The edge of the blood mist mountain range!

After hearing Zhong Limingjing’s sigh, Yu Haoran suddenly felt a strange feeling in her heart. I always felt like I had overlooked important details, but I wanted to do not raise it for a while.

However, when the traction force formed by the black hole completely covered the blood mist mountain range, and devoured the rich blood mist, and the flesh essence of countless strange beasts and evil martial artist, the quantitative changes caused qualitative changes, which eventually led to the rapid expansion of Wu Zhengjun’s body. At that time, Yu Haoran quickly dispelled the strange feelings that came out of her heart, and then expression watched Wu Zhengjun nervously.

Because according to Tower Spirit’s description of the blood phasing physique, when the energy of the pure blood line swallowed by Wu Zhengjun reaches the limit, he will forcibly change his fleshy body, his skeleton, his internal organs, his blood, his Divine Soul, and even Eventually changed his fate and luck.

This change from the inside to the outside is the final stage of the promotion of bloody physique, and it is also the most dangerous time. With a little careless consequences, Wu Zhengjun is likely to end up with a skeleton doesn’t exist.

“Senior brother Yu, what’s wrong with Zhengjun?”

When the promotion of bloody physique reached the most critical moment, Zhong Li Shuiqin, who ended the realm breakthrough, immediately rushed to the edge of the blood mist mountain range.

When she saw Wu Zhengjun, which was inflated like a balloon, she immediately worried and asked.

“Water girl, don’t be nervous, Zheng Jun is going through the process of metaphysical transformation, as long as it is a special physique that can finally …!”

As Yu Haoran turned around to relieve the worrying Zhongli Shuiqin, an explosive roar rang through the sky suddenly came behind him.


Immediately shut up and turned around, Yu Haoran clenched his fists and looked at the mountain range Xiquanfang, a blood river formed after Wu Zhengjun exploded.

“Xiaojun …!” Zhongli Shuiqin, who saw Wu Zhengjun explode in advance, stunned for an unbelievable few seconds, and then screamed exhaustedly.


Zhong Lishuiqin’s screaming and exhausting cries made Yu Haoran, who was already very nervous, even more panicked, so he couldn’t continue to focus attention completely on the blood river and pay attention to the subtle changes in the blood river.

The coolest Momo hate Jiji

The coolest Momo in the sphere of geodesy is the hate ship “Tower Spirit, how is it?”

In desperation, he could only stun her when Zhong Lishuiqin was unprepared, and then sent her to Zhong Li’s hand.

“Tower Spirit, how’s it going?”

Returning to the previous position, Yu Haoran continued to pay attention to the changes in the blood river, and also hurriedly asked the results observed by Tower Spirit.

“So far, everything is normal, and it is developing in a good direction.” Tower Spirit, who is always watching the changes in the blood, replied.

“Tower Spirit, what do I need now?”

After hearing Tower Spirit’s reply, Yu Haoran’s nervousness eased a little, but he didn’t want to just sit back and watch. He wanted to use his own ability to help Wu Zhengjun complete the promotion of bloody physique as soon as possible.

“Yu Haoran, you have already done what you need to do, and the rest can only depend on the good fortune of the kid himself.” Tower Spirit reminded shaking his head.


When Wu Zhengjun used the method of incarnation Blood River to launch a final shock towards the promotion of blood sipphysique, in front of the deep mountain range of the ancient Monster Race, two women suddenly appeared, two with a temperament to confuse sentient beings. Face of coquettish woman.

“Siyan Old Ancestor, according to Xuefeng Old Ancestor’s calculations, the Sealed Heavenly Cycle Star fight of the ancient Monster Race will be completely unsealed in a maximum of two to three days. Why not wait until the day of unsealing at Come? “Looking at the bottomless pit, a peerless woman with a slightly inferior appearance and temperament asked with doubtful expression.

“As overlords who have ruled the ancient continent for billions of years, these ancient Monster Races, which were sealed by the Heavenly Cycle Star battle, not only have a more violent temperament and bloodthirsty, but also retain the arrogance of Only I Am Supreme in the bones. ignorance.”

A stunning woman with better looks and temperament, her eyes lit up with nine-color rays of light, and interrogated.

“Wanru, after the seal of Heavenly Cycle Star fight is broken, do you feel that those powerful Monster Emperor and demon gods will obey our arrangements and orders of Qingqiu Fox Race?”

“Certainly not!”

After a little thought, Su Wanru, who had had a conflict with Yu Haoran in the Hidden Dragon List battle in the Southern Region, shook her head and replied.

“And, in turn, they will rule us Aoyama Fox Race and all the other beasts.”

“So, I need to take advantage of the secret technique in advance to get in touch with the sealed ancestors when the seal of the Heavenly Cycle Star Fight Formula is loose, and to know some of the ancient Monster Race developments in advance, and then decide our Qingqiu Fox Race to The final attitude of the birth of the ancient Monster Race. “

After a brief reply, the peerless woman known as Siyan Old Ancestor stepped forward to a formation flag next to the deep pit, and then sat down with her knees bent.

First, from the independent space she opened up, she took out a formation flag that also exudes a strong strength of Star, and an azure foxtail exuding a strong mysterious atmosphere.

Secondly, she replaced the original formation flag with the formation flag of the Strength of Star, and then used a special secret technique to extract a drop of golden blood from the azure foxtail, and incorporated the golden blood into the formation flag.

Finally, she closed her eyes slowly.

Su Wanru immediately sent out the thought of the Demi-God Peak limit of the three robbers, and was alert to the movement of the mountain range across the mountain to prevent anyone from disturbing Siyan Old Ancestor’s ties to and communication with her ancestors.

The time for contact and conversation was not very long, nor was it less than ten minutes. Siyan Old Ancestor opened her eyes suddenly, her eyes showed expressions without surprise.

“Siyan Old Ancestor, how is the situation of the ancestors?” Seeing Su Siyan, who ended the connection and communication, Su Wanru hurriedly asked.

“Okay, good, totally better than you and I imagine!”

Su Siyan, who could hardly suppress her inner joy, said three words in succession, took a deep breath, and began to introduce the sealed ancestors in detail.

After hearing Su Siyan’s introduction, Su Wanru’s breathing gradually increased, her eyes also exuding joy that could not be suppressed.

“Siyan Old Ancestor, is it that Cang Qiu cares about our Qingqiu Fox Race, which actually allows three ancestors to break through the restriction of Nine Tail, and eventually advances to the non-existent Paragon Realm realm, and there are nine ancestors that break through and rob Paragon of Realm . “

“Wan Ru, do you care about our Qingqiu Fox Race? I do not know Su Siyan, but I know this is the time when Qingqiu Fox Race really rises, and it is the best time to rule Heavenly Profound Continent.”

Cultivation base Su Siyan, who reached Grade 9 Peak, quickly calmed down her inner joy, and began to formulate the next plan based on the information revealed by the ancestors in advance.

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