Zhongli Family, in the hall!

“Please rest assured, I guarantee that these nine girls will never reveal the true identity of Pill God.”

Seeing the breeze and the others’ eyes turned directly to the nine peerless women, knowing that they were worried and so on Zhong Limingjing quickly explained with a smile.

“Because they are puppets without soul and self-awareness, it is also a gift from Zhongli Family to Pill God.”


After hearing Zhong Limingjing ’s explanation, whether it was Shing Feng and Wu Zhengjun and the others who were shocked by the fate ’s identity, or Yu Haoran, who was in a bad mood, his eyes were subconsciously looked towards the nine peerless beauties, and his eyes were unbelievable. expression.

Whether it is the delicate skin that can be broken, or the emotional eyes with affection, the nine beautiful girls in front of them are no different from the real beauty.

The Hidden Moon of Yuan Kegang

Moreover, if they were carefully examined using the divine thoughts, they could not see the slightest appearance of them.

Seeing the expression of doubt expressed by Yu Haoran and the others’ eyes, Zhong Limingjing was not surprised at all, turned his head to the peerless beautiful instructed.

“Orchid, remove the jade pendant from your neck!”

After hearing Zhong Liming’s instructions, the beautiful lady known as the orchid held the tray in one hand and took a pink jade pendant from her neck with the other hand.

At the moment when jade pendant just broke away from the orchid’s neck, the beauty who had been tender and watery immediately erupted into a powerful and imposing manner. At the same time, the bright and bright eyes were immediately replaced by the tyrannical and killing red eyes.

“Meat flesh!”

The ship hated to be so cool

The outburst of the orchid body and the sudden change of eyes made Yu Haoran quickly think of the destiny stone tablet memory inheritance. For the record of puppet surgery, it happened to have a very cruel 傀儡 secret technique, exactly like the state of the orchid in front of him.

“This is the use of living flesh and blood to extract the soul and soul of the soul with 傀儡 secret technique forcibly, refining the meat 儡 that can be used for enjoyment and driving, and also the top 傀儡 which can continue to grow and grow through cultivation.”


After hearing the real origin of the orchid from Yu Haoran, Zhong Liming’s eyes flashed a shock, and nodded confirmed it at the same time, and quickly explained.

After all, making meat puppets with living flesh and blood is a taboo for Heavenly Profound Continent. He doesn’t want Yu Haoran to misunderstand the character of the Zhongli Family.

“This is the period when the Fuxiu Road was flourishing in ancient times. I obtained it from a beheaded Rune Dao Valkyrie powerhouse and kept it in the family’s secret bank.”

After hearing Zhong Limingjing’s explanation, Zhong Li Qingyang, who had been sitting in a wide chair, flashed an expression of envy and longing.

However, when he saw Yu Haoran staring at the peerless beauty, thinking of the Child of Destiny identity just confirmed, the expression of envy and longing was quickly replaced by calmness and indifference.

Yu Haoran looked towards Orchid’s gaze, showing a shocked expression, not because of the cruelty of the meat refining method.

After all, after nearly a century of experience in the previous life, some things he has seen and done with his own hands have refined the meat and meat dozens of times.

It is because the process of refining top-level meat has already involved the overall cultivation system of the Fuxiu Road, which can be used as the basis for Rune Dao’s most complete inheritance.

That is to say, with the nine pieces of flesh close to perfection in front of him, he can not only formally set foot on the road of rune cultivation, but also can impact Rune Dao Rune God’s Peak Realm in a short time.

So, thinking of the nine peerless women mentioned by Zhong Limingjing just now, they will be presented to herself as a gift, and Yu Haoran’s eyes immediately revealed the expression of emotion.

Seeing the unhappiness revealed by Yu Haoran’s eyes was replaced by heartbeats, while Zhong Liming was secretly relieved, knowing that he must continue to win the favor of the other while hot iron, and completely disappear the hidden dangers that he had just ventured and tried.

Therefore, Zhong Limingjing signaled the orchid to bring back the jade pendant that can suppress the tyrannical bloodthirsty character, then turned his head to the fourth beautiful lady nodded holding a jade box.

Then, the fourth peerless woman walked up to Yu Haoran, and then Zhong Limingjing opened the jade box she was holding.

“This is the golden grass of Grade 3 Grade XNUMX!”

When I saw Zhong Liming’s opened jade box, a golden color was placed on it, and the whole body gave a noble and heavy feeling. It was only two inches in length of spiritual grass. Yu Haoran recalled it a little, and then his eyes came out. The shocked expression pointed out the origin and grade of spiritual grass.


The realm that can be promoted to Pill Dao Pill God, in addition to the extraordinary pill concocting ability, monstrous talent level and other Pill Dao innate talents, the familiarity and understanding of different medicine ingredients is also the basis for successful promotion in the end.

Therefore, Yu Haoran was able to recognize the grade and origin of the golden spiritual grass at a glance, and Zhong Liming had no surprise at nodded, and then handed the jade box to him.

Looking up at Zhongli Mingjing and looking down at the jade box in his hand, Yu Haoran thought for a moment. After reaching for the jade box, he reached out to Lu Yuan and explained by directly using the Origin Force package.

“Senior Brother Lu, the golden grass is also known as the sacred sword grass. It can not only improve the attack power of no stronghold one cannot overcome, but also soften the hidden dangers of Kendo. When Valkyrie Realm, use sacred sword grass to completely perfect his kendo. “

“At Junior Brother, thank you!”

Even the ginseng fruit, one of the three spirit roots, can be sent without the slightest hesitation, so in the face of the first-grade Grade 3 golden grass presented by Yu Haoran, Lu Yuan did n’t have too much hesitation. Pass the jade box with golden grass.

The fifth beautiful lady holding the jade box came to Yu Haoran, and Zhong Limingjing continued to reach out to open the jade box, exposing the treasure stored in the jade box.

“this is…!”

Looking at the jade box, there are three cherries the size of which is blood-red and exudes a wicked atmosphere. Yu Haoran squinted his eyes and began to recall carefully, and check the inheritance memory of the destiny stone tablet.

Ship hate to learn far from the post

But the result was nothing!

Because of the inheritance of the destiny stone tablet and his memory, there is no origin of the three special stones in front of him.

Enemy hates the enemy

“Brother Yu, this is the monster stone containing Monster Race Paragon powerhouse blood essence.”

When Yu Haoran was thinking hard about the origin of the three stones of the jade box, the red beast attracted by the evil atmosphere suddenly stood up, while walking towards the jade box, his eyes exuded the expression of desire for expression.

“For the Monster Race among our ancestors Bloodline, the ancestor Bloodstone is not only a Divine Pill that can truly sublimate Bloodline, but also an important means of cultivating its own Bloodline.”

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