions, but also accepted the other party’s flattering methods with peace of mind.

After thinking about all this, Yu Haoran took the jade box from Zhong Limingjing’s hand, and threw two of its demon statue stones to the red hated beast and the gibbons, and the remaining demon statue stone was given to beast pet space, just broke through the top state-of-the-art black bear.

After all, Bloodline, the ancestor of the black bear within the body inheritance, was not lost to the Red-Beasted Beast and the Gibbon.

The most technically unique place in the world

As for Rain Dragon and Zulong, since their Bloodline within the body belongs to the ancestor level, they ca n’t use Blood of the Demon to achieve the sublimation of Bloodline.

After Yu Haoran assigned the ownership of three monsters, Zhong Limingjing turned his head and nodded to the sixth peerless beauty holding a jade box.

The academic is not the most affectionate and cool, and soon after the good luck

“This is the Relic rosary for Buddhist monks!”

Ship academic is not the most affectionate and cool Momo early Ji “en!”

When seeing the fourth jade box opened by Zhong Limingjing, there is a stone bead exuding a faint golden rays of light, giving a peaceful and peaceful atmosphere, a piece of destiny stone tablet memory inheritance information immediately appeared in my mind. Let Yu Haoran horse recognize the origin of the stone beads.

Sun Shushu Branch Yuanxing’s only ghost

“Yes, it is the Relic rosary left before the Buddhist monk died during meditation!”

While nodded confirmed the origin of Shizhu, Zhong Limingjing’s tone of further explanation revealed a bit of perseverance.

“Also, the owner of this Relic rosary is the Subhuti Buddha, who was known as Buddhism in ancient times.”

“The Subhuti Buddha is not only the non-existence of the Martial Dao Paragon Realm, but also the Paragon powerhouse that controls the mystery of the trapped fruit law. Therefore, the Relic rosary he left behind can greatly enhance the cultivation base of the mind, while also maintaining the original. The heart does not lose itself. “

After hearing Zhong Limingjing’s detailed introduction to the origin and efficacy of the Relic rosary, Yu Haoran’s expression shook slightly, and a grateful expression came into his eyes.

As the paragon peak level of too forgetfulness, it is worth the Magical Artifact of the innate Supreme Treasure level.

The main reason why he was unwilling to let Yu Siqi cultivate was that he was afraid that she might eventually lose her emotional deprivation, which would eventually lead to strangers or enemies to meet each other.

Although the realm of Yu Siqi’s mind has been promoted to 3rd-layer, and has not completely forgotten the relationship between bloodlines, he is worried that with the cultivation base breakthrough of Yu Siqi, Valkyrie and Paragon Realm may eventually enter the Paragon too Back road, become a cold-blooded person of not recognizing one’s family.

As the Relic rosary left after the sitting of the Subhuti Buddha in the Paragon powerhouse, it can solve her hidden dangers and allow her to fully improve her cultivation base and strength. At the same time, her emotions are not deprived of her mind, so why not let him I feel grateful.

Therefore, after reaching out to take the jade box with Relic rosary, Yu Haoran thanked him while giving his promise within his ability.

“Mingjing Senior, the kindness of Relic Rosary, I will remember it in my heart!”

He could feel the sincerity and gratitude of Yu Haoran’s words of thanks, and he was still a little bit reluctant. He suddenly felt a good value for money, so he smiled and waved his hands.

“Just like Pill God!”

“Sister, when you break through Eternal Undying’s Valkyrie Realm, put Relic Rosary directly in your mouth.”

Using the means of the Origin Force package, the jade box was brought to Yu Siqi, and Yu Haoran expression solemnly warned repeatedly.

“In this case, the Relic rosary will not only keep you from losing your heart because of the transformation of the fleshhy body and Divine Soul, but also forget your loved ones. At the same time, it can greatly improve your mental cultivation base, allowing you to adapt to realm faster. The power of breakthrough. “

Sun Qiu’s Discipline Yuanfeng Cool Mo Mo

Opening his eyes slowly and looking at Yu Haoran, Yu Siqi’s indifferent eyes flashed a tenderness, then he reached for the jade box with Relic rosary, then closed his eyes again and continued to immerse in cultivation.

After seeing Yu Siqi put away the jade box with Relic rosary, Zhong Limingjing continued to signal to the seventh peerless nodded.

Like the first two peerless women, the seventh peerless woman held a jade plate made of a thousand years of Xuanbing in her hands and walked in front of Yu Haoran.

Reaching for a pinch of the red cloth covered with the jade plate, Zhong Limingjing reached out and lifted the red cloth after seeing the breeze watching the jade plate.

“this is…!”

Looking at the jade plate with a special vessel made of nine dragon bodies, Yu Haoran frowned.

Because although he did not know the origin of the treasure that Yupan placed, this treasure gave him a very kind and familiar feeling.

“This is the Divine Fire Hood in Kowloon from the hands of mysterious Taoists in ancient times!”

Get close to the enemy with the hatred

Get close to the enemy and hate the enemy “This is …”

As Yu Haoran tried to remember the origin of the treasure in front of her, a breeze full of surprise sounds came from her ear.

“Qing Senior Brother Feng, do you know the origin of this treasure?” Yu Haoran immediately asked, turning his head.


nodded, walking towards the breeze in front of the jade plate, his eyes exuding surprise and eager expression.

“Ancient Early-Stage was when the Martial Dao and auxiliary path of cultivation flourished. At that time, there were many big shots of the whole ancient period. For example, the ancestors of the Zhongli Family, known as the longest-lived evergreen Paragon, such as Paragon, known as the Holy Lord of Pill Dao, such as Paragon, the first day of the ancient powerhouse, and so on. “

“And in these big big shots, there is a person with a very mysterious origin who is particularly striking.”

“Because this mysterious Taoist is accomplished in the Tao, it is not inferior to the ancient Paragon, who had the first Taoist in ancient times. The success of the Formation Dao is also not lost in the ancient era, which was the first person with the Formation Dao. . “

“More importantly, this mysterious Taoist had fought three times with Paragon, the first powerhouse in ancient times. Not only did he not fall behind, but the last encounter almost destroyed Paragon.”

“So, in the heart of many top powerhouses in the ancient times, that mysterious Taoist was the first real powerhouse in the ancient times, the first person in the ancient times and the first person in the formation Dao in the ancient times.”

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