The edge of the blood mist mountain range!

After seeing Yu Haoran pouring three glittering and translucent from the delicate pill bottle, and exuding a strong aroma of medicine pill, Zhong Liming Jing and Zhong Li Qingyang, which are closest to the medicine pill, couldn’t help feeling good. , Smelled deeply. !

The red annoying beast a little farther away from the medicine pill, and having experienced the Spiritual God sleeping medicinal power in person, reminded the landing element and the others of a sudden change of face.

“Seal your six senses immediately, don’t inhale the aroma of medicine pill!”

After hearing the reminder from the red hated beast, Qingfeng, Yu Siqi, Lu Yuan and the gibbons immediately closed their six consciousness, and quickly hurried away from Yu Haoran.

“this is…!”

Zhong Li Qingyang, who also heard the reminder of the red hated beast, was about to force out the scent of medicine pill that had been inhaled within the body, and the drowsiness that suddenly hit the sea made him yawn, but he was not affected at all. Controlled closed eyes.

And Zhongli Mingjing, who is a cultivation base, is just Zhongli Qingyang who persisted for more than a second, and also yawned into the sleep.

Deep sleep means that the mind is completely in a state of rest. It can neither mobilize the Origin Force and the Divine Force in Dantian, nor control Divine Soul who knows the sea.

If the breeze is not found in time, and the horse uses divine force to hold the sleeping Zhongli Qingyang and Zhongli Mingjing, I am afraid they will fall directly to the jungle on the edge of the blood mist mountain range.

“At Junior Brother, hurry them up!”

Regardless of identity and cultivation base, or the relationship between each other, Yu Haoran just did not promptly remind the Spiritual God to sleep in medicine pill to emit formidable power, which is very rude.

If you do not immediately find a way to relieve the spiritual power of the Spiritual God sleeping pill, and let Zhong Li Qingyang and Zhong Limingjing wake up quickly, I am afraid they will cause their discomfort afterwards, and it will also affect the marriage that is difficult to conclude.

After hearing the unpleasant reminder of the breeze, Yu Haoran smiled and took out a medicine pill with a foul smell, and then used the Origin Force package to pause between the noses of both people.

In less than a second, Zhong Limingjing and Zhong Li Qingyang woke up at the same time.

Qiu Ganggang

Thinking of being unable to resist the invasion of drowsiness, and falling into a state of deep sleep, Zhong Limingjing and Zhong Liqingyang looked towards Yu Haoran’s eyes, showing expressions of terror, fear, and gladness.

Because through their own feelings just now, they know that Yu Haoran has been sympathetic to the Zhongli Family, otherwise, with the melancholy Grade 9 Peak powerhouse that can not resist the sleepy medicine pill, Yu Haoran can kill Zhongli directly. All clansman of the Family.

“Mingjing Senior, Qingyang patriarch, I’m really sorry, Junior is trying to solve the danger hidden in the deep of the blood mist mountain range, and forgot to remind you in time.”

After seeing Zhong Limingjing and Zhongli Qingyang’s fear and rejoicing, Yu Haoran flashed a triumphant expression and quickly apologized.

“it’s okay no problem!”

Facing Yu Haoran’s apology, Zhong Limingjing and Zhong Li Qingyang waved their hands quickly to show that it was okay.

Holding the three Spirit God sleeping pill firmly in the palm of his hand, Yu Haoran gave a nodded gesture to the breeze, and then continued to use the strength of the dual-line strength of Law, which quickly appeared to rely on his own strength to fight against the traction. Five heads of force in front of Divine Beast.

Subsequently, he directly crushed a spiritual god sleeping pill, then used the Origin Force to disperse the medicine pill’s powder, and then rushed to the deepest point of the blood mist mountain range.

Stop at a place where you feel vaguely fatal danger, and then crush the remaining two Spiritual God sleeping medicine pill. After using the Origin Force to disperse the medicine pill’s powder, Yu Haoran flashes back to the edge of the mountain range.


Post-Study Di Yuan Gang Cooler

After the post-doctoral study, Yuan Gang alone and coolly received Fanfan Yuan, “Nothing, nothing!”

Post-scrutiny enemies seal the ghosts

And when he had just returned to the edge of the blood mist mountain range, he had just crushed the position of two medicine pills, and suddenly a deafening roar sounded.

With the deafening roar, a horror that made the whole blood mist mountain range shake, rising quickly from the depths of the mountain range.

“This is the bi-winged flying tiger that has touched the semi-robber Paragon Realm world!” Shouted the horror and familiar roar, which made Qingfeng’s face suddenly change.

Immediately afterwards, he asked Yu Haoran very nervously.

“In Junior Brother, the Spirit God of the first-grade Grade 1 sleeps medicine pill, can it make a beast half-robbed the Paragon Realm world sleep?”

“Yes!” Without any hesitation, Yu Haoran replied with nodded, affirmatively.

At the time, when the Spirit God sleep of Grade 1 was successfully refined, Tower Spirit personally tested the medical power of Spirit God sleep.

Under the dual protection of space-time energy and thirty Primal Chaos Seals, he only persisted for less than three seconds, and fell into a deep sleep because he could not resist the plight of the medicinal power.

Afterwards, based on personal experience, Tower Spirit gave the formidable power of the Grade 1 Spiritual God sleep, which is enough to let all the souls below the paragon realm world fall asleep.

This is also a killing move for Yu Haoran to dare to confront the Zhongli Family.

When Yu Haoran had just given a positive response, the rapid rise in terror suddenly stopped.

Immediately afterwards, the formidable power of horror began to fall rapidly, and eventually completely disappeared deep in the mountain range.

“Zi …!”

Seeing that even the two-winged flying tiger that has touched the semi-robber Paragon Realm world can’t resist the spiritual power of the Spiritual God, and then falls into a deep sleep, and waits for the fate of being eventually swallowed, Zhong Limingjing and Zhong Liqingyang both endure Can’t live sucked in a breath of cold air.

In the absence of Paragon and Paragon Realm, the situation of Heavenly Profound Continent cannot be interrupted temporarily due to the limitation of the Will of Heavens knowledge.

With a secret technique that can weaken the opponent ’s strength, and a medicine pill that can completely put the opponent into a deep sleep, Yu Haoran has shown the means at this time. He already has the strength to dominate the entire Heavenly Profound Continent and has the knowledge of the Will of Heavens. Fight against the sons of fate.

Therefore, after shocking Zhong Liming Jing and Zhong Li Qingyang, they looked at each other and found that their respective eyes flashed a little surprise.

As the first crushed medicine pill came into play, the five-headed Divine Beast that was constantly falling asleep was forcibly dragged into a black hole by force of traction, and then transformed into pure blood energy that was promoted by the blood physique.

And the loss of the five-head Divine Beast obstruction, and the formidable power further enhanced the traction, immediately like a rolling wave, shrouded in the deeper of the blood mist mountain range.

“oh! ”

Looking at the traction force that will envelope the whole blood mist mountain range, and looking at the thick blood mist that is constantly being swallowed up, Zhong Liming can’t help but sigh.

“From now on, the blood mist mountain range will not only officially withdraw from the Heavenly Profound Continent Ten Great Forbidden Land, but it will also completely disappear from the sight of the world.”

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